Markos 16:15
The Orthodox Jewish Bible
And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach said to them, Go into kol haOlam (all the World), and proclaim the Besuras haGeulah to all HaBriah (the Creation).
Explore Markos 16:15
Markos 16:17-18
And these otot (signs) will accompany those that have emunah. BiShmi (In my Name) they will cast out shedim (demons); they will speak with leshonot chadashot (new tongues); And with their hands they will pick up nechashim (snakes); and, if any deadly poison they drink, it will in no way harm them; upon [the] cholim (sick people) they will lay their hands and they will bring them refuah.
Explore Markos 16:17-18
Markos 16:16
The one having had emunah (faith) and having submitted to a tevilah of teshuva (immersion of repentance) will be delivered in the Yeshu'at Eloheinu (Salvation of our G-d), but the one not having emunah will come under the gezar din (verdict) of harshaah (condemnation as guilty).
Explore Markos 16:16
Markos 16:20
And those having gone forth preached the Hachrazah (Proclamation, Kerygma) everywhere, [while] Adonoi was working with them, confirming the Besuras HaGeulah through the accompanying otot (signs). Omein.
Explore Markos 16:20
Markos 16:6
But he says to them, Do not be alarmed. You seek Yehoshua/Yeshua from Natzeret, who has been made talui al HaEtz (being hanged on the Tree). He has been made to stand up alive. He is not here. Hinei the place where they laid him.
Explore Markos 16:6
Markos 16:4-5
And having looked up they observe that the stone, which was extremely large, had already been rolled aside! And having entered into the kever, they saw a young man enrobed in white, sitting on the right side, and they were shocked with astonishment.
Explore Markos 16:4-5