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Acts 21:1-14

Acts 21:1-14 TPT

After we tore ourselves away from them, we put out to sea and sailed a direct course for the island of Kos, and on the next day to the island of Rhodes, and from there to Patara. There we found a ship that was crossing over to Syria, so we went aboard and sailed away. After we sighted Cyprus and sailed south of it, we docked at Tyre in Syria, where the ship unloaded its cargo. When we went ashore we found a number of believers and stayed with them for a week. They prophesied to Paul repeatedly, warning him by the Holy Spirit not to set foot in Jerusalem. When it was time for us to leave and be on our way, everyone—men, women, and children—accompanied us out of the city down to the beach. After we all knelt in the sand and prayed together, we kissed one another, said our good-byes, and boarded the ship, while the believers went back to their homes. From Tyre we sailed on to the town of Akko and greeted the believers there with peace. We stayed with them for a day. Then we went on to Caesarea and stayed for several days in the home of Philip the evangelist, who was one of the seven deacons and the father of four unmarried daughters who prophesied. During our stay of several days, Agabus, a prophet from Judea, came to visit us. As a prophetic gesture, he took Paul’s belt and tied his own hands and feet with it as he prophesied, “The Holy Spirit says, ‘The one who owns this belt will be tied up in this same way by the Jews and they will hand him over to those who are not Jews.’ ” When we heard this, both we and the believers of Caesarea begged Paul not to go on to Jerusalem. But Paul replied, “Why do you cry and break my heart with your tears? Don’t you know that I’m prepared not only to be imprisoned but to die in Jerusalem for the sake of the wonder of the name of our Lord Jesus?” Because we couldn’t persuade him, we gave up and said nothing more except “May the will of the Lord be done.”