The LORD spoke his word to me, saying: “And you, human, will you judge? Will you judge the city of murderers? Then tell her about all her hateful acts. You are to say: ‘This is what the Lord GOD says: You are a city that kills those who come to live there. You make yourself unclean by making idols. You have become guilty of murder and have become unclean by your idols which you have made. So you have brought your time of punishment near; you have come to the end of your years. That is why I have made you a shame to the nations and why all lands laugh at you. Those near and those far away laugh at you with your bad name, you city full of confusion. “ ‘Jerusalem, see how each ruler of Israel in you has been trying to kill people. The people in you hate their fathers and mothers. They mistreat the foreigners in you and wrong the orphans and widows in you. You hate my holy things and dishonor my Sabbaths. The men in you tell lies to cause the death of others. The people in you eat food offered to idols at the mountain places of worship, and they take part in sexual sins. The men in you have sexual relations with their fathers’ wives and with women who are unclean, during their time of monthly bleeding. One man in you does a hateful act with his neighbor’s wife, while another has shamefully made his daughter-in-law unclean sexually. And another forces his half sister to have sexual relations with him. The people in you take money to kill others. You take unfair interest and profits and make profits by mistreating your neighbor. And you have forgotten me, says the Lord GOD.
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