Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to James 4:8

The Wisdom of Humility
3 Days
Are you humble? Do you struggle with humility? Why is humility important? These are the questions this series tries to answer.

This Seems Impossible
3 Days
Have you ever faced something in your life that seemed impossible to navigate? - hearing unexpected news, receiving a late-night phone call, encountering the unforeseen. Then you become frozen. Your new reality seems impossible to face. These guided audio meditations will help you find hope when feeling hopeless. They will help you find courage when facing the impossible.

We Have A Choice // Let God Show Us The Way
3 Days
Allow God to frame your perspective—on yourself, on today, on this season. Rather than allowing circumstances, habits, or lies to taint the experiences God is walking through with you, focus on the future and gifts He has promised to you. Begin this three-day plan via Rush from Gather Ministries to begin seeing the pieces of Heaven God is extending even now.

Draw Near to God
3 Days
Charles Spurgeon wrote that “nothing teaches us about the preciousness of the Creator as much as when we learn the emptiness of everything else.” These guided audio meditations will help you draw near to God by turning away from everything else. Your first meditation is a reflection on desiring to be close. The second meditation is about finding what you long for. Finally a reflection on seeking God’s direction.

Reappearing Church - A 3 Day Plan
3 days
This plan is not for everyone. This plan is for those who desire to see God move in a post-Christian culture. It's a plan for those with an audacious hope of renewal with a holy discontent.

Look In The Mirror
3 Days
Humility is a direction in which we travel, not a destination at which we arrive. Mark and Grace Driscoll challenge you to recognize pride in your life, and to learn how grace empowers you to walk in humility.

My Help Comes From the Lord
3 Days
Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful, heart transforming devotional. Choose to seek the Lord. Seek the Lord for help. Seek the Lord for guidance. Choose to seek the Lord for direction and instruction. Seek the Lord in every season. Seek the Lord in every circumstance. Seek His Wisdom as you read this timely message.

Build On Rock
3 Days
Choose to hear the Word of God and build your life upon Rock—the Principles and Precepts of Christ. Build your life upon the Word of God. Choose to build according to His Way as you read this heart-transforming message.

Overcome: Pursuing God's Path by Toni LaShaun
3 Days
This devotional plan, and the song of the same title, are written to help people overcome obstacles, grief, and uncertainty by understanding that God has a Perfect Plan for their lives. Draw near to God, so His Path can be clear to you.

Ask. Seek. Knock.
3 Days
Jesus Christ declares in Matthew 7:7 that anyone who asks to receive the Holy Spirit, God the Father will give His Good Gift to anyone who asks. It’s simple—just ask. Let God lead your heart as you read this timely message.

Seek the Lord
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this timely message. Seek the Lord while He may be found. Seek the Lord early. Seek Him while He is near. Seek Him early in the situation. Seek Him early in the morning. Seek Him when you rise. Seek Him out. Pursue His Way. Pursue His Instruction. Pursue Him with all of your heart. Seek His Way. Seek His Heart as you read this powerful message.

Bring Your Burdens to Jesus
3 Days
Do you ever doubt God is with you? Do you ever wonder if he's left you alone to figure it out on your own? The truth is he promises to walk with us, even in darkness. This 3 day plan will encourage you to let Jesus carry your load. In fact, he'd love nothing more.

PrideFALL With Judah Lupisella
3 Days
Pride goes before the fall. We’ve all heard this saying before. Whether you’ve fallen already, you recognize that you’re about to fall, or you want to make sure that you don’t fall as a result of the sin that is called pride; this short 3-day plan is for you! So what’re you waiting for? Start this short plan, today!

With All Your Heart
3 Days
Share this devotional with others as Vance K. Jackson leads readers in this powerful message. Seek Christ and let Him cover every aspect of your life. Seek Him before you seek that next position. Seek Him before you seek that next role. Seek Him before you seek the things of this world. Set your heart on the things of God as you read this timely message.

Struggling Faith, Thriving Business: Rediscovering God's Place in Your Entrepreneurial Journey
3 Days
Discover three transformative signs urging you to restore God to His rightful place in your business and life. Encounter divine whispers, subtle nudges, and purposeful disruptions leading you back to God's embrace. This 3-day journey invites you to rediscover faith's role and watch your business thrive in the light of faithful stewardship.

How to Keep the Fire Burning
3 Days
This reading plan is designed to help you stay on fire for God. So many people struggle with keeping their faith strong amidst daily distractions, setbacks, or personal battles. Dive into scripture and practical steps to keep your passion for God alive, no matter what life throws your way.

Demonstrating God's Presence in Business
4 Days
This 4-day plan by Shae Bynes provides scriptural insights for Kingdom business owners on demonstrating the presence of God in the marketplace so that others can experience His goodness.

Endless Love: Intimacy With God
4 Days
Join Antranetta Tillman as she dives into our prayer time and alone time with God. We often forget the importance of spending time with God and being spiritually intimate with Him. Spending time with God is more than going to church. You serve a God who desires a close and personal relationship with you.

Lust is a Savage
4 Days
We often underestimate the persistent, clever, oppressing spirit of lust. It's important for us to expose the tactics of lust and strategize from a place knowledge instead of fear. Join us in this 4-day devotional.

Faith Over Fear: My Story of Healing
4 Days
In July of 2017 I had a small stroke which led to the discovery of two brain aneurysms. This is my story of healing and what lessons I learned on this journey of discovery with God. You may not need physical healing as I did, but what I did to fill that space between the amen and my answered prayer will work, no matter what "troubled times" you are facing.

James 4 - Submit Yourself to God
4 Days
Have you been occupied by the pursuit of wealth at the expense of your relationships? James teaches us that the pursuit of wealth at the cost of relationships is spiritual adultery and idolatry. Through the next four days, we will learn how to repent of our failings, submit to God, and allow Him to lift us up.

Size Up Your Opponent
4 Days
Whether we like it or not, as Christians, we are in a fight. We have a responsibility to fight for our loved ones, for our nation, and for future generations. Fortunately, the battle has already been won so we can fight from victory and not for victory. Let this devotional encourage you to step into the ring and fight the good fight—God's way!

Single but in a Relationship With God
4 Days
It can be tempting to take things into our own hands and settle for relationships that are less than God’s best. The single season doesn’t have to be a time of emptiness and fear, but a fulfilling one as we embrace our relationship with God. This plan will help you learn how to embrace your single season with boldness as you embrace your relationship with God.

4 Days
When we grieve, we genuinely do feel immense pain. That deep pain lingers when we experience the loss of someone we dearly love. What does the Bible teach us about grieving? We will dive deep into this topic in this Bible Plan and apply God’s Word to soothe our broken hearts.

We're All in Recovery
4 Days
We are usually impressed by inspirational stories of dramatic, overnight transformation, but living as a disciple of Jesus is a long game. We are all broken people. No one has arrived. We’re all in recovery! This four-day study will help you break the sin-repent cycle so you can truly experience the transformation God has promised us through salvation.