Mark 10:45
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
because even the Son of Man is not come served to be, but to serve, and to give his life as an ransom for many.
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Mark 10:27
Yehoshua did a look do on them and says: with people is it impossible, but not with Hashem; because everything is possible with Hashem.
Mark 10:52
and Yehoshua did to him say: go; your faith has you (SG) helped! and immediately was he sighted become, and did him follow on the road. (Yeshayah 42, 6-7)
Mark 10:9
therefore what Hashem has paired together was, that shall no man not separate!
Mark 10:21
and Yehoshua did on him a glance do and him love got, and said to him: one thing lack you (SG); go, sell all, what you (SG) you have, and give it to the poor people, and you (SG) you will have an treasure in heaven; and come, and follow Me after!
Mark 10:51
and Yehoshua has answering to him said: what you want, that I shall you (SG) do? and the blind man did to him say: Rabboni, that I shall sighted become!
Mark 10:43
with you (PL) however is it not so; but who it will want become a gadol among you (PL), will he be your servant
Mark 10:15
in truth say I you (PL): who it will not receive the kingdom of Hashem as a young child, that (one) will never way not enter therein!
Mark 10:31
however a many first (ones) will be last (ones); and the last first.
Mark 10:6-8
from beginning of the creation however has Hashem them created male and female. (Genesis 1, 27.) therefore will a man leave his father and the mother, and self unite with his wife, and the two will be one flesh (Genesis 2, 24); thus are they more not two, but one flesh.
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