Free Reading Plans and Devotionals related to 1 Corinthians 15:22

God Is Victorious Over Death
3 Days
Discover what the Bible says about God's victory over death in this Streetlights' 3-part Video Bible Study.

Easter Hope
4 Days
On Easter, we celebrate the hope of new life that Jesus brings into each of our lives, and even more, into the whole world. The earth-shattering thing that happened on this day changes everything. In this four-day series from Words of Hope, consider the life-changing hope of Easter as we read John's account of Jesus' death and resurrection.

Christianity in a Nutshell
4 Days
Ever been curious about the core beliefs of Christianity but not sure how or where to find out? Join us for a four-day plan where each day we’ll present a two-minute video, some questions to reflect on in response and additional reading suggestions from related Bible passages.

The Book Of 1st Corinthians With Jennie Allen: A Video Bible Study
5 Days
Christianity calls us to sacrifice instead of living for oneself. We can't do both. Paul wrote about this in his letter to a divided and self-centered people to remind them to follow Jesus and only Jesus. In this RightNow Media study, Jennie Allen walks into the messy lives of the Corinthians and takes us through Paul’s words to learn how we should distinguish ourselves from the culture even today.

The Supernatural Life
5 Days
Embracing the supernatural reality of the spiritual world of the Bible is essential for understanding the Bible. Though we can’t see everything, God is working behind the scenes to cause everything promised in the Bible to come to pass. This 5-day plan will challenge you to live intentionally—and believe that His unseen hand is engaged in your circumstances.

Fear Not
5 Days
Do you feel afraid? Full of fear? You’re not alone! Fear might be where we start, but it is not where we need to stay. What if we could move from fear into trust? This five-day reading plan is a space where, together, we can acknowledge our fears and look into the Bible to discover the good news about the God whose perfect love casts out all fear. Fear Not!

Real Hope: Victory
5 Days
Easter is a time that reminds us of the VICTORY won when Jesus defeated death on the cross, and rose from the dead, so that we may have eternal life with God. The road was marked by the pain, suffering and sacrifice of our Saviour Jesus Christ... but the road was also marked with victory.

Finding Hope in Suffering Through Beauty
5 Days
In this 5-day reading plan, Sarah Clarkson shares her own encounters with beauty in the midst of her decade-long struggle with mental illness, depression, and doubt. She paints a compelling picture of the God who reaches out to us, using the beauty of the world around us to demonstrate his goodness and show us ways to find hope even amid our darkness.

Jesus, Our Risen Savior: An Easter Family Devotional
5 Days
How is your family preparing for Easter? Through this short and sweet devotional (especially helpful if you’re teaching little ones with short attention spans), Scott James brings to light the many things that Christ’s life and resurrection means for us not only through the season of Lent, but all year long.

Overcoming Fear of Death
5 Days
Death lurks just around the corner for every one of us. But the truth in God's Word sets us free from the fear of death. Let this devotional help you deepen your trust as a child of God and know that your life is secure beyond the grave.

What Did Jesus Do?
5 Days
Jesus of Nazareth stands at the center of the gospel. Without the person and work of Christ, there is no salvation for sinful people like us. But what did Jesus need to do to save us from condemnation and reconcile us to God? This 5-day study examines key events in Christ’s earthly life, showing that Jesus has accomplished everything we need for redemption and eternal life.

I Believe in God, but I Trust in Science, Not the Supernatural
5 Days
Gallup poll researchers recently asked Americans, “Do you believe in God?” and 87% of the people said yes. But if we are honest, most of us have issues when it comes to faith. We would love for you to join us as we explore some common thoughts about Christianity and science being mutually exclusive.

The Essential Jesus (Part 17): The Resurrection of Jesus
5 Days
In 100 carefully selected passages from the Bible, you will discover who Jesus is and why he is so significant – even life-transforming. Through both Old and New Testament readings, you will discover why God sent Jesus, what Jesus taught, how he treated people, why he did miracles, the meaning of his death, the significance of his resurrection, and what the Bible says about his second coming.

Let the Church Bow Down: Encounter Christ as King
5 Days
There is a truth that changes everything: Jesus is King. It’s the destiny of the universe for all to see His kingship. But how might we see and experience Jesus as King right now when so much in our world doesn’t seem to line up with His reign? This 5-day bible plan is a journey through the Scriptures to encounter the kingship of Jesus Christ.

Weird Ideas: Jesus Christ
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re in Christ and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to weird ideas and alternate beliefs about reality. This series of 5-day plans uses classic Christian Creeds as a vehicle to explain the Christian worldview compared to the world’s, and help us see reality through Jesus’s eyes.

The Spiritual Art of Business
5 Days
Does your work have meaning? Why do we work? Will the one hundred thousand hours we’ll work in our lifetime matter? Business executive and author Barry L. Rowan says that doing business as a Christian can be much more than a cold exercise in power-building or moneymaking. Our work can be a spiritual art whereby God uses our work to transform us and then transforms the world through us.

Weird Ideas: Descent to Hell, Then Raised From the Dead
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re in Christ and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to weird ideas and alternate beliefs about reality. This series of 5-day plans uses classic Christian Creeds as a vehicle to explain the Christian worldview compared to the world’s, and help us see reality through Jesus’s eyes.

Weird Ideas: Seated at the Right Hand of God
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re in Christ and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to weird ideas and alternate beliefs about reality. This series of 5-day plans uses classic Christian Creeds as a vehicle to explain the Christian worldview compared to the world’s and help us see reality through Jesus’s eyes.

1 Corinthians 15: An Easter Study
5 Days
Join us in this 5-day Easter study of 1 Corinthians 15 as we walk through God’s work in the Resurrection.

Easter, Jesus, and the Resurrection
5 Days
When Jesus rose from the dead, it changed everything! Easter stands at the heart of all our hopes and all of God’s promises. This 5-day plan will give you a sample of what the New Testament says about Jesus’s resurrection and why it’s so important.

Hopeful Grief
5 Days
Do you feel like you have no hope? Has the darkness of your suffering blinded you to all aspects of light? Do you need comfort to seep down into your soul? Through this letter, Paul wrote, Jesus will give you exactly what you need right now.

Lord's Prayer: Thy Kingdom Come
5 Days
Christians are different. They can’t help it. When you’re in Christ and filled with the Spirit, it changes you. This leads to strange expectations. It’s a different kind of hope flowing from Christ’s perspective on things. This is the third in a series of 5-day plans that uses the Lord’s Prayer to show how Jesus invites us to approach life and the future.

Raised in Splendor: The Hope of Glory
5 Days
We live in a world where the idea of being glorified is either viewed through the lens of something that will eventually happen (but has little importance now) or has an overfocused importance where believers only focus on their entry into heaven. Both are wrongfooted. In this five-day devotion by Jason Alligood, you’ll meditate upon the concept of glorification and the hope and joy it offers for both now and in the future.

Spiritual Transformation, NOT Behavior Manipulation
6 Days
Is God only concerned that I “behave correctly?” Am I “white knuckling” my Christian walk – trying hard to “be good?” That’s manipulating my behavior! God has a better plan than doing it the hard way, on my own. He wants to inwardly transform and grow me. In this devotional we will explore how God’s transforming power enables us to live the abundant Christian life.

Easter: If the Grave Could Talk
6 Days
We all have a common denominator. We will die. I will die. You will die. Death will defeat you. You won’t be able to dodge it, sidestep it, trick it or make it disappear. But then there is Jesus, the man who defeated the grave. Jesus stood toe to toe with the grave and defeated death. When Jesus talks, the grave speaks.