Faith Lutheran Church

GO DEEPER Study and Reflection Questions 7/31
The Preacher (a reference to the author of the book) confronts a philosophy we are bombarded with even today. Whether its living with a sense of Karma (cause and effect) or Yin/Yang (positive and negative energy), it's the religious way of attempting to live life to be "right" or to look right by your own effort (for God, a higher power, to experience "positive" energy). Let's allow the message of God's grace to break through to bring light and life into our lives through Jesus.
Locations & Times
Faith Lutheran - Oakville & Columbia
6101 Telegraph Rd, St. Louis, MO 63129, USA
Sunday 7:00 PM
Open It (for groups)
What subject did you hope to avoid during your school years?
What subject did you hope to avoid during your school years?
July 31 Ecclesiastes 7:15-18
Who would be an example today of overly righteous? The wise person will admit the tendency to be self-righteous as well as the inability to stop sinning. How have you found relief in the forgiveness God offers?
Who would be an example today of overly righteous? The wise person will admit the tendency to be self-righteous as well as the inability to stop sinning. How have you found relief in the forgiveness God offers?
August 1 Ecclesiastes 7:19-23
The Bible teaches those who find favor in God’s sight recognize His forgiveness and undeserved love; how does that compare to other religions? What effect does godly wisdom have in your life?
The Bible teaches those who find favor in God’s sight recognize His forgiveness and undeserved love; how does that compare to other religions? What effect does godly wisdom have in your life?
August 2 Ecclesiastes 7:24-29
Why do people choose to go in search of their own schemes rather than follow God’s plan? What sort of schemes are people pursuing?
Why do people choose to go in search of their own schemes rather than follow God’s plan? What sort of schemes are people pursuing?
August 3 Isaiah 55:8-9
How does God contrast His thoughts and ways with ours? When is it helpful to remind yourself that God’s ways are not your ways?
How does God contrast His thoughts and ways with ours? When is it helpful to remind yourself that God’s ways are not your ways?
August 4 Romans 3:10-18
What are the characteristics of people who stand condemned before God? What “laws” do you need to put aside in your life in favor of the true righteousness Christ offers?
What are the characteristics of people who stand condemned before God? What “laws” do you need to put aside in your life in favor of the true righteousness Christ offers?
August 5 Romans 7:15-25
How can knowing that Jesus has achieved the ultimate victory over sin affect your prayers, thoughts, and attitudes? How can you remind yourself the next seven days of God’s victory over sin for you?
How can knowing that Jesus has achieved the ultimate victory over sin affect your prayers, thoughts, and attitudes? How can you remind yourself the next seven days of God’s victory over sin for you?
August 6 Romans 8:1-8
In what ways does knowing Christ set you free? Why do those who are preoccupied with satisfying their selfish desires often become angry with God and rebel against Him?
In what ways does knowing Christ set you free? Why do those who are preoccupied with satisfying their selfish desires often become angry with God and rebel against Him?
Live It
What do the wicked and the self-righteous have in common? Deep down they share a belief in a wrong system of life. This week’s Scripture readings expose that system and point us to the solution to its corruption. By sending Jesus, God showed us infinite love and forgiveness, hope for now and eternity. Who else needs to know it?
What do the wicked and the self-righteous have in common? Deep down they share a belief in a wrong system of life. This week’s Scripture readings expose that system and point us to the solution to its corruption. By sending Jesus, God showed us infinite love and forgiveness, hope for now and eternity. Who else needs to know it?