Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Exodus 12

The Importance of Remembering What God Has Done: 5 Day Bible Plan
5 Days
In this Bible plan, be reminded of God’s goodness and learn from biblical characters who were also forgetful. God spoke to them and also wants to remind us of his faithfulness.

Out From Egypt: From Slavery to Freedom
6 Days
Connilyn Cossette, author of Counted with the Stars, examines the Exodus story; from the moment Yahweh called Moses back to Egypt and through the waters of the Red Sea. Discover how this ancient story sheds light on our own transformation—from slaves to sin, to redeemed and free. Come along on a journey toward embracing your own identity as a son or daughter of the One True King.

Holy Week Reading and Listening Plan
8 Days
"Holy Week" is a compilation taken from different books of the Bible pointing to and displaying Jesus as the Lamb of God.

BibleProject | The Great Escape
14 Days
The story of the Israel's rescue from Egyptian slavery becomes one of the defining stories for the people of God. In this fourteen-day plan, you'll see how God rescues his people from oppression, then seeks to restore his presence among them through a covenant relationship and the temple.

Brand New
16 Days
Learn the story of the Bible, the character of God, and the practices of the Christian life. Brand New will launch you into an exciting adventure of trusting God and growing in faith—whether you are new to reading the Bible or have been studying it for years.

What the Bible Says About Jesus as the Messiah
20 Days
"The Portraits of Christ" is a compilation taken from different books of the Bible exploring the messianic prophecies of Jesus.

Rooted In Jesus: Miracles
28 Days
Nothing is impossible with God. That’s not just a nice statement, it’s one of the core truths we see all throughout the Bible. Our God is not limited by the physical barriers that often limit us. He isn’t trapped by our obstacle, afraid of our sickness, confused by our problem, or overwhelmed by our need. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and bring the superior realities of heaven to earth. He showed us that the heart of the Father is to heal the sick, give sight to the blind, cast out demons, meet the needs of His people, and bring the breakthroughs we need. Signs and wonders have a profound purpose - they show us the way to Jesus and leave us in awe of Him. Therefore, miracles are a normal part of a kingdom life. So let’s not settle for anything less. As we engage the Scriptures through our reading plan this month, let these miracle stories build your faith. Don’t let your personal experiences determine what you believe; let what you believe determine what you experience. If He moved in power then and there, He will move in power here and now, because Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever!

Deliverance: A Study In Exodus
30 days
The book of Exodus chronicles the Israelites' rescue from Egypt, deliverance from slavery, and establishment of the tabernacle in the wilderness. In Exodus, we see the premier covenantal promise of God is the reality of his presence among His people, leading, guiding, and directing them towards holiness in Him.

Exodus: The Covenant
30 Days
Exodus shows us the Lord is deserving of our trust and obedience as we watch Him deliver Israel from Egypt, provide for them, forgive them, and develop a relationship with them. Read with us as we journey through the book of Exodus deepening our trust in the Lord through all circumstances, so that we may live strong and faithfully in our faith.