Yeshayah 6:8
The Orthodox Jewish Bible
Also I heard the voice of Adonoi, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then said I, Hineini; send me.
Explore Yeshayah 6:8
Yeshayah 6:3
And one cried unto another, and said, Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh, is HASHEM Tzva'os; kol ha'aretz is full of His kavod.
Explore Yeshayah 6:3
Yeshayah 6:5
Then said I, Oy (Woe) is me! For I am undone; because I am a man of unclean lips, and I dwell in the midst of a people of unclean lips; for mine eyes have seen HaMelech, HASHEM Tzva'os.
Explore Yeshayah 6:5
Yeshayah 6:1
In the year that the Melech Uziyah died, I saw Adonoi sitting upon a kisse, high and lifted up, and His robe filled the Heikhal.
Explore Yeshayah 6:1
Yeshayah 6:7
And he laid it upon my mouth, and said, Hinei, this hath touched thy lips; and thine avon (iniquity) is taken away, and kapporah is made for the purging of thy chattat (sin).
Explore Yeshayah 6:7
Yeshayah 6:2
Above Him stood ministering the seraphim; each one had six wings: with two he covered his face, with two he covered his feet, and with two he did fly.
Explore Yeshayah 6:2
Yeshayah 6:6
Then flew one of the seraphim unto me, having a live coal in his yad, which he had taken with the tongs from off the Mizbe'ach
Explore Yeshayah 6:6
Yeshayah 6:9
And He said, Go, and tell this people: Hear ye indeed, but understand not; and see indeed, but perceive not.
Explore Yeshayah 6:9
Yeshayah 6:10
Make the lev HaAm hazeh stubborn, and make their ears stopped up, their eyes heavy; lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their lev. And have a spiritual turnaround conversion, and be healed.
Explore Yeshayah 6:10