Matthew 26:41
Anglo-Saxon Wessex Gospels c1000 AD
Wakieð ⁊gebiddað eow. þt ge in ne gan on costnenge. Witodlice se gast ys ræd ⁊þt flæsc is untrum.
اكتشف Matthew 26:41
Matthew 26:38
Ða saigde se hælend heom. unrot is min sawle oððe deað. Gebyddað Note: over an erasure. her ⁊wakieð mid me.
اكتشف Matthew 26:38
Matthew 26:39
⁊þa he lithwan þanen agan. he afell on his ansiene ⁊hine gebæd ⁊þus cwæð. Fader min gyf hyt beon mæg. gewite þes calic fram me. þeahhwæðere na swa swa ic wille. ac swa swa þu wylt.
اكتشف Matthew 26:39
Matthew 26:28
þis is witodlice mines blodes calic niwre læge. þt byoð for manegen agoten on synne forgyfenysse.
اكتشف Matthew 26:28
Matthew 26:26
Witodlice þa hye ætun se hælend nam hlaf ⁊hine gebletsode ⁊bræc ⁊sealde hys leorningcnihten ⁊cwæð. Onfoð ⁊æteð. þis is min lichame.
اكتشف Matthew 26:26
Matthew 26:27
Ænd he genam þanne calic þanciende ⁊sealde heom þus cweðende. Drinkað ealle of þisen.
اكتشف Matthew 26:27
Matthew 26:40
⁊he com to hys leorningcnihten ⁊funde hyo slæpende ⁊he sægde petre swa. ne myhte ge nu wakien ane tyde mid me.
اكتشف Matthew 26:40
Matthew 26:29
Witodlice ic segge eow þt ic ne drinke heonenforð of þisen eorðalice wine ær þam daige þe ic drinke þt neowe mid eow on mines fæder rice.
اكتشف Matthew 26:29
Matthew 26:75
Ða munede petrus þas hælendes word þe he cwæð ær þam þe se cocc creowe þreowa ðu me wiðsecst ⁊he eode ut ænd weop byterlice.
اكتشف Matthew 26:75
Matthew 26:46
Arisað uton faren. nu genealaceð se ðe me belæweð.
اكتشف Matthew 26:46
Matthew 26:52
Þa cwæð se hælend to hym. Do þin sweord on his scæðe. Witodlice ealle þa þe sweord nymað. mid sweorde hyo forwurðeð.
اكتشف Matthew 26:52
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