Mattityahu 21:22
The Orthodox Jewish Bible
And, when you daven, all things whatever for which you may make techinnah (petition, supplication) with emunah, you will receive.
Explore Mattityahu 21:22
Mattityahu 21:21
And he said in reply, Omein, I say to you, if you have emunah and do not doubt, not only will you do what was done to the etz teenah, but also if you say to this mountain, Be lifted up and be thrown into the sea, it will happen.
Explore Mattityahu 21:21
Mattityahu 21:9
And the multitudes going before him and the multitudes following after him were crying out, saying, HOSHAN NAH (Save now) to Ben Dovid! BARUCH HABAH B'SHEM ADONOI! Hoshannah in the Highest!
Explore Mattityahu 21:9
Mattityahu 21:13
And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, It has been written, BEITI BEIT TEFILLAH YIKAREI (My House shall be called a House of Prayer), but you are making it into a MEARAT PARITZIM (den of robbers).
Explore Mattityahu 21:13
Mattityahu 21:5
IMRU LBAT TZIYON! (Tell the Daughter of Zion!) Hinei! Your Melech comes, ANI VROCHEV AL CHAMOR VAL AYIR BEN ATONOT (poor, humble and riding on a donkey and upon a colt, the foal of donkeys).
Explore Mattityahu 21:5
Mattityahu 21:42
Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach says to them, Have you never heard in the Kitvei Hakodesh (Holy Scriptures), EVEN MAASU HABONIM HAYTAH LEROSH PINAH; MEIES HASHEM HAYTAH ZOT HI NIFLAT BEINEINU (The Stone which the Builders rejected, this one has become Head of the Corner; this came about from the L-rd, and it is marvelous in our eyes)?
Explore Mattityahu 21:42
Mattityahu 21:43
For this reason, I say to you, the Malchut HASHEM will be taken from you and it will be given to a people that produces its pri.
Explore Mattityahu 21:43