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Psalms 109

Common Meter: 8,6,8,6
To the chief Musician,
A Psalm of David.
1O thou the God of all my praise,
do thou not hold thy peace;
2For mouths of wicked men to speak
against me do not cease:
The mouths of vile deceitful men
against me open'd be;
And with a false and lying tongue
they have accused me.
3They did beset me round about
with words of hateful spight:
And though to them no cause I gave,
against me they did fight.
4They for my love became my foes,
but I me set to pray.
5Evil for good, hatred for love,
to me they did repay.
6Set thou the wicked over him;
and upon his right hand
Give thou his greatest enemy,
ev'n Satan, leave to stand.
7And when by thee he shall be judg'd,
let him condemned be;
And let his pray'r be turn'd to sin,
when he shall call on thee.
8Few be his days, and in his room
his charge another take.
9His children let be fatherless,
his wife a widow make.
10His children let be vagabonds,
and beg continually;
And from their places desolate
seek bread for their supply.
11Let covetous extortioners
catch all he hath away:
Of all for which he labour'd hath
let strangers make a prey.
12Let there be none to pity him,
let there be none at all
That on his children fatherless
will let his mercy fall.
13Let his posterity from earth
cut off for ever be,
And in the foll'wing age their name
be blotted out by thee.
14Let God his father's wickedness
still to remembrance call;
And never let his mother's sin
be blotted out at all.
15But let them all before the Lord
appear continually,
That he may wholly from the earth
cut off their memory.
16Because he mercy minded not,
but persecuted still
The poor and needy, that he might
the broken-hearted kill.
17As he in cursing pleasure took,
so let it to him fall;
As he delighted not to bless,
so bless him not at all.
18As cursing he like clothes put on,
into his bowels so,
Like water, and into his bones,
like oil, down let it go.
19Like to the garment let it be
which doth himself array,
And for a girdle, wherewith he
is girt about alway.
20From God let this be their reward
that en'mies are to me,
And their reward that speak against
my soul maliciously.
21But do thou, for thine own name's sake,
O God the Lord, for me:
Sith good and sweet thy mercy is,
from trouble set me free.
22For I am poor and indigent,
afflicted sore am I,
My heart within me also is
wounded exceedingly.
23I pass like a declining shade,
am like the locust tost:
24My knees through fasting weaken'd are,
my flesh hath fatness lost.
25I also am a vile reproach
unto them made to be;
And they that did upon me look
did shake their heads at me.
26O do thou help and succour me,
who art my God and Lord:
And, for thy tender mercy's sake,
safety to me afford:
27That thereby they may know that this
is thy almighty hand;
And that thou, Lord, hast done the same,
they may well understand.
28Although they curse with spite, yet, Lord,
bless thou with loving voice:
Let them asham'd be when they rise;
thy servant let rejoice.
29Let thou mine adversaries all
with shame be clothed over;
And let their own confusion
them, as a mantle, cover.
30But as for me, I with my mouth
will greatly praise the Lord;
And I among the multitude
his praises will record.
31For he shall stand at his right hand
who is in poverty,
To save him from all those that would
condemn his soul to die.

Currently Selected:

Psalms 109: MP1650





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