Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Isaiah 40:12

Doorkeeper: Dwelling in the Presence of God
3 Days
Dwelling in the presence of God is marked by waiting, being unhurried, and humility - and yet, all of those things can be so incredibly difficult. Inspired by the song "Doorkeeper" from CXMMXNS + Kory Miller, join us for a 3-day journey through God's word.

Strength to Soar by Toni LaShaun
5 Days
This devotion and the song, Strength To Soar, provide the opportunity to find hope and encouragement in the strength that only God can give while we wait on Him.

5 Days
These devotionals are a wake-up call to rediscover the millions of mysteries and miracles that are hiding in plain sight. We can live life to its full potential when we recognize it for what it is—a God-lavished miracle from start to finish.

Navigating Election Season With Biblical Wisdom
5 Days
Too often, the only question we ask during election season is, "How should I vote?" It's also important to ask the question "What does the Bible say about how I should navigate political conversations and decisions?

Is a Relationship With God Even Possible?
6 Days
You may have asked … How could it be that God wants a personal relationship with me? With billions of other humans here on planet Earth? And how would it work? Isn’t he busy elsewhere, working on things more consequential? You may have asked … Does God even know (or care) I’m here? These are great questions, and the truth will blow your mind. Think bigger.

Finding Comfort
6 Days
We all face times when it seems life just falls apart. Whether health, financial, relational, or even world events, our hearts can be captured by fear and overwhelmed by anxiety. If you need comfort, you’ve come to the right place. My hope over the next six days is that you will discover the comforting touch of God.

Living on Purpose: With God as Your Center
6 Days
The way you see God impacts absolutely everything about your life. If you won’t believe him for big things, you won’t trust him enough to surrender to him. When you understand how powerful and good he is, how much he cares for you, and how personally involved he is in the details of your life, everything changes.

Biblical Leadership Bootcamp
7 Days
Do you feel like you’re stuck in a slump? Are you feeling burnt out as a leader? This 7-day leadership plan with excerpts from John C. Maxwell will help you hit the reset button on being a Godly leader. Reset your heart and refocus on being the best leader you can be through Christ.

Saints With Addison Bevere
7 Days
The Bible uses the word Christian to describe followers of Jesus a total of three times. But there’s another identifier that fills the pages of the New Testament—a word we’ve mistakenly reserved for the halo-wearing elite, losing something profound in the process. Saints. Wrapped in this ancient word is an invitation to discover who God created you to be and awaken to the life you were meant to know.

Behold Your God!
10 Days
The Bible starts with the words “In the beginning, God…,” and the focus stays on Him throughout every chapter and verse. In this ten-day plan, Alistair Begg considers who God is, what He’s done, and what that means for you and me, all the while inviting you to “behold your God!”

God Of Creation
11 Days
God chooses to reveal himself to humanity through both his word and his world. The skies declare his glory and the ground produces life only by his grace. Over the course of 11 days, we will examine scripture that illustrates the Immensity, Intelligence, Intricacy, and Intimacy of our Creator!

I Believe; Help My Unbelief
14 Days
Isaiah 40 is a pocketful of comfort for a languishing people. It’s served up in two courses: messages to renew hope and questions to reorientate worship. Main course–God’s good news; dessert: God’s glory. It wasn’t just Israel that was languishing; we all need this kind of nourishment to worship well.

New Year, New Mercies
15 Days
Over the course of 15 days, Paul David Tripp will remind you of God’s grace towards you—truths that never grow old. When “behavior modification” or feel-good aphorisms aren’t enough to make you new, learn to trust in God’s goodness, rely on His grace, and live for His glory each and every day.

What Do Christians Believe?
19 Days
In 2025, the worldwide church celebrates the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea, an assembly representing all of Christendom. At this council, people tried to state and affirm the Christian faith in the triune God. This reading plan studies the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed to see what Christians throughout history have confirmed to be the core of their faith.

Encouragement and Teaching
21 Days
This Reading Plan goes through the first chapter of 1 Peter. The apostle Peter is writing to Christians who are facing hard times, and exhorts them to stand firm in the true grace of God. Peter gives valuable advice on how to do this in your daily life. Do read with us to profit from his teachings!

The Genealogy of Jesus
21 Days
We often trace our history to unlock knowledge about ourselves and gain wisdom to move forward. The divine nature of Jesus certainly adds a one-of-a-kind dynamic to understanding His genealogy. Still, there is wisdom, depth, and importance to be gained in learning about the men and women God ordained as part of the family of Jesus.

Advent Music: Every Day a Bible Song Towards Christmas
25 Days
Project of Love is the Bible in Song: 100% Bible verses put to music. This Advent plan contains 25 modern Bible songs, one for each day of Advent and a beautiful bonus song for Christmas morning. You’ll find Bible songs from Isaiah to Luke, and from Jeremiah to Revelation. Enjoy! All daily devotionals are written by Xander Stok, the founder and artist of Project of Love.

The Maxwell Leadership Reading Plan
30 Days
This 30-day reading plan covers many critical leadership topics with excerpts offered from John C. Maxwell. Dr. Maxwell has spent decades equipping others for leadership with his major source of leadership principles being offered from the Bible. Use this reading plan as a resource to learn what a godly leader is and how God is glorified when we accept our roles as leaders and empower others to do the same.

You And Me Forever: Marriage In Light Of Eternity
30 Days
In this 30-day reading plan, Francis and Lisa Chan set aside typical approaches to talking about marriage and dive into Scripture to understand what it means to have a relationship that satisfies the deepest parts of our souls. In the same way that Crazy Love changed the way we view our personal relationships with God, You and Me Forever will shift the way we view our marriage relationships.

30 Days Of Emotional Health
30 Days
God doesn't want us feeling perpetually stressed or defeated, nor does He want us enslaved to hurts from our past. This 30-day reading plan will help you draw closer to Him each day and anchor yourself in the life-giving truths He preserved for us in Scripture. Edited by Karen Greer and LaShawn Montoya.

Daily Bible Reading – April 2020 God’s Life-Giving Word Of Hope
30 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Life-Giving Word of Hope.”

Daily Bible Reading – June 2021, God’s Word of Hope
30 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage and key verse for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, a prayer and prayer concern to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme “God’s Word of Hope.”

Daily Bible Reading—April 2024, God’s Guiding Word: Hope
30 Days
Daily Bible Reading helps you build consistent interaction with Scripture. Background, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers prompted by today’s passage all help you connect with God and others. Journey with us this month and explore the theme “God’s Guiding Word: Hope.”

Daily Bible Reading – August 2023, God’s Saving Word: Encouragement
31 Days
Daily Bible Reading is designed to facilitate consistent interaction with Scripture. It includes background information on each day’s Scripture passage, key verses for meditation, reflection questions to help you dive deeper into Scripture, and prayers to help you connect to God and be of spiritual support to others. Journey with us this month as we explore the theme, “God’s Saving Word: Encouragement.” [Note: Scriptures are quoted in the GNT.]