Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 58:1

The Fasting Practice
4 Days
Fasting is going without food for a set amount of time to awaken our bodies and souls to our deep hunger and need for God. It’s one of the most powerful — and neglected — of all Jesus’ practices. This plan, by Practicing the Way and John Mark Comer, features key ideas and practical suggestions for us to integrate fasting into our everyday lives.

Jesus Over Religion
5 Days
Following Jesus isn't about following a bunch of rules. It is all about a relationship with Jesus.

What God’s Word Says About Food
5 Days
Does your relationship with food come as a constant source of regret, frustration, and shame? Or does it feel like a God-given blessing? Do you bounce between the two sometimes, in a love/hate relationship with food? In this 5 day devotional from bestselling author Erin Davis, you’ll see just how satisfying it is to join in the biblical rhythms of fasting and feasting.

The Good of Giving Up
7 Days
The Good of Giving Up is an evangelical case for Lent and a guide to its practice. This seven-day plan gives a brief history of Lent and shows how to observe Lent with proper motivation. Whether you are Anglican or Baptist, Reformed or Pentecostal -- The Good of Giving Up will encourage you to participate in what many know as a rich spiritual journey.

What Is Fasting?
7 Days
WHAT IS FASTING? Fasting is giving up something for a specified number of days for a specific purpose. The type and length of the fast you choose is between you and God and should not be determined by what anyone else is doing. Fasting, prayer, and reading God's Word go hand in hand. When you fast, also pray for God's purpose and plan for your life to be revealed.

Creatures of Habit: Fasting
7 Days
We are creatures of habit, and our habits are powerful forces. Habits like fasting, confessing, praying, and studying the Word of God are not just items on a checklist. These habits have the power to change us. In this seven-day reading plan come explore the habit of fasting and celebrate the hope that it can bring to our lives!

God's Heart for Justice
7 Days
Our God is a God of justice! From the beginning to the end of the biblical story, God desires that all people will know him, and that humans would serve, not oppress; share, rather than hoard; and empower, rather than demean. This 7-day study takes you on a brief journey through both the Old and New Testament, and shares important examples from Christian history.

Slō Lent
9 Days
This nine-day devotional is geared towards helping you to engage with scripture in quiet reflection through this special season of Lent. We invite you to use these in facilitating group/family engagement or for your personal time of devotion. We would like to invite you to engage with this written meditation or the accompanying audio.

Helping Without Hurting: The Bible and the Poor
10 Days
The Bible commands us to care for the poor and oppressed. Come and explore the depth of God’s concern for them, and how you might answer the call yourself. Each day includes a real-life story or anecdote, Scripture and meditation, challenge, and prayer.

Fast Friends, Biblical Results Of Fasting And Prayer
10 Days
We all know that there is power in prayer. Prayer is defined in several ways: it is how we praise and worship our glorious Lord and Savior; it is our most powerful weapon; our open door to communication with the living God; the vehicle to confess our sin; how to find God's will for our lives and one of the ways we can hear the voice of our precious Savior. It is not very often that we hear about fasting with prayer, either from the pulpit or in our conversations as a church community. Yet, the Bible has so much to say on this subject and so many wonderful accounts of deliverance, forgiveness, and miracles that happened when God's people did fast and pray together. This ten-day reading plan will focus on some of the Biblical accounts and show us the undeniable power and movement of God when His people humble themselves through fasting and prayer.

Here I Am: Responding When God Calls Your Name
10 days
Have you ever wondered how to hear God's voice or questioned a prompting you had to step out in faith? Here I Am uncovers how you can distinguish God's voice from distractions, gives you the confidence to step out when God calls your name, and shows you how sowing in obedience reaps eternal rewards.

Spiritual Disciplines
10 Days
Do you feel like you are stuck? Do you feel like you've lost your passion and have become stagnant? The antidote to this sluggishness is the constant practice of spiritual disciplines. In this plan we'll talk about 9 spiritual disciplines that are meant to open the way towards spiritual maturity. We hope these basic teachings will be an encouragement and a blessing for you!

Compassion: A 14-Day Journey
14 Days
As Christ-followers, we’re called to demonstrate His compassion in our families, workplaces, communities, and world. Through brief Scripture passages and thought-provoking devotional content, this plan explores themes of justice, righteousness, stewardship, generosity, and grace and their relationship to compassion.

Depression: A Devotional For The Wounded Spirit
14 Days
Whether from outward circumstances, inward struggles, or seemingly no reason at all, many of us go through seasons of depression. We often try to find hope, but it can be difficult to connect with God under the weight of our hurt. Built by a team that's experienced deep depression, this plan will help you connect to God's heart, give you practical action steps, and walk you towards healing.

Fast Forward
14 Days
Fasting is more than a physical act. When done biblically and with the proper heart posture, a fast can “fast forward” you into healing, breakthrough, deliverance, freedom, and answered prayer. Join Pastor Mike Signorelli in this 14-day reading plan and discover how to completely transform your relationship with God through prayer and fasting!

Eastside 21 Days of Prayer
21 Days
We are becoming followers of Jesus who pursue God, build community, and unleash compassion one neighborhood at a time. To increase our capacity and potential to experience this way of life to the fullest, this plan will set apart 21 days of focused prayer to allow God to build and express these qualities more fully in us.

Closer Season: 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting
21 Days
Intentional prayer and fasting increases our intimacy with God. This devotional plan is designed to enrich your 21 days of this Closer season by teaching on prayer and fasting according to God’s Word, and how we can connect with God’s plan of bringing heaven to earth.

30 Days
My inspiration for this 30 days Devotional is from prolonged theological discourses on Justice. My burning desire is to see that the Church becomes catalyst to stop violence against the poor. I am also grateful to Organizations who work relentlessly to secure Justice for the poor.

All In
31 Days
"All In" comes from Acts 2:42-47, where the Holy Spirit fell on Jesus's disciples and transformed the hearts and lives of everyone present on the Day of Pentecost. Over the next month, these devotions and verses by Faith Promise pastors and staff will lay out God’s plan to mobilize us to bring about the next great move of God.

Daily Bible Reading - October 2020: God’s Life-Giving Word of Justice and Peace
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Life-Giving Word of Justice and Peace.”

Daily Bible Reading – October 2021: God’s Word of Justice
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage, key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Word of Justice.”

Daily Bible Reading – October 2023, "God’s Saving Word: Justice and Peace"
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme, “God’s Saving Word: Justice and Peace.”

Daily Bible Reading— October 2024, God’s Guiding Word: Justice and Peace
31 Days
Daily Bible reading helps you build consistent interaction with Scripture. Background, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers prompted by the day's passage will all help you connect with God and others. Journey with us this month and explore the theme “God’s Guiding Word: Justice and Peace"