Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Romans 16:2

Remembered for Good: Four Qualities of a Woman
4 Days
What women made an impact on Paul? In this devotional based on Romans 16, Pastor Gregg Matte highlights the women in Paul’s farewell address to the church in Rome. They who displayed a servant’s heart, hard work, a mother’s love, and more. These women honored Christ through their actions and set an example for us to follow.

Strong Like Woman
5 days
The healthcare industry is no exception to the division between men and women. Women often find themselves in the back seat unsure of how to move forward into leadership. This study is to encourage, inspire and empower women to see themselves as strong, worthy leaders and own their God-given abilities, gifts and talents. This study was written by women in the healthcare industry, for women in the healthcare industry.

Mere Christians of the Bible
5 Days
You’re not a pastor or donor-supported missionary, but a “mere Christian” who works as an entrepreneur, barista, or programmer. In this five-day reading plan, we’ll explore the lives of some mere Christians in the Bible and what they can teach us about our own work today.

Sweet Tea For The Soul: Devotions To Comfort The Heart
7 Days
Sometimes all you need is a little reminder of what's most important. This 7-day plan features truthful and whimsical reflections on what truly matters. Each devotion will bring your heart to a quiet, slowed-down pace and be a reminder of God's calming, down-home peace in the midst of your busy life.

7 Days
Discover transformative truths in "Romans: A 7-Day Devotional" by Nathan Finochio. Each day explores key themes from the book of Romans, such as the explosive power of the Gospel, the reality of justification, freedom from sin, living by the Spirit, God’s sovereignty, practical living out the Gospel, and embracing unity.

Creating a Culture of Gospel Multiplication // Gospel X - Multiplying the Gospel
7 Days
Jesus left the church the vision of a movement when he challenged us to reproduce from our own Jerusalem into “Judea, Samaria and the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8). For us to see a movement, we need every Christ follower to adopt Jesus' personal mission to “seek and save the lost.” (Luke 19:10). Evangelism is core to the mission of Jesus and essential to accomplishing his vision. This plan is part of a 5-week journey on the topic of Gospel X - Multiplying the gospel.

Summoned: Answering a Call to the Impossible
10 Days
Brokenness is everywhere and has touched everything. As women, we often feel lost and overwhelmed in seasons of waiting or in times of longing. We remained chained to the past or poor choices. However, it is time for us to reclaim our identity in the God of Heaven and walk in faith with Him by studying His word, specifically now the in book of Esther.

Loving Your Neighbor as Yourself
13 Days
One of the best-known commandments in the Bible is to love your neighbor. Jesus even says this is the most important command, next to loving God. But who is our ‘neighbor’ and what does it mean to ‘love’ him? In this Reading Plan, we will read some of Jesus’ teachings and some real-life examples.

Romans: Theology for Everybody (12-16)
13 Days
In this 13-day plan, you will study Romans 12-16 in an applicable, practical way that makes complicated theology accessible for everybody, whether you’re just curious about the Bible, a new believer, or a long-time follower of Jesus. We pray that God will speak to you through it.

Awake Sydney
14 Days
The Awake Sydney Prayer Summit, held on March 3rd 2018, coordinated by Ps Sean Nolan from the Christian Community Churches, was a joint partnership between the listed churches and Christian organisations: Inspiring Hope, Baptist Union, Australian Christian Churches, Salvation Army, Adventists, McCrindle Research, Churches of Christ, Sydney Presbyterian, C3, Bible Society, Centre for Public Christianity, Sydney Anglican, Hillsong Church, Christian Community Churches.

Beautifully Surrendered: God's Heart for His Daughters
14 Days
We believe once we become Christians, our lives will suddenly be easy. God did not promise us a life free from pain or for any women we read about in the Bible, like Mary, Hannah, and Esther. Each had to walk through pain and live her life by faith rather than by sight. Each had to choose to trust God when she didn’t understand.

Unsung Heroes of the Bible
14 Days
Dive into the stories of 14 overlooked and unsung heroes of the bible. Find out what makes them a hero and what you can take away and apply to your life.

A Grace-Shaped Life: Romans 9-16
16 Days
Your life is shaped by many things - your values, relationships, and the circumstances of your life. But what about God's grace? In the book of Romans, Paul offers advice and encouragement about that grace and how it should shape our lives. In this 16 day series, Jon Opgenorth will take you through Romans 9-16 and think about what a grace-shaped life looks like.

Justification: A Study in Romans
16 Days
Considered one of the most theologically rich books of the New Testament, Romans is a treatise on the theology of salvation. Beginning with the hopelessness of our sin-filled state, Paul shows how God provides righteousness to His people through Jesus Christ. In Romans, we are reminded that justification does not come from status or moral achievement but from belief in the substitutionary death and glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ.

16 Days
This plan offers a 16-day journey through the book of Romans, making it ideal for individual and group study.

21-Day Plan for Busy Women: A Rich and Satisfying Life
21 Days
If "juggling," "multi-tasking", or "harried" are the words that describe your days, this plan might be just what you are looking for. The Bible records these words of Jesus, "My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life." (John 10:10NLT). By exploring the lives of some famous and some not-so-famous women of the Bible, you'll gain insight and tools to trade your "just-get-through-it life" for the "rich and satisfying life" Jesus promised.

Women of the Bible
30 Days
Eve and Mary may be the most well-known in Scripture, but the Bible is chock-full of women with rich character, bold faith, and powerful testimonies. Join us as we briefly study 30 “Women of the Bible” and learn about the ways God used them, sustained them, emboldened them, and provided for them. Women have been a part of God’s plan from the Garden of Eden until the present day. We pray your faith is encouraged and strengthened by spending some time getting to know these women’s accounts.

Abba, Father - Romans
30 Days
When Paul wrote this magnificent letter, Rome was the cultural centre of the world, boasting advancements like sturdy roads and a common language. Roman citizens were able to travel and communicate like never before. To this audience, Paul delivered the most comprehensive expression of the gospel ever given in Scripture, including the relationship we have with our Heavenly Father. Join us as we read through the scriptures together.

Deeper Into Scripture: Romans
31 Days
Deeper into Scripture is a methodology of scripture reading that instructs, encourages and equips people to read God’s Word daily and deeply. To accomplish this we have created a unique four-fold method of bible reading that directs the individual to read a short passage of scripture four times. Each reading is done with a different question, instruction or objective to be considered. This repetitive reading and instruction takes us deeply into the Word of God and draws us closer to Him.