Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 52:7

Go Tell It on the Mountain Three-Day Reading Plan by Zach Williams
3 Days
Christmas is coming. Join me as I prepare for this special holiday and reflect on the meaning of Christmas, what it really means to ‘go tell it on the mountain,’ how actions and words can work together, and how we can celebrate Jesus’ birth long after Christmas has come and gone. -Zach Williams

In All Things
5 Days
The letter Paul wrote to the church in Philippi has traveled across generations to nourish and challenge our hearts and minds today. This five-day devotional gives you a taste of the book of Philippians, many centuries from when God authored it through Paul. May God fill you with wonder and expectation as you read this letter of joy! Because these are not just Paul’s words to an ancient church—these are God’s words to you.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–10–The Prophets
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Continue with the tenth part "The Prophets." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

Awake and Attentive
5 Days
Awake and Attentive is a 5-day devotional by Chris Mendez, pastor of Hillsong Latin America. This devotional is designed to give you hope in the middle of challenging and difficult times.

Will Someone Give Me Some Good News
5 Days
Read through God’s Word within each devotional and reflect through guided questions for both individual consideration and group discussion. We pray it encourages you to reframe your reality.

The Armor of God
5 Days
As followers of Jesus, we do have an enemy. The world doesn’t like discussing the devil, but he is real and amazingly adept at deceiving us. The Apostle Paul knew we needed to be prepared for enemy attacks. That is why Paul gave us tools that he labeled the armor of God in Ephesians 6. Join me in discussing how to apply the armor of God!

Lasting Legacy—5 Lessons From the Life of Luis Palau
5 Days
We only get one life...around 80 years if we're lucky. We are so small, yet, one life completely surrendered to God can have a world-changing impact. Be inspired and challenged by this five-day devotional on the life of Luis Palau, one of the world's most effective evangelists. Key clips from "Palau the Movie" will provide a window into Luis’ struggles, triumphs, and willingness to answer God’s call.

WAITING as a MISSIONAL POSTURE: A 5-Day Journey Exploring the Role of Waiting in Missional Living
5 Days
In this five-day series of readings from the Psalms and Isaiah, we will listen as God calls his people to wait on him. Biblical “waiting” includes elements of hope, watchfulness, joyful anticipation, and trust. In this necessary posture for missional living, waiting is not passive but the active and intentional positioning of one’s life in the presence of God.

Gone Fishin' Eight
5 Days
Many people are smiling, but hurting inside. I have discovered that God is doing something in everyone's life, and He's doing something in mine too! I'm loving/praying for strangers like never before. And they are grateful. These personal stories in my life are to help you help others move one step closer to God.

6 days
There is power in your testimony! Over the next six days, discover what it means to be a witness of Jesus and how the words you speak can help grow his kingdom.

Hollywood Prayer Network On Peace
7 Days
PEACE is an emotion we all hunger for, and yet is so difficult to attain, especially for long periods of time. Join us this week as we seek PEACE in our daily lives, in our decisions, and in our relationships. May you find God’s PEACE that surpasses our understanding as you spend time with Him.

The Call
7 Days
As Christians, we can often wonder what our calling is and how to find it. But our calling in Christ isn’t as complicated as we make it. In this 7-day Bible Plan from Amy Groeschel, we’ll learn what our calling is, and how we can live lives worthy of the incredible calling we have received.

Unburdened by Vance Pitman
7 Days
Why does following Jesus feel so hard? For years, Las Vegas pastor Vance Pitman sincerely desired to live for Jesus, but with little success. It wasn’t until a godly mentor showed Vance that the Christian life is Jesus living His life through us. Period. No performance, no to-do lists. This week, you’ll examine soul-awakening truths found in the Gospels that will set you free from the burden of religion.

Anyone But Me
7 Days
Ray Comfort asks people what they fear about sharing the gospel. The number one answer is a fear of rejection. We want to be liked. Being rejected makes us feel like curling up like a worm in the heat of sunlight. But there’s something more important than our ego. It’s where the person we want to reach will spend eternity. We have to make a decision what is most important.

Simply Good News: The Welcome Announcement of Jesus the King
7 Days
The Christian message is simply good news, rather than good advice. The Gospel announces what happened in Jesus’ death and resurrection that changed everything in history. Yet, this Good News also continues God’s transformative work in our lives and in today’s world. In this Bible Plan, your vision of what the Christian message really is will be refreshed by the welcome announcement that our God reigns in Jesus, the King.

Good Morning Easter Devotional
7 days
In this devotional series, we invite you to go deeper into the Good News. Each day we celebrate Jesus’ redemptive work on the Cross that restored our hope, and made a way for us to be known, loved and connected to Him. Join us as we explore God’s restoration this Easter. It’s a good day to restore hope!

Real Hope: Jesus' Life & Ministry
7 Days
This plan covers just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to Jesus’ life and ministry! Jesus was bold but humble, peaceful but stood up for what was right, and a lover of the unlovable. Whether you are 8 or 88, dive headfirst into these devotions as a starting point to learn both about His life and how you too can be like Jesus!

The Gospel According to the Gospels
7 Days
“However we declare the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the point is to wholeheartedly embrace its way, truth and life… What is the Gospel? The ultimate good news, thanks be to Christ Jesus.” (What Is The Gospel? - Ben McEachen). This 7-day plan touches on the Gospels in a way that encourages us to dig deeper, stretch our understanding and fall more in love with who Jesus is!

Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2016
8 Days
The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is a yearly reminder of Jesus’ prayer for his disciples that “they may be one so that the world may believe” (see John 17.21). The theme in 2016, "Called to proclaim the mighty acts of the Lord", is inspired by two verses from the First Letter of St Peter. The resources have been prepared by members of different churches in Latvia.

9 Days
The Christmas season highlights the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. How can we worship deeply in this season? Through this 9-day devotional, we want to provide the story and spiritual meaning behind several Christmas songs you know and love, and maybe some new ones as well! This Plan features several worship pastors from Life.Church Worship who are a part of the live Christmas album, Gloria.

12 Days of Healthy Christmas
12 Days
Let’s get through the holidays without gaining weight, getting depressed, and feeling overwhelmed. Let’s start the New Year having not gained weight from indulging through the whole Christmas season. Let’s realize that Jesus came to bring life and that is what Christmas is all about: living life to its greatest potential!

Uncommon Love
14 Days
The Bible speaks of a love that is unfathomable. God’s love is limitless, offered freely to all people at all times. It is an uncommon love. Over the next 14 days, we will go on a journey of first understanding His uncommon love for us and then how His uncommon love empowers and compels us to live.

Understanding God, Myself, and the World
19 Days
Join us as we grow in our understanding of God, ourselves, and the world through the lens of the Bible. Jesus defines discipleship as being obedient to God. Life in Christ is, therefore, incomplete if the knowledge we acquire does not influence our daily lives. This means that studying the Bible, and studying the Bible with others, is a vital part of the process of discipleship. By Shofar Christian Church

Understanding the Kingdom of God
21 Days
Embark on a 21-day journey through the Bible to uncover the glorious story of the coming of God's Kingdom. Since the beginning, God revealed Himself as the Ruler over all Creation. He chose to extend His good reign to all who follow His voice. Come and see how you can also be part of this story.

25 Songs of Christmas a Musical Celebration of the Season
25 Days
There’s nothing like music to put you in the Christmas spirit! We invite you to center your heart on the birth of Jesus and worship Him during our 25 Songs of Christmas—A Musical Celebration of the Season. Each day, you’ll focus on a Christmas song. As you read the day’s devotion, your heart will be filled with the true joy and peace that Christmas brings.