Mattityahu 16:24
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
then has Yehoshua said to his disciples! if someone wants me follow, let he himself alone deny, and take his tree, and me follow!
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Mattityahu 16:18
and I tell you (SG) also: you (SG) are Peter, and on the this rock will I build my kehile; and the gates of Sheol deepest will it not defeat.
Mattityahu 16:19
and you (SG) will I give the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and what you (SG) you will forbid on the earth, that will be forbidden in heaven; and what you (SG) you will permit be on the earth, that will be permitted in heaven.
Mattityahu 16:25
because who the one wants save do his life, this one will it to lose; who however it loses his life on account of me, this one will it find.
Mattityahu 16:26
because what will it help a people, if he shall gain the whole world, and to lose his life? or what can a man give redeem his life?
Mattityahu 16:15-16
says he to them: and who, say you (PL), that I am? has Simon Peter answering said: you (SG) are the Moshiach, the Son of the living G-d!
Mattityahu 16:17
and Yehoshua has answering to him said: that blessed are you (SG), Simon Bar Yonah; because flesh and blood has this you (SG) not revealed, but my Father, who is in heaven!
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