Mark 1:35
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
and in the morning, while it is still was very dark, is he got up, is went out and is went away on a desolate place of, and has there prayer done.
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Mark 1:15
and said: the time is at once fulfilled, and the kingdom of Hashem has self come nearer; do repentance, and believe in the good News!
Mark 1:10-11
and immediately as he is come up out the water, has he seen the heaven split open, and the Spirit like a dove down hovering on him; and it is come a voice out the heaven: you (SG) are my beloved Son, in you (SG) have I a well pleased!
Mark 1:8
I have you (PL) immerse was with water in a mikveh, he however will you (PL) immerse do in a mikveh with the Spirit the Holy.
Mark 1:17-18
and Yehoshua has to them said: come, follow me after, and I will you (PL) make to become fishers of people! and immediately have they abandoned the nets and have him followed.
Mark 1:22
and they has astounded over his Torah; because he has them taught as one, who has power, and not as the scribes.
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