Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Matthew 16:23

The Right Moves
3 Days
Knowing what we want and pursuing our goals is not a bad thing, provided we walk in the light of God’s Word. While some people take steps in the right direction and become achievers, there are others who start out trying to make a statement and end up becoming a full stop. Gratifying our carnal inclinations brings us into conflict with our spirits. The choices we make lead to death or to life.

Where Is Your Cross?
3 Days
This 3-Day plan helps us unpack and recommit to the original intention of Christ for all disciples to take up their cross and follow him. Turning over our self-life to the one who can guide us on this journey called new life is the first step toward spiritual renewal and revival.

Invitation: Pick Up Your Torture Device?
3 Days
God wants us to share his redemption invitation with others. Still, many people find it difficult to know what to say, especially when the invitation comes with social baggage and difficult realities about ourselves. This plan will help you understand the true meaning of Jesus’s invitation to follow him. You will also learn the most practical way to spread the Good News through conversation.

Leadership Wisdom for Executives
4 Days
What do you believe are the attributes of a successful executive? In this series, a "Harvard Business Review" video highlights four key characteristics uncovered by Ron Carucci. Bible references are cited for each of the four characteristics to reveal the wisdom hidden within his findings.

Discipleship: Mutual Apprenticing Plan
4 Days
Infinitum is a way of life centered on following Jesus by loving God and loving others through an emphasis on the habits and disciplines of surrender, generosity, and mission. We aim to see the Bible and also the world through these Jesus-colored lenses. In this short Infinitum Discipleship series reading plan, we focus on mutual apprenticeship.

Honoring God in Your Home as a Working Mom
4 Days
Moms are constantly trying to do all the things while keeping themselves from losing their minds. Often, the things that matter most fall by the wayside. That adds up to a lot of pressure, stress, and mom guilt that threatens to steal your joy. This 4-day devotional will show you how to glorify God in your home while working so you can experience the peace and joy that God designed.

How to Deal When Your Spouse Doesn’t Understand You
4 Days
Marriage is your closest earthly relationship, which is why it’s so painful when you don’t feel connected with your spouse. If you have felt misunderstood in your marriage, learn biblical ways to deal with this painful experience that will draw you closer to God, grow your faith, and grow your marriage.

What Successful Executives Do Differently
4 Days
If you are entering a new executive role, what are your new responsibilities? What aspects of the business that you do not understand? Who can you ask for help from?

What Successful Executives Do Differently
4 Days
New executives tend to have a narrow view of business. They are accustomed to the limited responsibilities of a single employee. However, as an executive, they have to be prepared for all of the aspects of a business. Understanding the whole picture of any organization is critical to having the breadth of knowledge necessary to make wise decisions. This series will help you understand the Biblical foundation for how successful executives do work differently.

Servant Leadership
5 Days
What does servant leadership look like at work? This 5-day devotional includes real-life examples from servant leaders at work, as well as reflection questions, scripture and prayer to help you improve your leadership.

5 Days
This Life.Church Bible Plan is a study of 1 Peter to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s series, Different. In this world, you’ll have struggles. You’ll face opposition. You’ll be challenged. And there’s a reason for that: this world is not your home. So answer hate with love, find joy in the midst of trials, and rely on a strength beyond yourself. You’re meant to be … different .

Relational Vampires
5 Days
They drain your joy, eat up your time, and rain on your parade—but there’s a better way to view difficult people. Let’s learn how to heal the relationships that suck the life out of us. Get ready for God to do His life-giving work when you start this new Life.Church Bible Plan to accompany Pastor Craig Groeschel’s message series, Relational Vampires .

Peter: A Leader Made, Not Born
5 Days
One way to understand what God wants to do through us by the power of the Holy Spirit is to take a closer look at what He did through Jesus’ disciples by the power of the same Holy Spirit. Take Peter, for instance, the first apostle to speak up at Pentecost. His life is a case study for the kind of radical transformation the Holy Spirit brings about in people who put their faith in Jesus Christ for salvation.

A Gentle Answer
5 Days
In a defensive and divided era, how can followers of Jesus reveal a better way of living, one that loves others as God loves us? How can Christians be the kind of people who are known, as Proverbs puts it, to "turn away wrath"?

Know Your Enemy
5 Days
I’m sorry if I’m the one to break this news to you: you were born into a world at war, and you will live all your days in the midst of a great battle, involving all the forces of heaven and hell and played out here on earth. You need to know you have an enemy. This week, we will explore this being called Satan.

5 Prayers to Push You Into Purpose
5 Days
Do you sometimes find it hard to pray? Not sure what God's will is on a particular issue? I'd like to lead you in 5 powerful prayers centered around scriptures from the Bible that you can use word-for-word to spark your own prayer time and push you into purpose! Prayers that are rooted in Scripture are guaranteed to be aligned with the heart of God.

Seek First the Kingdom: God’s Invitation to Life and Joy in the Book of Matthew
5 Days
We must return to Jesus’ words to find our focus and purpose. Using parables and stories, Jesus spoke of the kingdom, but many Christians don’t have a working knowledge of the kingdom and their citizenship in a way that affects their daily lives. Join Christine Hoover in this 5-day study, cut through life’s clutter with Jesus’ words, and reorient yourself around the kingdom and the King who gives abundant life.

Prayer Revolution
5 Days
Disruptive prayers are powerful, uncommon, and deeply biblical. They focus on God rather than self, seek to advance the kingdom, and submit all things to God. They are also prayed with a profound belief that prayer actually accomplishes something. When we pray disruptive prayers, that's when the revolution begins. It helps equip leaders, fuel kingdom movements, and do real damage to the powers of darkness in the here and now.

Believe: 5 Days of Inspiration to Build Your Faith
5 Days
You can have stronger faith. And believe God for greater things in your life. All you need is some insight and encouragement. In this Plan Rick shares inspiring stories and powerful scriptures that illustrate how to build your faith. Just like building physical strength, you can build spiritual strength too.

5 Days
We have all failed in various ways at one point or another. Failure is not something you can always avoid. It can happen in relationships, where you work, and in everyday life. How we respond to it can help us move forward. This devotion seeks to help those who have failed and how to overcome it.

What Can I Do When It Feels Like God Isn’t There?
5 Days
What do you do when it feels like God isn’t there—when the state of the world, our own suffering, or the struggles of those we know suggest that God is absent? In this devotional plan, Adam Mabry examines the art of lament—how to cry out to God in desperation from a place of faith and hope. He encourages readers to trust God even in times of darkness and doubt.

We Believe: Who Is Jesus Christ?
5 Days
What do Christians believe? Division and controversy seem to be rampant today, but for 2,000 years, Christ-followers have been unified in belief. The oldest confession of faith, the Apostles’ Creed, reminds and teaches us what we believe. In this reading plan, take a fresh look at the Apostles Creed, discovering the major beliefs of Christianity and how the Creed prepares us to share what we believe.

Mountains: Find Hope and Vision in God’s Presence
5 Days
Mountains are one of God’s favorite places to meet with his people. From the Mount of Creation in Genesis 1 to the Mount of the Great Commission in Matthew 28, mountains regularly serve as holy ground for connecting with God. During this plan, Bible teacher and author Kat Armstrong guides readers through five mountaintop Bible stories. Watch as God reveals His character and invites His children to enjoy His presence.

Mindset Matters: 5 Days of Inspiration for Positive and Optimistic Thinking
5 Days
What occupies your mind shapes your actions. And how you think about yourself. Spend five days infusing your thoughts with faith, hope, and positivity. In this Plan, Rick shares how to leave no space for negativity, self-doubt, and unbelief. You can reject those limiting beliefs and embrace a biblically healthy mindset.