Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Samuel 14:31

Becoming a Biblical Leader
5 Days
Embrace a 5-day study to help you align your leadership with biblical principles, exploring God's call on your life with honesty, humility, and a Christ-like character. Each day offers practical insights and reflections to help you grow into the leader you’re meant to be.

The Book of Samuel
12 Days
This reading plan will introduce you to the book of Samuel, including why and under what circumstances the book was written and how it applies to Christians today.

13 Days
I sense that the Lord wants us to study the Holy Habit of Fasting. Fasting is going without food in order to feast on Jesus. I sense the Lord wants his people to learn more about fasting, how to practice fasting and learn how to do it well and effectively for the kingdom.

Jonathan and David, a Very Special Friendship
16 Days
The Bible contains many stories about people who lived thousands of years ago. Their situation was very different from ours. And yet, their lives contain valuable lessons for us — which is why they were recorded in the Bible! This reading plan studies the lives of Jonathan and David and their friendship. Will you read along?

Reading the Bible in Historical Sequence Part 4
30 Days
In the beginning was the Word … but what came next? This plan is for anyone who wants a better understanding of the Bible. It provides a chronological reading program that endeavors to place all biblical passages in their date order. Part Four of this twelve-part one-year reading plan is titled 'Establishing the Kingdom, 1155 BC–1020 BC'.

1 Samuel - The Coming King
31 Days
1 Samuel charts the rise and fall of several of Israel’s leaders. You’ll meet the notoriously arrogant king Saul and see the ascent of the man after God’s own heart – David. You’ll read of dangerous battles, murder plots, giants and even more surprises in this book. You’ll see that despite turbulence in leadership, seemingly strong enemies and spiritual decay God is very much at work orchestrating the fall of the proud and the rise of the humble. What an encouragement for us today when we are faced with challenges not too dissimilar to these!

The Life of David Pt1 - 1 Samuel
31 Days
The books of 1 & 2 Samuel tell the stories of three broken heroes used by God to establish a kingdom for His people: Samuel, the revered last judge; Saul, the impressive first king of Israel; and David, the flawed poet-warrior. Beyond the page-turning adventures, battles, and political gamesmanship lies the story of a greater King—the true and forever reigning son of David, Jesus.