Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 43:5

The Shock of Suffering
3 Days
When we endure seasons of trials and tribulations, oftentimes we feel overlooked and forgotten. But it’s in our low place, our point of pain and suffering, where God develops our character, molds us for greater, and prepares us for our next dimension. He never promised that carrying our own cross would be easy, but as our faith is tested He’s faithful to show up in our sufferin

Biblical Success - Crossing the Finish Line. Our Race Won, What’s Heaven Like?
4 Days
Continuing our examination of life as a Christ-follower using the metaphor of running a race on earth with running the “race of life” of Hebrews 12:1 we will discuss crossing the finish line and entering Heaven. Using Revelation 22,23 and various other resources from scripture we will discuss some of the conditions we will find in Heaven and how they compare with life on earth.

I Have Called You by Name (S1-E1)
4 Days
This reading plan takes you through some of the themes that came along in the first episode of The Chosen >> I Have Called You by Name. You'll think about your identity and doubts, and you'll enjoy seeing Jesus himself through all of it. Reflect, dive into the Bible, and enjoy what Jesus has to say to you.

Breaking Free
5 Days
Breaking Free leads you through a study of the Scriptures to discover the transforming power of freedom in Jesus Christ. Themes for this study come from Isaiah, a book about the captivity of God's children, the faithfulness of God, and the road to freedom.

God Is Here!
5 Days
How would it change your life and attitude if you actually thought about this sentence every day? Your God is here with you. He promises to be with you always—in good and in bad. How cool is that!

Loss Doesn't Get The Final Word
5 Days
This plan will look at how the Bible tells us that God is working out all things for those who love Him and how grief and loss do not have the final word; God does.

God Has Given Your Life Meaning
5 days
This plan will look at how God has a specific purpose for all of His people. All of humanity was created to live their life in a way that glorifies God, and He has given us all we need to live out our purpose no matter where we are in life.

UNCOMMEN: The Wilderness Years
5 Days
Many of us can relate to being in the wilderness. Some have lived short seasons, while others have spent a large portion of their lives in the wilderness. Being in the wilderness does not mean you are lost. Sometimes we are not ready for the promises God has planned for us. We must come in close relationship with Him so that we may learn His will for our lives.

Fear Less: Devotions for Courageous Faith
5 Days
Gripped by anxiety, panic, and stress? Step away from worry and into the peaceful, centered person God created you to be. In this 5 day devotional for women, you will learn to break the cycle of spinning thoughts that makes you feel out of control, replace the lies of the enemy with the truth of God's Word, and discover the Holy Spirit's calling for your life.

How to Turn Passion Into Purpose
5 Days
What makes your heart break for our broken world? You want to make a difference in the world. You’re concerned about all the problems you see, the injustices, and the suffering. But you don’t know where to begin. Designed for the aspiring activist or world-changer, this book is the key to get you started.

Signs of Jesus' Return
5 Days
The signs Jesus described as “birth pangs,” signal His impending return as they unfold and shape the direction of history. Like labor pains, with mounting strength and frequency, they both usher at the end of the age and more importantly, herald the birth of another age — a glorious era where the King of kings physically governs the world for which He died.

Following Jesus When You Doubt
5 Days
These five daily devotions are based on Max Lucado’s Bible Study, In the Footsteps of the Savior. No matter where you come from, Jesus’ miracles in Capernaum that you’ll learn about in this devotional can teach you this: He cares about you. He can bring you the healing you need. And he will come to you.

Real Hope: The Wonder of the Lord's Creation
5 Days
When a sculptor or artist creates something, they imprint part of who they are into the thing they’re creating – that’s what makes these items so precious and incredible – they carry the essence of their creator within them. This is true of the world that God created – we can see Him in every created thing. Join us in this plan as we take a different aspect of God’s incredible creation and explore a little more of what it says about who God is and how that truth impacts our lives.

Different Life: 2nd Commandment
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re born again and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to different values about right and wrong, and a different lifestyle to match it. This series of 5-day plans uses the 10 Commandments (following the classic Augustinian ordering) as a vehicle for an alternative, Christ-like morality and Jesus-way of living.

No Fear: Choosing Faith When I'm Afraid
5 Days
You've heard it said that fear is only a feeling, but your heart tells you it is so much more. How can you learn to choose faith over fear in the moment? Through the No Fear Bible reading plan, you'll be awed at the mountain-moving faith God provides when you choose to believe and trust him fully. Let your faith be bigger than your fear!

Hopes, Dreams, and Goals for a New Year
5 Days
Use this plan to take a few days to reflect on the past year and look ahead to the new year. What are your hopes, dreams, and goals? Invite the Lord to help you remember, reflect, and begin the new year with your eyes on Him.

Letters From the Heavenly Father to You
5 Days
You are a beloved child of God! Discover all the promises and benefits of being a child of God and enjoy his fatherhood through communion with him. In a world of orphanhood, you must remember that you have a Father who cares for you.

Quest for Joy: Six Biblical Truths With John Piper
6 Days
Why do we exist? This is the most important question we could ever ask. And the Bible has the answer. Over the next six days, John Piper walks through key biblical texts that explain the glory of God and our longing for joy.

Radical by David Platt
6 Days
When Jesus called His disciples, they left everything and followed Him. Careers. Possessions. Families. Everything that was safe and familiar. Jesus expects no less of His followers today. In this Bible study, pastor and best-selling author David Platt challenges the notion that Christians can follow Jesus without giving up our old way of life. Redeemed by radical grace, we are called to a radical abandonment of our agendas, to a radical strategy for making disciples, and to a radical vision for being on mission.

7 Days
Why are you doing that? “Um, because I can do all things through Christ!” We love to quote our favorite verses to inspire each other—but sometimes, those verses get Twisted. This Bible Plan from Life.Church examines seven of the most butchered Bible verses. Start reading today and learn to live out God’s plans for you.

Shattering Toxic Beliefs And Discovering The Real You
7 Days
You can probably use a lot of words to describe you. I’m a mommy and a wife, a sock-collector and a thrill-seeker. But those things don’t define me. Here’s who I really am: Called. Chosen. Redeemed. Precious. Beloved. You are, too. Every piece of you. Sink into the beauty of your true identity in this week-long look at what it means to know the God who created you with purpose: the Great I AM.

God Is On Your Side
7 Days
Do you sometimes feel alone or bullied, struggling to believe God has your back when things get tough? In this 7-day reading plan, come explore the Bible and be encouraged that God is your Defender!

Grace In The Valley By Heath Adamson
7 Days
What do you do when your circumstances don’t line up with the goodness of the God you read about in the Bible? What do you do when your experiences disagree with what your heart knows about God? This devotional reminds us that when we’re in the valley of the shadow of death, remembering who God is and who he made us to be provides the comfort and perspective we need.

The God Who Pursues
7 Days
We’re not perfect. In fact, we mess up on a regular basis. How can we be certain of salvation or even pleasing God if we continue to fall short so often? This plan reminds us that we don’t have to FIND God... because He isn’t lost or hiding. Rather, He pursues us and is right there when we choose to look.

Faithful Man: Devotions for Living in Faithless Times
7 Days
No one wants to hear “no” from God. Some nos are smaller, their pain short-lived; others are huge, their consequences life-altering. We may face doubt, discouragement, and depression. This plan will help you find courage to step into a different life than the one you had planned, discovering that when God says, “no,” your story isn’t over.