Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 91:8

When I Am Afraid
3 Days
Share this College Devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful, wisdom-packed Devotional. When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. Don’t rely on your resources. Don’t rely on your intellect. Don’t rely on your net worth. Those things are temporal. Choose to trust in a Savior who holds eternity in His Hands. Surrender to Christ as you read this heart-transforming message.

And The Light Shineth In Darkness
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in the life-transforming devotional. You were sent by God to let His Light shine through you in dark places. Choose to let God’s Light radiate in everything that you both say and do. Let His Light shine through your countenance and communication. Let His Light be revealed through your work and through your character. Let God lead your heart as you read this timely message.

God’s Got This: Devotions of Courageous Faith
3 Days
We want to feel the comfort of God but with so much uncertainty in the world, how do we trust in Him? In this plan adapted from God's Got This, Heidi Baker recounts two extraordinary true stories of courageous believers who fixed their eyes on Jesus and never gave up. She also shares a story of how she learned that it is okay to ask God for personal blessings.

Seasons of Growth: Nurturing Your Faith Through Change
3 Days
Welcome to your new season! We designed this Bible plan to explore the various seasons of life and how they impact our faith journey. Let's learn how to embrace change, overcome challenges, and nurture a resilient faith through every season!

Verified by God, Not Social Media
4 Days
Social media may require us to prove our worthiness in order to become verified, but God already knows who we are and that we are worthy of His love - no verification required! Who verified you? God or social media?

Music: Scripture Songs of Healing (Part II)
4 Days
Project of Love is the Bible in song. This plan contains four beautiful bible songs about healing. All words are 100% scripture put to song. One chapter, one song every day. Project of Love has the mission to put all books of the Bible to song. Hear & proclaim the amazing Words of the Father sung to and over you - Words of Life, sung to life!

The Place of Prayer in a Christian School
4 Days
In this 4-day devotional, Adun Akinyemiju, Director of the Association of Christian Schools International (Africa), shares the importance of prayer in Christian education. Rooted in Mark 10:13-16, the plan emphasizes Christian schools as vital to God’s kingdom agenda. Through prayer, we align with God’s will, opposing darkness and nurturing students who know and love the Lord. Join us as we seek God's guidance and strength to fulfill His mission through Christian education.

Remembering All God Has Done
5 Days
It's our natural tendency to look to the future, but we should never forget the past. This plan is designed for you over a 5-day period to remember all that God has done in shaping you into the person you are today. Each day, you will get a Bible reading and a brief devotional designed the help you remember the key events of your walk with Christ. For more content, check out

5 Days
Compelled to live a life of dedication to the Lord, this five-day devotional is designed to encourage us in this uncommon life, while setting our hearts free at the same time.

5 Days – An Introduction To Reading The Bible
5 days
The Bible is the most powerful book that has ever been written. Studying it illuminates our minds, feeds our souls, changes our lives, and most importantly, helps us get to know God. Adapted from the devotional, 30 Days by Nicky Gumbel, this 5-day plan is designed to help those who want to start reading the Bible by giving them a practical introduction to passages from the Old and New Testaments.

Becoming Fosters: Brokenness And Belonging
5 days
This plan was created for those who may consider Becoming Fosters, those who have recently started their journey, and those deep in the weeds of foster care. This plan is a real-life glance into the spiritual battle of a real foster family and Biblical truths they cling to. This plan will provide you with deep truth, fill you with compassion, and leave you feeling motivated to make an impact.

Hope During A Global Pandemic
5 Days
These are unprecedented times for those of us who are alive on planet earth at this moment. Historically, we can find hope if we turn to the One who made it all and is Lord of all. What does the Bible say about why these things happen, what is God’s response to it, and what is my hope in life and death?

Psalm 91 Devotional: Restoring Our View of God
5 Days
Our view of God will determine our relationship with God. What is the right way to view God during difficult times? Psalm 91 reveals essential traits about God that strengthen believers during a crisis. Join us in this 5-day devotional as we discover what God is like.

Is Healing the Will of God?
5 Days
In this plan Pastor Sarat Yellasiri unfolds Scripture to bring you clarity and assurance about Biblical promises for healing. There has been much confusion about sickness and healing. This Bible plan aims to bring sharpness and clarity to your heart so that you can walk in the fullness of the promise with no doubt whatsoever. Learn to stand boldly and confidently in the Word of God.

Under the Shadow
5 Days
Under the Shadow is a 5-day devotional by Chris Mendez, pastor of Hillsong Latin America. This devotional is designed to give you hope in the middle of challenging and difficult times.

Freedom From Fear, Part 3
5 Days
Fear is NOT your friend. Fear invites all types of EVIL into your life. Ask Job (Job 3:25). It’s NOT your Father’s plan for you. Meditating or thinking about truths in God’s plan for you will dislodge and dissolve fear-filled thoughts -replacing them with new thoughts and reality of FREEDOM, SAFETY, and SECURITY. Nope – we’re not making this up. That’s what your Lord Jesus says in John 15:7.

UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness Years
5 Days
Many of us can relate to being in the wilderness. Some have lived short seasons, while others have spent a large portion of their lives in the wilderness. Being in the wilderness does not mean you are lost. Sometimes we are not ready for the promises God has planned for us. We must come in close relationship with Him so that we may learn His will for our lives.

Living Unbroken: Reclaiming Your Life and Heart After Divorce
5 Days
This reading plan by Tracie Miles takes a deep dive into understanding and overcoming the emotional toll divorce, separation, and the loss of a serious long-term relationship has on a woman’s well-being. Tracie Miles leads women on a powerful, life-changing journey that provides much-needed hope, encouragement, and practical guidance for living their best life even if it’s not the life they once imagined.

Heart Songs: Week Four | Safe and Sound (Psalm 91)
5 Days
Learn how to trust God through times of battle and triumph. In this five-day reading plan, Lenya Heitzig guides you through Psalm 91 to describe how you can fully depend on God through every season of life.

Back to School Prayers
5 Days
As a new school year begins, we can build a firm foundation of prayer for our children and school communities in just a few minutes each day. Back to School Prayers has five days of reminders, Scripture, and prayers to guide you as you pray for the new school year.

Feasting on the Psalms: A Five-Day Devotional Featuring Insights From Charles Spurgeon
5 Days
For generations, the Psalms have been a source of comfort and hope, giving voice to our desire to love God faithfully, our need for his strength, and our longing to see His kingdom come. They are, as C.H. Spurgeon said, a banquet for the soul. In this five-day plan, adapted from "Spurgeon and the Psalms," feast upon select psalms alongside devotional wisdom from "the prince of preachers."

Trapped in a New Body: A Plan for Pre-Teens & Teens
5 Days
Welcome to being a teenager! Join Ashley Lunnon on a 5-day devotional journey to help unlock your trapped mind. With guidance from the Lord, you will find the answers you are looking for. Start today and take back control of your life!

The Sanctuary: A 5-Day Devotional by Sanctuary Worship
5 Days
THERE IS NO ONE LIKE JESUS! There is nothing that could ever take His place. With question marks all around, He is the answer. Sickness? Weakness? Lack? Loneliness? Abandonment? There is an answer! In the presence of the Lord is FULLNESS. Join 5 Members of Sanctuary Worship as they share their life-changing experiences with God. Be encouraged to share your own experiences as you start this 5-day plan.

5 Things You Can Expect From God
5 Days
God gives us promises in His Word. And He keeps His promises! So when He reveals something in the Bible that belongs to you in Christ, you should expect to see it manifest in your life. We call that faith. Faith is expecting to see what God has promised! This is not an exhaustive list, but here are five things you can expect from God when you believe Him:

Untangle Your Emotions
5 Days
Have you ever had a disproportionate emotional response to a situation? In other words, freaked out? It’s hard to feel out of control like that. But God uses our feelings to point us to truths about our hearts and our stories. These devotions will help you see what God might be trying to tell you through the gift of your emotions.