Broad Street Baptist Church
Morning Worship Service
Locations & Times
  • Mount Calvary Baptist Church
    134 Abney Rd, Cochran, GA 31014, USA
    Sunday 11:00 AM
Title: What is the Pattern of Prayer? The Model Prayer- Part 1

I. The first petition- "Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name."
A. God is "our Father."
B. Privileges of a child
C. Adoring "our Father."

Characteristics of God
Independence, Unchangeableness, Eternity, Omnipresence, Unity, Spirit, Omniscience, Wisdom, Faithfulness, Goodness, Love, Mercy, Patience, Grace, Holiness, Peace, Righteousness, Justice, Jealousy, Wrath, Omnipotence, Perfection, Blessedness, Beauty, Glory, Trinity

Names of God
Elohim (Creator God), Adonai (Lord), El Elyon (God Most High), El Shaddai (Almighty God), Yahweh (Covenant name for God), Jehovah Jireh (the Lord Provides), Jehovah Rophe (the Lord heals), Jehovah Nissi (the Lord is My Banner), Jehovah Mekadesh (The Lord who Sanctifies you), Jehovah Shalom (The Lord of peace), Jehovah Tsidkenu (the Lord is our righteousness), Jehovah Rohi (the Lord is my Shepherd), Jehovah Shammah (The Lord is there)

Metaphors of God
A lion (Is. 31:4), an eagle (Deut. 32:11), a lamb (Is. 53:7), a hen (Matt. 23:37), the sun (Ps. 84:11), the morning star (Rev. 22:16), a light (Ps. 27:1), a torch (Rev. 21:23), a fire (Heb. 12:29), a fountain (Ps. 36:9), a rock (Deut. 32:4), a hiding place (Ps. 119:114), a tower (Prov. 18:10), a moth (Ps. 39:11), a shield (Ps. 84:11).

* Why is adoration so important?
* A transformed prayer life, start with adoration!

II. The second petition- "Your kingdom come."
A. God's Kingdom to come into our lives.
B. God's Kingdom to come into others lives.
C. God's Kingdom to be fully realized.

Revelation 11:15

III. The third petition- "Your will be done."
A. Heaven- God's every command is followed.
B. Earth- May God's will take over!

Martin Luther: "Grant us grace to bear willingly all sorts of sickness, poverty, disgrace, suffering, and adversity and to recognize that in this your divine will is crucifying our will."

C. Trust in God the Father.

Romans 12:2

Start your prayers with adoration!