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Proverbs 13:12-25

Proverbs 13:12-25 Amplified Bible (AMP)

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, But when desire is fulfilled, it is a tree of life. Whoever despises the word and counsel [of God] brings destruction upon himself, But he who [reverently] fears and respects the commandment [of God] will be rewarded. The teaching of the wise is a fountain and source of life, So that one may avoid the snares of death. Good understanding wins favor [from others], But the way of the unfaithful is hard [like barren, dry soil]. Every prudent and self-disciplined man acts with knowledge, But a [closed-minded] fool [who refuses to learn] displays his foolishness [for all to see]. A wicked messenger falls into hardship, But a faithful ambassador brings healing. Poverty and shame will come to him who refuses instruction and discipline, But he who accepts and learns from reproof or censure is honored. Desire realized is sweet to the soul; But it is detestable to fools to turn away from evil [which they have planned]. He who walks [as a companion] with wise men will be wise, But the companions of [conceited, dull-witted] fools [are fools themselves and] will experience harm. [Is 32:6] Adversity pursues sinners, But the [consistently] upright will be rewarded with prosperity. A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, And the wealth of the sinner is stored up for [the hands of] the righteous. Abundant food is in the fallow (uncultivated) ground of the poor, But [without protection] it is swept away by injustice. He who withholds the rod [of discipline] hates his son, But he who loves him disciplines and trains him diligently and appropriately [with wisdom and love]. [Prov 19:18; 22:15; 23:13; 29:15, 17; Eph 6:4] The [consistently] righteous has enough to satisfy his appetite, But the stomach of the wicked is in need [of bread].

Proverbs 13:12-25 The Passion Translation (TPT)

When hope’s dream seems to drag on and on, the delay can be depressing. But when at last your dream comes true, life’s sweetness will satisfy your soul. Despise the word, will you? Then you’ll pay the price and it won’t be pretty! But the one who honors the Father’s holy instructions will be rewarded. When the lovers of God teach you truth, a fountain of life opens up within you, and their wise instruction will deliver you from the ways of death. Everyone admires a wise, sensible person, but the treacherous walk on the path of ruin. Everything a wise and shrewd man does comes from a source of revelation-knowledge, but the behavior of a fool puts foolishness on parade! An undependable messenger causes a lot of trouble, but the trustworthy and wise messengers release healing wherever they go. Poverty and disgrace come to the one who refuses to hear criticism. But the one who is easy to correct is on the path of honor. When God fulfills your longings, sweetness fills your soul. But the wicked refuse to turn from darkness to see their desires come to pass. If you want to grow in wisdom, spend time with the wise. Walk with the wicked and you’ll eventually become just like them. Calamity chases the sin-chaser, but prosperity pursues the God-lover. The benevolent man leaves an inheritance that endures to his children’s children, but the wealth of the wicked is treasured up for the righteous. The lovers of God will live a long life and get to enjoy their wealth, but the ungodly will suddenly perish. If you withhold correction and punishment from your children, you demonstrate a lack of true love. So prove your love and be prompt to punish them. The lovers of God will have more than enough, but the wicked will always lack what they crave.