Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Daniel 10:12

Jesus Over Everything
3 Days
“If Christ be anything, He must be everything” (Charles Spurgeon). Let the worth of Jesus inform the way you spend your days.

Seeing Angels
3 Days
Joshua Mills is one of the cutting-edge charismatic leaders in the church today. Joshua regularly experiences the presence and work of angels in his life and ministry. In this devotion, Joshua explains the gender of angels, how to release them through your prayers, and identifies three ways, according to Scripture, in which they appear.

As He Spoke to Me I Was Strengthened
3 Days
This is a three-day plan of encouragement for people diagnosed with a chronic disease. Daniel chapter 10 is a picture of our spiritual renewal in the strengthening power of God's Word. We can trust Him through challenges to our physical health as we obtain a clearer picture of our eternal health.

4 Days
Have you ever felt like you are simply at the mercy of life’s occurrences? Do you always feel like a victim? Find your identity as a victor in the Word of God and take your rightful place of dominion!

The Power Of PRAYER
5 Days
Prayer to most believers is viewed as monotonous. But the truth is prayer is powerful, and it is a time set apart where we converse with our heavenly Father. The privilege of prayer is far greater than petitioning for our needs, but rather it is the positioning posture for miracles to invade our sphere of influence. After you have finished with this plan, my prayer for you is that you would never view prayer the same as before.

The Grace of Sarah: a 5-Day Devotional for Those Called to Wait
5 Days
If you have ever been in one of life's waiting rooms, you may have found yourself restless and questioning whether God sees and hears you. This 5-day devotional from MCWEN Founder, Andrena Sawyer, uses lessons from Sarah's journey to remind those in a waiting season that delay is not denial.

5 Days
To build our faith, grow in our relationship with Jesus, and boldly share the good news, we need to set the building blocks of faith in place. Join us as we look at seeking Jesus as a regular rhythm in our lives.

Acts 6:8-15 | Facing Opposition
5 Days
Following Jesus will lead to opposition. It happened to the early disciples. It will happen to you. How do we then move forward when it happens? This 5-day plan continues a journey through the book of Acts, the Bible’s gripping sequel of Jesus at work in the life of his followers as he expands his kingdom to the ends of the earth. It’s a journey on what it means to be a Christian. It’s a story in which you have a role to play.

Our Modern Warfare (Part 2)
7 Days
God didn’t leave His daughters to face a viscous enemy alone. He’s given us His very own armor so we can experience victory over the enemy. Jesus’ blood has already won the war, freeing us from the power of the enemy, but few are living within this freedom. This plan will give specific examples on how God’s Word teaches His warriors to wear their armor and fight back.

Fear Not! Protection Devotions
7 Days
Fear Not ... God can protect you! Time and time again, God has shown us He is a Strong Tower who we can turn to in our time or need. Fear is a thief. Don't let it rob you of your peace. God, in His word, reveals everything we need to know to totally eradicate fear. Apply His word liberally, daily, until you walk in complete freedom of fear.

Beginner's Guide to Fasting
7 Days
The practice of fasting is prevalent in the Scriptures. We see throughout the Bible this concept was practiced by kings, prophets, and all of God’s people to this day. As you fast, you’ll notice it will help increase your humility, your hunger, and your holiness as you are formed into the image of Christ.

Refuel, Reframe, Recalibrate: A 7-Day Devotional for Business Executives
7 Days
As business executives, life goes fast and the responsibilities we carry often weigh heavy on our shoulders. This plan offers an opportunity to invite God into our day. By taking a moment to stop, refuel, reframe, and recalibrate with God, we can approach our work empowered and envisioned by heaven!

Are We There Yet?
7 Days
Are you in a season of waiting at the moment? Do you feel like asking God, “How much longer, Lord? Are we there yet?” In this Plan, we will explore some landmarks to look for along the way. I hope these checkpoints will give you hope as you find meaning in your waiting.

Overcoming Disappointment After Diagnosis
7 Days
A seven-day plan that addresses the deep disappointment that can occur after receiving a negative diagnosis for your child. Drawing from her own experience with receiving a complex epilepsy diagnosis for her daughter Jane, Hilary Harris teaches about the ability to be honest with the Lord about your disappointment, how others in the Bible handled disappointment, and the hope we can look forward to TODAY and in eternity because of Jesus.

Defeating the Devil’s Designs With the Armour of God
7 Days
None of us will go through this life without facing battles. The death of Jesus Christ and His resurrection mean that we can share in His victory and be conquerors and overcomers. He never promised us that we would not suffer, in fact, He warned us that we would have many troubles in this world. Our strategies for facing these problems are outlined for us in the Bible.

More of You- 7 Day Fasting Guide to Empty Ourselves and Be Filled With God's Presence
7 Days
This relatable 7 Day Fasting Guide is designed to help families, churches + individuals learn to seek the fullness of God in their lives. Why do we fast? What is the purpose? Where do I start and how can I get my family or friends involved? These are common questions + we hope to bring clarity to the heart, intention, and practical experience of biblical fasting. We want MORE of You God.

Learning Daniel's Prayer Secrets
7 Days
Do you sometimes want to pray more impactful prayers? Perhaps like Bible characters who saw real breakthroughs and miracles in their lives? This 7-day plan looks at Daniel and his distinguished character, lifestyle and prayer life at the court of Babylon. God entrusted Daniel with many heavenly revelations of the end times! If you desire to live and pray like Daniel, this plan is for you!

It Happened in Prayer
7 Days
Prayer is one of the most important spiritual disciplines for believers. When we pray, we must have confidence in God that we will receive what we ask according to His will. This Bible plan serves to reinvigorate readers' belief in the power of prayer. As a result of reading this Bible plan readers will acknowledge that what they are believing for happened in prayer.

7 Days
It is always encouraging and empowering to read the Bible stories of those who have faced persecution and hardship, but also favour and miraculous breakthroughs! Daniel is one such man and ‘his story inspires us to hold fast to our faith and principles, knowing that they can guide us through life’s most turbulent waters’ (Daniel – Heidi Wysman)

The Power of Prayer: Recognizing the Power of the Tongue
8 Days
Are you aware of how powerful your prayers are? Do you know what happens when your prayers touch the heavens? Do you know that God moves every time you pray? So whether you are praying for the first time or need to fire up your prayer life, I want you to recognize the power you hold within your tongue.

Fast Friends, Biblical Results Of Fasting And Prayer
10 Days
We all know that there is power in prayer. Prayer is defined in several ways: it is how we praise and worship our glorious Lord and Savior; it is our most powerful weapon; our open door to communication with the living God; the vehicle to confess our sin; how to find God's will for our lives and one of the ways we can hear the voice of our precious Savior. It is not very often that we hear about fasting with prayer, either from the pulpit or in our conversations as a church community. Yet, the Bible has so much to say on this subject and so many wonderful accounts of deliverance, forgiveness, and miracles that happened when God's people did fast and pray together. This ten-day reading plan will focus on some of the Biblical accounts and show us the undeniable power and movement of God when His people humble themselves through fasting and prayer.

Ancient of Days: A Study in Daniel
13 Days
The book of Daniel chronicles the stories and visions of the exiled prophet during his life in Babylon. Although faced with devastating exile, the characters of Daniel choose to be faithful to God no matter the cost. Daniel’s life and visions remind us that God Himself orders peoples, nations, and history, orchestrating His people’s redemption and His imminent return.

Life IS...
14 Days
In a time when God has the world's attention, De'Leice R. Drane, through Life IS, takes you on a 14-day spiritual journey of embracing a new you. This bible plan will awaken your spiritual development and set you on a path toward healing, restoration and empowerment. #joinmeonthejourney

Fast Forward
14 Days
Fasting is more than a physical act. When done biblically and with the proper heart posture, a fast can “fast forward” you into healing, breakthrough, deliverance, freedom, and answered prayer. Join Pastor Mike Signorelli in this 14-day reading plan and discover how to completely transform your relationship with God through prayer and fasting!

20 Days
Stories teach us life lessons that stick with us well after the last page is turned. That may be why Jesus often told stories to convey a big idea or truth. He knew stories would connect with our hearts. We’ll dive into a few of those stories (parables) together. As we study, we’ll discover the power of those stories and how they can apply to our lives, as well as the power of Jesus as a teacher and a storyteller.