Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Psalms 8

Week 1: Being Human in the Age of AI
3 Days
This is part 1 of 4 in the Feed AI & Being Human series. Explore how the Bible defines what it means to be human, and learn how to navigate an AI-driven world in a way that reflects God’s purpose for your life.

Christianity in a Nutshell
4 Days
Ever been curious about the core beliefs of Christianity but not sure how or where to find out? Join us for a four-day plan where each day we’ll present a two-minute video, some questions to reflect on in response and additional reading suggestions from related Bible passages.

She Reads Truth: 5 Favorites
5 Days
She Reads Truth is an online movement of women committed to reading God’s Word daily and growing in the knowledge of the gospel in our everyday lives. This reading plan is a collection of five of our writers’ favorite SRT devotionals from the past year. We invite you to read along and follow the links at the end of each day to engage in discussion with the She Reads Truth community.

The Ragamuffin Gospel By Brennan Manning
5 Days
The late Brennan Manning wrote his classic The Ragamuffin Gospel for the “bedraggled, beat-up, and burnt-out,” for “anyone who has grown weary and discouraged along the Way.” If that includes you, take a journey toward the grace-filled life with these five daily devotionals.

Shaped for a Purpose
5 Days
Every surfboard is crafted by a skilled shaper for a lifetime of riding waves. In the same way, your life is shaped by a Master Shaper – God Himself– for a divine purpose. Join Christian Surfers International Director, Roy Harley, to learn about who God has made you to be and how to live life to the fullest when you ride all of life’s waves with the One – Jesus.

Life Lessons - Psalms
5 Days
This devotional will discuss things that may bring us to be closer to God. The book of Psalms provides many lessons we can apply in our lives to achieve a life that is in harmony with God.

Real Hope: The Psalms of David
5 Days
King David truly was a ‘hero of the faith’ – the only person mentioned more in scripture than him was Jesus Himself. He was, however, far from perfect. In his life, he was confronted by many challenges, some of his own making, some through no fault of his own, but despite all this, he stayed faithful till the end. In this plan, we’ll explore together five of the psalms David wrote throughout his life. How did King David navigate the seasons of joy, trouble, and the immense difficulty he came across? What insights can we draw from David’s life that could impact our own?

Psalms: Songs of Praise
5 Days
This five-day devotional takes us through powerful songs of the soul that focus on praising the Lord. Together, we'll look at Psalm 8, 40, 98, 145, and 150.

Kari Jobe - Majestic
7 Days
Kari Jobe believes that "when you get down to the very bare bones of worship, it is about us being thankful for the cross and magnifying the name of Jesus above all names". In this 7-Day devotional brought to the Bible App in partnership with The Overflow, Kari shares her heart on the biblical application to 7 songs from her Dove award winning album "MAJESTIC".

Day-by-Day Chronological Reading Plan, a 7-Day Introduction
7 Days
Kick-start your 2022 Bible reading with this 7 day intro to the Day-by-Day Chronological Bible reading plan. Includes introductions, notes, and study questions.

The Bible: A Story That Makes Sense of Life
7 days
Andrew Ollerton, pastor, theologian and author of, "The Bible: A Story That Makes Sense of Life," guides readers through key events in Genesis, revealing how they connect to our deep human need for meaning. Reflection questions follow each day's devotional message.

Waiting With Joy: An Advent Activity Calendar
7 Days
Count down to Christmas with the first seven days of a 26-day Advent Activity Calendar from Words of Hope. Each day includes a Bible reading, devotional, and short activity—acts of service, fun, and reflection to fill your life and others with the joy of our Savior.

7 Prominent Themes of the Psalmists in 7 Days
7 Days
A reading plan/devotional that will build your faith, help you hold on to hope, put your trust in God and give Him thanks in both the highs and lows of life.

See Revival: A 10-day Journey with Geoffrey Golden
10 Days
Awaken to Jesus. Become aware of God’s nearness to you and your access to him in Christ. Join Sunday Best winner, Geoffrey Golden, on this journey through his newest album, "See Revival".

Catchwords - 10 Words That Matter
10 Days
Words matter. Words stay close to your heart. Words guide your steps. In your daily walk with God, what are the catch-words that sustain you?

FIGHT CLUB : The Climb (a journey through Psalms 1-10)
10 Days
We were born to know our creator. To search after God, and to know Him. From the Fight Club team at Passion City Church comes, The Climb, a reading plan through the first 10 Psalms to help you do exactly that. Join us as we begin a new journey of discovering the attributes of God as we fight together for a deeper relationship with Him.

(Not) Seeing and Believing
10 Days
“Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen”, it says in Hebrews 11:1. The Christian faith is largely about things you can’t see with your natural eyes. However, you need not believe blindly. When God opens your spiritual eyes, there is a lot to see! This reading plan covers several Bible verses about blindness, restored sight, (not) seeing, and believing.

The Psalms: Series One
10 Days
In this 10-day devotional, we will begin to unpack the book of Psalms. The Psalms are rich in emotion, struggle, and heart and can teach us a lot about what it means to relate to God from a place of raw, unashamed faith. Each series will delve into 10 of the Psalms, sharing daily lessons, daily inspiration, and daily encouragement.

Psalms With My Father
10 Days
Experience the Psalms in a fresh new way! This narrated devotional provides encouraging insight over original music that injects hope, faith, wisdom, inspiration, and so much more through the Psalms! Rev. Dr. Randolph Bracy Jr. and his son Dr. Randolph Bracy III collaborate to give you a cool way to explore the Psalms to every generation!

Reading The Psalms With Timothy And Kathy Keller
14 Days
The Book of Psalms is known as the Bible's songbook — Jesus knew the psalms intimately, and relied on them to face every situation, including his death. In The Songs of Jesus, renowned pastor and New York Times bestselling author Timothy Keller offers daily inspiration and wisdom from the Book of Psalms. Each day readers will encounter a fresh, inspiring lesson from one of the most beloved books in the Bible. In this sample, you will experience the first fourteen days of the devotional, based on Psalms 1-9. For devotionals on all 150 Psalms, buy Timothy and Kathy Keller’s latest book, The Songs of Jesus: A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms.

Pray Through the Psalms
14 Days
Whether we are feeling happy and grateful or sad and overwhelmed, there is a psalm that can help us connect with God in a meaningful way. Join us as we dive into the psalms and use them to inspire and shape our prayers.

Sleep Psalms: 14 Nightly Moments of Mindfulness & Rest
14 Days
Sleeplessness is a problem for so many in our world today, but peaceful, deep, and restful sleep is possible. Sleep Psalms: Nightly Moments of Mindfulness and Rest will help readers prepare for this restorative sleep, calming their mind and re-centering them on God. Readers will discover deep peace and be reminded that God is in control. He is working for our good even as we sleep.

What the Bible Says About Jesus as the Messiah
20 Days
"The Portraits of Christ" is a compilation taken from different books of the Bible exploring the messianic prophecies of Jesus.

She Reads Truth: Prayer in the Bible
21 Days
She Reads Truth is an online movement of women committed to daily reading and being changed by God's Word. Each day you can follow the links to our She Reads Truth site to interact with other women, share your thoughts and comments, and be encouraged to keep reading! Please feel free to join us on Instagram and Twitter by using the hashtag #SheReadsTruth to share your daily insights!

Pray Like Jesus By Pastor Mark Driscoll
21 Days
Pray Like Jesus is a 21-day Bible led journey designed to explain how prayer is talking to your Heavenly Father through Jesus' teaching about prayer as well as his own prayer life. Pray Like Jesus explores what prayer is, who God the Father is, how we should pray, what we should pray for, and when and where we should pray, giving practical steps towards building a prayer life like Jesus’.