Mark 4:39-40
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
and he is stand up again, has rebuked the wind and said to the sea: be silent, be quiet! and the wind did cease, and it is become a great quietness. and he has to them said: why are you (PL) so frightened? like, you (PL) have still all not any faith?
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Mark 4:41
and they have self afraid with a great fear, and have said one to the other: who is he after all, that also the wind also the sea obeys him?
Mark 4:38
and he himself was in the back part, sleeping on the cushion; and they wake him up and say to him: Rebbe, it bothers (care) you nothing, that we come die?
Mark 4:24
and he has to them said: give attention, what you (PL) hear! with what for a measure you (PL) measure, will you (PL) measured to be, and it will you (PL) more given to be a supplement.
Mark 4:26-27
and he has said: thus is the kingdom of Hashem, as a man would throw the seeds on the earth, and goes self sleep and stands up, by night and by day, and the seeds sprout out and grow up, without his knowing how.
Mark 4:23
if someone has ears to hear, shall he hear!
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