Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to Daniel 1:21

Faith, Courage and Determination
3 Days
Courage, faith and determination are qualities most of us want to grow in, but how can we do that? With this 3-day devotional by Tammy Hotsenpiller, you’ll learn about three giants of the faith who excelled in these areas as the Holy Spirit led them to stand up for God during their day and age.

Undefeated: The Victorious Prayer Life
4 Days
We face spiritual battles daily, and the way to face them and fight them is on our knees in prayer! Let's look into various instances in Scripture where prayer was done to respond to challenges people were facing. When battles come, we strengthen ourselves through prayer, crying out to Him who provides relief, refuge, and victory.

Daniel: Faith in the Face of Challenges
5 Days
This video plan takes a look at the life of Daniel. He is an excellent example of how to stay true to your convictions and your faith even in difficult situations.

Working with Eternity in Mind
5 Days
What does it look like to live faithfully for God in the workplace? For the next five days, let the book of Daniel guide you into seeing the workplace through an eternal lens.

Integral D-Tox, Prepared for Him
5 Days
We long for the Second Coming of Christ! The Scriptures tell us about the Church as a bride expecting the arrival of her Bridegroom, focused on His coming. A bride prepares for the great day of her wedding. In this plan, we will see how to prepare to be the delight of the Beloved, taking time to decontaminate and detoxify ourselves from what takes us away from Him.

Authentic Kingdom Culture: Power!
5 Days
As kingdom people what is our relationship to power? What kind of power do we have and what do we use it for? This plan explores a kingdom perspective of power versus an earthly perspective of power as demonstrated in the biblical account of Daniel.

Daniel: A Strong Man Is Faithful
5 Days
What does it look like to remain faithful to God in a difficult environment? Daniel’s story begins when he is taken into captivity as a teenager. He became a refugee in Babylonia under King Nebuchadnezzar, who led the greatest superpower nation that had ever existed. Daniel’s life under Nebuchadnezzar teaches us how to remain faithful in the hardest situations and find joy even in suffering.

What Is Fasting?
7 Days
WHAT IS FASTING? Fasting is giving up something for a specified number of days for a specific purpose. The type and length of the fast you choose is between you and God and should not be determined by what anyone else is doing. Fasting, prayer, and reading God's Word go hand in hand. When you fast, also pray for God's purpose and plan for your life to be revealed.

Daniel: A Faithful Young Professional
7 Days
How can young Christian professionals build a career - and excel in a competitive business environment - if the secret of their success is their personal religious conviction and their relationship with God? We read about this in the story of Daniel and in the narrative relating the experiences of the present author, Wouter Droppers.

DANIEL: A Message of HOPE
7 Days
Best known for its vivid dreams, fiery furnace, and roaring den of lions, Daniel's powerful story is also one of unwavering faith amidst every trial. Inspired by Sight & Sound Theatres® premiere production, DANIEL, this seven-day biblical study offers a glimpse into the life of a faithful servant who navigated shifting empires with steadfast hope in the one true King.

Working for God's Glory
7 Days
This devotional for men will examine how to glorify our Father through our careers and work, exploring multiple biblical principles to help you work for God’s glory, whatever your job and circumstances. Written by Jacques Van Dyk.

Kingdom Influence
9 Days
This 7-day study explores what scripture teaches us about being transformational agents in the world.

10 Days
Unshaken is living countercultural, even if it costs you a fiery furnace. Unshaken is letting your conscience be your guide, even if it lands you in a lion’s den. When the world feels shaken, we can rest upon the Unshaken One. When all else fails, He never will. Join us in this 10-Day reading plan as we dive deeper into the book of Daniel!

Unlikely Fighter
10 Days
Ever doubt God could use you—with your shortcomings, failures, and busy schedule? Whatever the obstacles, do you wonder if you can do anything big for His Kingdom? There is good news: God specializes in the unlikely! Scripture offers ample examples of unlikely fighters—people God used in huge ways, despite (or even because of!) their imperfections. Meet 10 unlikely fighters, and discover how the Lord can use you to do mighty things.

Against the Flow: Holiness in a Hostile World
12 Days
Going against the flow is uncomfortable. If given the choice, most of us prefer to go with the flow and to conform. However, Christianity calls us to resist the pull of the world and live out our faith unapologetically. How can we do so? Journey with us in this twelve-day devotional from Daniel 1 to 6 and learn how we can live a holy life in a hostile world.

Ancient of Days: A Study in Daniel
13 Days
The book of Daniel chronicles the stories and visions of the exiled prophet during his life in Babylon. Although faced with devastating exile, the characters of Daniel choose to be faithful to God no matter the cost. Daniel’s life and visions remind us that God Himself orders peoples, nations, and history, orchestrating His people’s redemption and His imminent return.

Trusting God's Plan in the Fire: Lessons From the Book of Daniel
14 Days
Are you walking through the fire right now in your life, a problem that seems all-consuming with no victory in sight? Learn from Biblical heroes Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego, and Daniel. They faced death, but God was with them in their trial and He will be with you too!

Living Faithful in a Faithless Land: A Study of Daniel
14 Days
Faith in a Faithless World is a six-week Bible study on what it means to live fully surrendered to God no matter where He has placed you. This study of the book of Daniel will encourage us to live a distinctively different life that confidently points people to the One who saves.

Daniel Book Study - TheStory
14 Days
Study the book of Daniel with theStory. There is nothing quite like the book of Daniel anywhere else in the Bible. Half of it is taken up with stories about Jews in Babylonian and Persian courts, the other half with dreams and visions. This 2 week Book Study of Daniel covers chapters 1-9 (the last 3 chapters are really hard for devotional reflection - but you’ll see on day 14 we give suggestions for further study).

Serving God in a Hostile Environment. The Example of Daniel and His Friends
17 Days
The book of Daniel tells us about four young Jewish men who were taken captive by the Babylonian king to serve him. In their new and hostile environment, these youths remained faithful to their God and bore a powerful witness to people around them. Their stories contain valuable lessons for us, since we too are living in a world that is often antagonistic towards God.

Daniel P1: Godly Living as a Stranger in the Land
20 Days
How foggy the path ahead must have seemed for Daniel as he and his friends were captive. Marched to a foreign land, given foreign names, told to eat foreign food, and to worship foreign gods. Let's travel with the young Daniel as he negotiates following the One True God in this foreign place. We will see ourselves through his challenges and learn how we too can follow this One True God in our own foreign context.

Daniel P2: Serving Only God
20 Days
In this Part 2 of Daniel, we continue to see him live following the One True God as an alien and foreigner in Babylon. As we read his story, we can learn how we too can follow well in our own context. Let's be challenged together by this Godly man.

21 Days of Fasting and Prayer Devotional: Mountains Will Move!
21 Days
The James River Church 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer Devotional plan is designed to encourage and strengthen you as you devote this time to walking closer with the Lord. The plan consists of short devotions and a Scripture reading plan for each day. We know that as you spend time fasting and praying, you will see God move mountains in your life!