Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Genesis 1:18

The Names Of God: Elohim
3 Days
Elohim is the name of God which means He is the All Powerful Creator. In this reading plan, Dr. Tony Evans teaches on the name Elohim and the attributes of God this name reveals.

Shine Your Light in Darkness
3 Days
In this inspiring and life-changing three-day devotional, you will learn the truth that your ultimate turnaround is on its way as you shine the light of God’s Word in the midst of darkness. Your path is getting brighter and brighter, day by day!

God Fills in the Gaps
3 Days
Have you ever felt empty? What are the current gaps in your life? What do you feel? Do you think God can fill those gaps? This devotional reading plan will help you understand that the emptiness of your life can only be filled by the presence of God.

Narnia and Genesis
3 Days
The books of Narnia have many Biblical teachings. In this three-day devotional, you will see the book of Genesis in a new way and learn a little about the literary wealth of C. S. Lewis.

How Do I Know God Loves Me? God’s Love in Genesis
3 Days
God has loved you since before the world began. Explore our wondrous origin story in Genesis to experience God’s tender love for you in a powerful new way. Find comfort and courage as you see how intentional God was in creation, through this 3-day plan from poet and Bible teacher Jen Weaver. Discover your cherished existence and God-given identity. God loves you and it shows!

Beauty in Unity
3 Days
This Bible Plan is designed to help your family, church, and community grow in unity. In this Plan, Lynette Johnson explores essential Biblical teachings from Psalm 133. Together, let us seek the heart of God, develop connected relationships, and grow united in Christ.

Biblical Principles To Thrive In Entrepreneurship
4 Days
If God has called you to be an entrepreneur, then He has called you to thrive in business. However, there is a big gap between ideas and thriving. If this gap is not closed, you will easily become frustrated with the idea and God. This 4-day devotional provides scriptural guidance in learning the basic principles to thrive in entrepreneurship.

Insecurity: God's Enemy
4 days
Insecurity is horrible, I know, and it definitely isn’t something you should want to accept and embrace, but it will go, believe me, it will go. Or don’t believe me, but believe Jesus. For remember how He promised that every plant not planted by His heavenly Father will be rooted up? In this plan, you read three touching and powerful poems on insecurity from a biblical perspective.

Miracles Happen!
4 Days
God wants you to witness the miracles that continue to take place today. This four-day plan adapted from 'Miracles Happen!' by Joan Hunter will help raise your level of expectancy and open your eyes to God’s miraculous work.

Idols and Ideologies
4 Days
Join us as we journey together to gain a kingdom perspective of the current idols and ideologies of our day. We want to help you grasp a gospel orientation of some of the idols most present in our lives today: self, lust and greed.

Hear Ye the Word of the Lord
4 Days
What are you missing if you only read the Bible? We have long recognized that the Bible was written for us, but not to us, and requires us to make efforts to bridge the cultural gap between ourselves as readers and the writers of the ancient world. In this study, we will become aware of yet another gap that we must recognize and factor into our reading: we must bridge the modality gap between the written word and the oral word.

Know God's Power and See His Glory
5 Days
Do you feel powerless? Do you long to see God's power and glory revealed in your life? As you put your trust in Christ alone, He will manifest Himself to you as the source of all joy, peace, and truth - God Most High. Five-day study by Thistlebend Ministries.

The Essential 100® Bible Challenge–1–In The Beginning
5 days
The Essential 100® Bible Challenge is a simple tool to read through the Big Story of God's Word. The reading plan is based on 50 Old Testament and 50 New Testament passages. Begin with the first part "In the Beginning." ®Produced by American Bible Society in partnership with Scripture Union, Inc.

God's Story: Part One
5 Days
Have you ever read a story that you wanted to be a part of? Your Bible tells the story of history, from beginning to end, and you are one of the characters! In order to understand your role, you first have to know who's story you're a part of. Over the next five days, come get to know God, the creator of the universe.

Rewiring Our Brains From Pornography
5 Days
It has never been more difficult to flee sexual immorality and pursue holiness. We live in an age of unprecedented access to sexual temptation. The struggle with lust is fierce battle, an enslaving addiction, and a deep brokenness. Pastor Joe Rigney shows us that through the gospel it is the Holy Spirit that gives us victory, sets us free, and heals our wounds.

Walking With God
5 Days
One of the biggest challenges we all face is how to seek God and how to draw closer to Him. At first this may seem frustrating to us, but walking with God is one of the most beautiful experiences there is. The best thing is that we can all have that privilege. Discover what it means to walk with God. ---Sebastian Franz

Discover Your True Worth With Lindsay Roberts
5 Days
This plan is for any woman who has ever feared, fallen, risked, failed, prayed, hoped, loved, lost, held on or walked away, been discouraged or felt frozen in time. It’s a message of hope for women who long to see their true worth through the eyes of their heavenly Father, so they can become all He has called them to be.

The Other Side of Hope: Breaking the Cycle of Cynicism
5 Days
When we feel cynicism, we make a way for despair to creep into our lives. Cynicism is the loss of hope in others. It’s an inclination to believe that people are motivated purely by self-interest. In these excerpts from her book The Other Side of Hope, justice advocate Danielle Strickland exposes a critical belief that leads to cynicism and inspires us to break the cycle.

Please Sorry Thanks
5 Days
There’s a reason we teach kids that please, sorry, and thanks are magic words. They can work wonders. Nothing opens doors like please. Nothing mends fences like sorry. Nothing builds bridges like thanks. This week we’re going to look at how God can use these three powerful words to bring healing and hope to our own spirits and to the lives of those around us.

We Believe: Who Is God?
5 Days
What do Christians believe? Division and controversy seem to be rampant today, but for 2,000 years, Christ-followers have been unified in belief. The oldest confession of faith, the Apostles’ Creed, reminds and teaches us what we believe. In this reading plan, take a fresh look at the Apostles Creed, discovering the major beliefs of Christianity and how the Creed prepares us to share what we believe.

Thinking About God: A Five-Day Devotional for Parents and Kids
5 Days
Sometimes exploring theology with children feels daunting. This five-day devotional is meant to help parents and kids navigate a few basic points of theology. Parents, as you read through this plan with your child, be encouraged that their young mind is being filled with the truths of Scripture in ways that inspire them and engage them at their level.

Mountains: Find Hope and Vision in God’s Presence
5 Days
Mountains are one of God’s favorite places to meet with his people. From the Mount of Creation in Genesis 1 to the Mount of the Great Commission in Matthew 28, mountains regularly serve as holy ground for connecting with God. During this plan, Bible teacher and author Kat Armstrong guides readers through five mountaintop Bible stories. Watch as God reveals His character and invites His children to enjoy His presence.

Our Faithful God
5 Days
We all get derailed, distracted, discouraged at times. Some days it feels like everything has gone wrong. Sink into this devotional’s reminder of God’s promises. His plan to bring light, beauty, and new life is evident from the first verses of Scripture in Genesis through Jesus’s birth, death, and resurrection, and into Revelation’s hope for the time when tears are no more.

Girl Read Your Bible
5 Days
This Guided Bible Reading Plan is designed to help you take your Bible reading experience to the next level. If you’ve ever read the Bible and been completely confused, this plan is for you. Within this plan each day you’re equipped with a full summary filled with context so you can have deeper clarity as you read through the book of Genesis.

Finding God in Nature
5 Days
Nature has a profound way of revealing God's majesty and creativity. When you take time to observe the world around you, you can see the fingerprints of the Creator in every detail. From the vastness of the sky to the intricacies of a flower, God's handiwork is evident. Spend some time finding God in nature with this 5-day Bible Reading Plan.