Matthew 20:18
Bogtag we ye Tefoy
Te tugul solbos le re bela chufengal rumal hare solmol fael mele idey, ngo Ngang ila ibe mel irer.”
Explore Matthew 18:20
Matthew 19:18
“Ngo ibe wol kangalugmi tot: te tugul sew yad le rumal hami be sew chog yar luluwal irel sew formel le re mapela, ngo mala Temay woal laeng be fang ngalugmi.
Explore Matthew 18:19
Matthew 2:18-3
Iwe ngo Jesus yesa fesangu semal yalwich sala hasu mo imor, ngo yesa sor bo, “Ibe hatugulu ngalugmi le hare habe te yusuwili wegdegmi habe wochog yalwich, ila ngo ha towe hola mala Lamliyel Laeng.
Explore Matthew 18:2-3
Matthew 4:18
Yeramtala ye hartael tagiyet mo irel mala Lamliyel Laeng ila yeramtala ye hatetalo sala wochog yalwich le.
Explore Matthew 18:4
Matthew 5:18
Semal le be hakkola ngal semal tappel yalwich ka le fael Ngang, ila ye hakkola ngalyey.
Explore Matthew 18:5
Matthew 18:18
“Ila ibe kangalugmi pangamiloh le: meka ha te hatla mo woal talop, ila towe tal mo woal laeng, ngo mekla ha hatla mo woal talop, ila ye tal mo woal laeng.
Explore Matthew 18:18
Matthew 35:18
Iwe ngo Jesus sa hasiyaloh le ye sor bo, “Be iye sengal le mala Temay wol laeng yebe faor ngal semal mo semal hami, igle te hachuya mo lal yal luluwal mekla, semal bisil ye faor ngali.”
Explore Matthew 18:35
Matthew 6:18
“Hare semal le be wigdi depel semal yalwich ka bo be ppung tangi tugul la yal ngalyey, ngo ye momay le yeramtala be farhadah sedep porow fael mala yuyal re sala ppedaloh llemdaw.
Explore Matthew 18:6
Matthew 12:18
“Meda mele yami luluwal irel semal mal le hare be subguy lol saaf, iwe ngo sa tamel loh semal mo luwulur? Yebe ligdi ila duweg mo duwmal le re momongoy fedal fadil wol tayit, ngo sa loh ye bela meri iwe ye tamel loh.
Explore Matthew 18:12