Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 92

Flourishing in the House of the Lord - a Daily Devotional
3 Days
For some, the idea of 'church' can bring up negative emotions and opinions. But can church have a positive role to play, not just in society, but in your life? As challenging as church can sometimes seem, God’s desire is that you flourish in the house of the Lord. Join Author Berni Dymet and open God’s Word to discover what church is truly meant to be.

Psalms: Songs of Thanksgiving
5 Days
In this five-day devotional, we'll examine the thanksgiving psalms. Together, we'll study Psalm 92, 95, 100, 103, and 111.

A Heart at Rest
9 Days
In motherhood, can we find relief from the pressures and anxieties we so often carry? The Psalms lead our weary hearts to find abiding rest in God.

This Is How We Build A Nation
10 Days
We believe that we can build church in a way that helps build the nation. Join us as we focus on PRAYER, UNITY and GENEROSITY – believing for God to do something significant in your life, in your city and in the nation.

Psalms Book 4 (Psalms 90-106)
11 Days
The 150 Psalms are arranged in five collections, or ‘books.’ The fourth book of Psalms contains 17 Psalms, Psalms 90-106, arranged in a sequence called a ‘Chiasm,’ a literary structure that Jewish authors occasionally used to present their material. The message of these psalms is presented not only through each individual psalm but also through engaging with the development of ideas and truths through the sequence of the psalms and their ‘partner-opposites’.

Psalms IV
18 Days
Psalms is the Bible’s most beloved book, and here in Book IV we find some of the most praise-filled, joy-packed passages in all of Scripture! Join Through the Word’s Kris, Peyton, and Melanie for insight, explanation and fascinating back story as we trek together through Psalms 90-106. You’ll understand every chapter in just ten minutes a day as the Bible’s songbook leads us out of darkness and into jubilant praise.

God's Road Map for Life | Following the Guidance of God
19 Days
The Psalms are actually five books in one. Each section of the Psalms connects to one of the first five books of Scripture and holds a special emphasis. Join Scott Pauley as he points us to the only One who can guide our lives. This study walks the Numbers Psalms (Psalms 90-106) and teaches us how to follow the guidance of God.

Psalms Book 4: Songs of Exile | Video Devotional
19 Days
This 19-day plan will walk you through Book 4 of Psalms by reading a psalm every day. Each day is accompanied by a short video that explains what you're reading and how it's all about Jesus. In this plan, you'll learn about God's eternal power and kingship and how his love is greater than our rebellion.

Thrive: A Journey Through the Psalms
28 Days
This four-week study gives an overview of four types of Psalms. (Thanksgiving, Lament, Praise, and Wisdom) Each week you will explore how to draw closer to God while learning to express your praise and faith through reading and praying through the book of Psalms.

Daily Bible Reading— November 2024, God’s Guiding Word: Praise and Thanksgiving
30 Days
Daily Bible reading helps you build consistent interaction with Scripture. Background, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers prompted by the day's passage will all help you connect with God and others. Journey with us this month and explore the theme “God’s Guiding Word: Praise and Thanksgiving"

Reading With the People of God - #4 Comfort
31 Days
This is the fourth part of a reading plan through the Bible following the lectionary pattern of reading in the Psalms, Old Testament, and New Testament each day. In addition, this part of the plan will also focus on our only comfort in life and death from questions 1 & 2 of the Heidelberg Catechism.

Reading With the People of God #8 Peace
31 Days
Fear touches every life—whether through childhood worries, family anxieties, or mistakes we try to avoid. But Advent invites us to hope for a new reality ruled by peace, not fear. The Son of God entered our broken world to comfort us, overcome fear, and bring lasting peace. May His gospel of peace fill your heart throughout this Advent season! This month’s reading plan follows the lectionary pattern with daily passages from the Psalms, Old Testament, and New Testament, accompanied by Advent devotionals in partnership with on the theme of Peace.