Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to John 1:30

Overview Of The Gospels
4 Days
Tony Evans gives you a book summary for each of the Gospels in this four-day reading plan, helping you to gain a broader understanding of this important section of the Bible.

Kids Bible Experience | Stay Humble
4 Days
If you were making an ice cream sundae, you wouldn’t top it with ketchup or fermented tuna liver – they just don’t belong there! In our lives as followers of Jesus, pride has no place in the picture. Join us as we learn about the ingredient every believer’s life should include: humility!

Devotions from tobyMac - Eye On It
5 Days
In this 5-day devotional from tobyMac, you will explore the scriptures and inspiration behind the songs from the album Eye On It.

Have An Emotional Life Like Jesus
5 Days
He’s been through what you’re going through. He’s felt what you’re feeling. And He has conquered what you’re facing. All while being led by the power of the Holy Spirit. Based on Spirit-Filled Jesus by Mark Driscoll, this 5-day devotional shows you how to pick up your cross and follow Jesus.

Jesus Revealed Pt. 2 - When Jesus Calls
5 Days
We all have those people that we “know of”. We can’t claim to know them on a personal level, but we have enough information to know who they are. In Plan 2 of 19, we hear John the Baptist’s testimony of Jesus. He didn’t have a personal relationship with Jesus but when Jesus was revealed to him, he went from “knowing of” Jesus to being known! Do you know Jesus? More importantly, are you known by Him?

Jesus Revealed Pt. 8 - What Do You See?
5 Days
There are different types of “seeing”. There is physical sight where we look at things and identify them; there is the “seeing” where we walk into a chaotic situation and someone says, “Do you see what’s going on here?” And from what we see we describe the scene as “chaos”. There is another level of “seeing” and Part 8 touches on this type – spiritual sight. What do you see?

Truth Unchanging
5 Days
An incredible thing takes place when we spend time reading God’s Word. Our hearts begin to identify God’s voice speaking to us in our daily lives. I pray that as you read these five-minute devotions, you will hear the voice of God in your life—even on the busiest and noisiest days!

The Life of Jesus, Part 1 (1/10)
5 Days
Embark on a journey to learn more about the life of Jesus. Together we will watch short clips from the film, The Life of Jesus, and reflect on what we see. Discover who Jesus really was and what He can mean to you. You can read each of the 10 plans separately, but we challenge you to complete the whole journey.

Walking with Jesus
5 Days
This five day devotional is geared towards helping you to engage with scripture in quiet reflection. We encourage you to set apart intentional time for each session, as well as extended time to journal your experience (if you are able). Feel free to use written meditation or the accompanying audio.

The Hearts of Prophets and Kings
5 Days
The ancient Scriptures, written by the prophets of old, declare that the Word of God was indeed made flesh and dwelt among us. Jesus, the Christ, was the fulfillment of both the Law and the Prophets. This year, may we share His peace and declare goodwill toward all mankind!

Uncommen: Don't Call It a Comeback
5 Days
After the year that we've had in 2020, some may think things are out of control and beyond repair. Which, in fact, is 100% incorrect. The same God who created the heavens and earth is still in control, just as He was in the beginning. Are things going the way we intended? No. Are things going the way God intended? Yes!

The Way of the Kingdom
5 Days
God is awakening His Church, and we need to see the big picture. When times get tough, we will be tempted to quit. It is not, however, time to quit. Join us as we learn how to read the times we are in, as well as gain strategies on how to stand and advance the Kingdom of God.

All That's Required
5 Days
Thinking about being baptized? Let us look together at the baptism of Jesus and why this was such an important step, not only for His life but ours also. We'll look at the reason and role of baptism and why it is still very much a part of every Christian's faith journey.

Through the Bible With Birds and Beasts
5 Days
Our Creator loves all of His creatures, great and small. Humanity is the height of God’s creation on the earth, and we, therefore, share a special relationship with Him. Yet all kinds of birds and beasts make an appearance throughout the pages of Scripture. Each animal mentioned in the Bible shows you and me more about the Lord’s majestic creativity, as well as highlighting His compassion toward every living thing.

The Gospel for Every Person
5 Days
The gospel is for every person because Jesus is for every person. May this five-day devotional plan based on the first vision statement of the Lausanne Movement, 'the gospel for every person', lead you to deeper engagement with the love of Christ and a deeper desire to share that love with others.

The Gospel of John: Savoring the Peace of Jesus in a Chaotic World
5 Days
Join this 5-day reading plan from Melissa Spoelstra to find encouragement to slow down and linger with the living Word. You’ll appreciate the pace of the Savior, who never hurried but completed all the Father called Him to accomplish. You’ll be challenged to take on the posture of a learner—understanding that the peace Jesus offers is not an ease of circumstances but a stillness of the soul.

The 5 - 5 - 5 Method
5 Days
Do you feel so busy that you barely have enough time to breathe? You are not alone. The 5-5-5 Method is a simple and practical method that eliminates the excuse that you’re too busy to spend time with God; because even the wealthiest, most influential, time-consumed individuals still have 15 minutes of spare time each day to prioritize what they love. And so do you. Do you love Jesus enough to spend 15 minutes of your day with Him? Click "Start Plan" now and learn how to spend time with God daily!

Why Did Jesus Come to Earth?
5 Days
God is complex. We cannot fully understand Him. He is also relational and has been revealing Himself to mankind since the beginning of time. Jesus was not created but was with God from the beginning. Why did Jesus come to earth? Where is the peace His birth was supposed to bring? Some answers to these questions are found in this five-day Bible study.

Jesus, I Need You Part 3
6 Days
Journey to the Jordan to reflect on the baptism of Jesus and His call to us to believe, repent, and follow Him. Find Jesus there. This is part three of eight in the "Jesus, I Need You" series by Thistlebend Ministries, focusing on drawing closer to Jesus. The plans in this series can be done in any order. See also "Jesus, I Need You" (companion prayer).

Awed By Christ’s Resurrection: 6 Days Of Decrease
6 Days
Drawn from 40 Days of Decrease, this devotional emphasizes a different type of fast for Lent, Easter, or to unclutter you heart any time of the year. What if you fasted collecting praise in order to amplify your generation's view of Jesus? What if you fasted avoidance when you face the unknown? These six days echo John the Baptist's ancient challenge: "He must become greater; I must become less."

Help For The Discouraged
6 Days
When life offers lemons and even the lemonade you made goes south, it can leave a person more than disappointed. Yes. There are seasons common among believers when despondency can battle for our joy and contentment. You and I don’t choose discouragement, but sometimes we have no idea how to get out of this blue funk! The Bible offers solutions. There is help for the discouraged.

Grasshoppers, Greatness, and God's Kingdom
6 Days
He lived in the wild, wore weird clothes, had an appetite for bugs, and an aptitude for berating people. But, despite John the Baptist’s eccentric appearance and lifestyle, Jesus claimed “there has not risen anyone greater than John the Baptist” (Matt. 11:11). Who was John the Baptist? What made him so great? Perhaps, most importantly, what can we learn from him about true greatness in God’s kingdom?

Encouragement for When We Doubt
6 Days
What are you doubting right now? Has doubt been weighing upon you for longer than you can remember? What do we do with these doubts? Be encouraged. There is hope! Let’s look at Jesus’ cousin and see how he wrestled with doubt.

Prayers From John
7 Days
John did not include the nativity story in his gospel but went back even further into history. To the beginning. We have this Gospel so that we may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing we may have life in his name. This reading plan will offer you a place to turn to strengthen your faith and better understand who Jesus was and is.

Come, Let's Go! Discipleship in Evangelism
7 days
Three times in I Samuel, Jonathan said to his young armor bearer, "Come, Let's Go!" Three times in Revelation 22 Jesus said, "I'm coming soon!" It's been more than 2,000 years since Jesus made this promise. Jesus gave the church a simple job to do. It's called the Great Commission. So church, why hasn't Jesus COME back yet? We need discipleship in evangelism! COME, LET'S GO!