Church Requel
![Four Lessons From Frustration](/_next/image?
Four Lessons From Frustration
If you find yourself frustrated, we have good news for you today. Even Jesus was frustrated sometimes. Our take home message is that you don’t have to remain frustrated. We’ll learn 4 lessons from Jesus’ frustrations in Luke 9:38-56. Then we’ll discover 5 simple steps for handling our frustrations.
Locations & Times
Church Requel
2 Marion Ave, Mansfield, OH 44903, USA
Sunday 11:00 AM
Free Gift For Our Guests
If you are visiting with us today, WELCOME! We’re glad you’re here. If you will stop by the piano on the north side of our sanctuary after this morning’s worship, and drop off your connection card, we have a FREE Christian book to share with you. We promise no one will show up at your door. But we will include you in our weekly Friday email newsletter and tell you about the good things happening at Church Requel. Thanks for being our guest!
Food Pantry
A big Thank You goes to Sheri for setting up our food pantry! We continue to need non-perishable foods. When you come to church Sunday mornings bring some food to share with others, who may be sitting in the pew next to you. The Food Pantry is downstairs and will be open for 15 minutes after each Sunday service. You are welcome to receive food if you have a need. We are looking for volunteers to work in the food pantry 15 minutes each Sunday. Please see Sheri if you are able to help.
Nursery Fresh Look!
Check out our new nursery downstairs! It’s beautiful. Our guys moved a wall, repainted and cleaned up the space. It’s larger and more secure. More kid friendly. More Mom friendly! Many thanks go out to Dave Repp, Don Angel, Jack Nichols, Adam Vetter and Ken Jacob.
Splash Party Saturday!
Don’t miss your opportunity to cool down and splash up with all your Church Requel friends on Saturday, August 6th at 11am - 1pm. We’ve rented a nice, large pavilion with plenty of shade. Come to Kroc Spraypark at the Salvation Army, 527 E. Liberty Street in Ashland. Bring a sack lunch. Need a ride? Meet us in the church parking lot by 10:30am.
Next Week's Servants - August 7th
Prep / Cleanup: Sara and Chris Scott
Tech Team: Jonathan, Grayden and Cohen Pierce
Greeting Team: Missie Miller
KidsMin: Kiddos with the adults
Middle School: Kiddos with the adults
Nursery/Preschool: Stephanie Angel & Bessica Brilla
Snacks: Mary Kay Pierce
Counting Team: Ron Bolesky and Chris Thoman
Prep / Cleanup: Sara and Chris Scott
Tech Team: Jonathan, Grayden and Cohen Pierce
Greeting Team: Missie Miller
KidsMin: Kiddos with the adults
Middle School: Kiddos with the adults
Nursery/Preschool: Stephanie Angel & Bessica Brilla
Snacks: Mary Kay Pierce
Counting Team: Ron Bolesky and Chris Thoman
Indians Game - Sept. 18th!
Wouldn’t you love to go to an Indians game with all of your Church Requel friends? The Indians are hot right now, but we’ve secured 36 tickets for the September 18th game against the Detroit Tigers. Game time is 7:10pm. And it’s Dollar Dog Night! Yum! Tickets cost $15 each. Get your money and your reservation to any staff member. We must have all the money paid in by August 7th. Go Tribe!
Donate To Church Requel
Use the link below to make a one time donation to Church Requel using your debit or credit card. We want to make sure you know that we provide this as a convenience for those who use the debit or credit card responsibly in their financial lives. It is not our intent for you to go into or add to credit card debt to give to CR. We appreciate your ongoing financial support of our ministry! Luke Sermon Series
Would you like to watch all the other sermons by Pastor Mark from the Gospel of Luke? Now you can! They can all be reached with this single link. Lessons From Frustration / Luke 9:38-56 NIV
Intro - Frustration is a universal condition. It’s like butting your head up against a wall. No matter what you do you seem to hit a brick wall. Sometimes it’s one step forward and two steps backward.
Good news #1 - Frustration is a completely normal human emotion. The only way you can not be frustrated is to give up.
Good news #2 - It only follows that there would come a time when Jesus would be frustrated. Today in Luke 9:38-56, we find Jesus in several frustrating situations.
Good news #3 - You can become frustrated but you don’t have to stay frustrated!
Four Lessons We Learn From Jesus’ Frustrations:
#1 Our failures of faith still lead us to _______________.
“You unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you and put up with you?”
Do you think Jesus was frustrated? Yes! Let’s dispense with the foolishness that we shouldn’t ever become frustrated. Even in the work of the kingdom of God we can be frustrated. But God is a good God! Even when He is disappointed in us, He never gives up on us!
Lesson: It’s not the ________ that stops us, it’s the _________.
“The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.” Proverbs 24:16 NLT
This is an evil world in which we are attempting to practice righteousness. The Bible tells us that we will sin sometimes. We will fail sometimes. When that happens, DON’T QUIT! Confess! Pick yourself back up.
#2 - We will not always understand _____________ .
“They did not understand what this meant. It was hidden from them, so that they did not grasp it, and they were afraid to ask him about it.” Luke 9:45 NIV
There will be times when you’re frustrated that you just can’t seem to understand what God is saying. When life doesn’t seem to be going your way. You wonder what God could possibly have in mind.
Lesson: It’s not _________ we need, it’s __________.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6 GNT
Sometimes you’re just going to have to admit that you don’t understand WHY God seems to moving you down the path you’re traveling. In those moments remember that it’s not understanding you need, it’s trusting. God does have a good plan. When we don’t see it or understand it, we must trust it anyway. That’s faith.
#3 - Greatness is recognized by _______________ .
If ever there was a day when we must remember this truth, it’s today. One response to being frustrated is to blame someone else. (We rarely blame ourselves, right?) So when we look for someone to blame, it has to be someone who doesn’t really have the power to tell us we are to blame. The least powerful person in Jesus day was a little child…
“Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.” Luke 9:48 NIV
To welcome a little child really means to welcome the one with the least power. Jesus repeats it plainly in the back half of the verse. Who is the one who is least in our society? Not children! Immigrants. We’ve blamed so many of our problems on those who have no ability to defend themselves against our complaints. If Jesus were commenting today on our society, what would he tell us? Welcome the least among you!
Lesson: It’s not ______ that makes us like God, it’s _________ .
“A generous person will be made rich, and whoever satisfies others will himself be satisfied.” Proverbs 11:25 GWT
Why did Jesus give this mini speech about welcoming the least? Because the disciples were arguing amongst themselves about who would be the greatest! Being great has never gone out of style. There are those among us who tell us our goal as a country should be to be great again! Here’s Jesus slogan. Be generous again! Be welcoming. Only God is truly great. We can try to demonstrate what makes Him so great - by being generous with others. By being open with our help. By being selfless instead of selfish.
#4 - Our godly plans will _______________ .
Few things are more frustrating than when our plans don’t work out. Imagine Jesus’ frustration, when he among all others was open on many occasions to Samaritans, but now in his hour of need, they refuse him.
“But the people there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem.” Luke 9:53NIV
What does Jesus do? Pick another village. Disciples wanted to call fire down and destroy. Remember this the next time you want to call fire!
Lesson: It’s not about _________ , it’s about___________.
“You can make many plans, but the LORD ’s purpose will prevail.” Proverbs 19:21 NLT
This is so helpful to remember that not even Jesus’ plans always worked out. But he never doubted God’s purpose. Ok, this village says no? Let’s not waste our anger. Let’s just go to the next village. It’s not about our plans, it’s all about God’s purpose. That is sure. His purpose will prevail.
Five Simple Steps For Handling Frustration:
#1 - Ask yourself, ____________? (Galatians 6:7b)
The Bible says, "A man reaps what he sows." We are frustrated by many things in life because we bring them on ourselves. Stop looking for someone else to blame and take the blame yourself. Two good reasons - #1 - only then will you stop putting yourself in a tight spot. #2 - You’ll learn something…
#2 - Ask yourself, ______________ ? (Rom. 8:28)
"In all things God works for the good of those who love him." There are many bad things in the world, but all things work together. God can even take the negative and turn it into a positive if we let him. Use irritation as an opportunity to become more like Christ.
#3 - In the situation ____________. (1 Thess. 5:18)
"Give thanks in all circumstances." You don't have to be thankful FOR a bad situation, but you can be thankful IN a bad situation. Frustration may be a blessing in disguise. If you can only stop and see what God could be doing for you in that frustrating moment. Thanking God takes hot air out of sails.
#4 - Turn the frustration into a ____________. (Pr. 17:22)
"A cheerful heart is good medicine.” A sense of humor is God's antidote for anger and frustration. We’ve forgotten how to laugh at ourselves. We can take things way too seriously. It’s hard to be frustrated and laughing at the same time. Laughing at yourself takes you out of the central ego spot and lets you see you in human terms. Much easier life that way!
#5 - Ask God to ______________ . (1 Cor. 13:5)
"[Love] is not easily angered." Love is self-giving, not self-serving. We get irritated because we think everyone and everything has to revolve around us. Love concentrates on the other person. Can you stop your frustrations by experiencing love for someone else?
If we are living the way Jesus instructs us to live, then we will be amazed at how much God loves us. We’ll be amazed at His glory and His success and His purpose. We cannot remain frustrated with our present circumstances when we view them against the backdrop of God’s kingdom. Your choice is a simple one. Stay frustrated. Or stay amazed. You cannot do both.
Intro - Frustration is a universal condition. It’s like butting your head up against a wall. No matter what you do you seem to hit a brick wall. Sometimes it’s one step forward and two steps backward.
Good news #1 - Frustration is a completely normal human emotion. The only way you can not be frustrated is to give up.
Good news #2 - It only follows that there would come a time when Jesus would be frustrated. Today in Luke 9:38-56, we find Jesus in several frustrating situations.
Good news #3 - You can become frustrated but you don’t have to stay frustrated!
Four Lessons We Learn From Jesus’ Frustrations:
#1 Our failures of faith still lead us to _______________.
“You unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you and put up with you?”
Do you think Jesus was frustrated? Yes! Let’s dispense with the foolishness that we shouldn’t ever become frustrated. Even in the work of the kingdom of God we can be frustrated. But God is a good God! Even when He is disappointed in us, He never gives up on us!
Lesson: It’s not the ________ that stops us, it’s the _________.
“The godly may trip seven times, but they will get up again. But one disaster is enough to overthrow the wicked.” Proverbs 24:16 NLT
This is an evil world in which we are attempting to practice righteousness. The Bible tells us that we will sin sometimes. We will fail sometimes. When that happens, DON’T QUIT! Confess! Pick yourself back up.
#2 - We will not always understand _____________ .
“They did not understand what this meant. It was hidden from them, so that they did not grasp it, and they were afraid to ask him about it.” Luke 9:45 NIV
There will be times when you’re frustrated that you just can’t seem to understand what God is saying. When life doesn’t seem to be going your way. You wonder what God could possibly have in mind.
Lesson: It’s not _________ we need, it’s __________.
“Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and he will show you the right way.” Proverbs 3:5-6 GNT
Sometimes you’re just going to have to admit that you don’t understand WHY God seems to moving you down the path you’re traveling. In those moments remember that it’s not understanding you need, it’s trusting. God does have a good plan. When we don’t see it or understand it, we must trust it anyway. That’s faith.
#3 - Greatness is recognized by _______________ .
If ever there was a day when we must remember this truth, it’s today. One response to being frustrated is to blame someone else. (We rarely blame ourselves, right?) So when we look for someone to blame, it has to be someone who doesn’t really have the power to tell us we are to blame. The least powerful person in Jesus day was a little child…
“Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.” Luke 9:48 NIV
To welcome a little child really means to welcome the one with the least power. Jesus repeats it plainly in the back half of the verse. Who is the one who is least in our society? Not children! Immigrants. We’ve blamed so many of our problems on those who have no ability to defend themselves against our complaints. If Jesus were commenting today on our society, what would he tell us? Welcome the least among you!
Lesson: It’s not ______ that makes us like God, it’s _________ .
“A generous person will be made rich, and whoever satisfies others will himself be satisfied.” Proverbs 11:25 GWT
Why did Jesus give this mini speech about welcoming the least? Because the disciples were arguing amongst themselves about who would be the greatest! Being great has never gone out of style. There are those among us who tell us our goal as a country should be to be great again! Here’s Jesus slogan. Be generous again! Be welcoming. Only God is truly great. We can try to demonstrate what makes Him so great - by being generous with others. By being open with our help. By being selfless instead of selfish.
#4 - Our godly plans will _______________ .
Few things are more frustrating than when our plans don’t work out. Imagine Jesus’ frustration, when he among all others was open on many occasions to Samaritans, but now in his hour of need, they refuse him.
“But the people there did not welcome him, because he was heading for Jerusalem.” Luke 9:53NIV
What does Jesus do? Pick another village. Disciples wanted to call fire down and destroy. Remember this the next time you want to call fire!
Lesson: It’s not about _________ , it’s about___________.
“You can make many plans, but the LORD ’s purpose will prevail.” Proverbs 19:21 NLT
This is so helpful to remember that not even Jesus’ plans always worked out. But he never doubted God’s purpose. Ok, this village says no? Let’s not waste our anger. Let’s just go to the next village. It’s not about our plans, it’s all about God’s purpose. That is sure. His purpose will prevail.
Five Simple Steps For Handling Frustration:
#1 - Ask yourself, ____________? (Galatians 6:7b)
The Bible says, "A man reaps what he sows." We are frustrated by many things in life because we bring them on ourselves. Stop looking for someone else to blame and take the blame yourself. Two good reasons - #1 - only then will you stop putting yourself in a tight spot. #2 - You’ll learn something…
#2 - Ask yourself, ______________ ? (Rom. 8:28)
"In all things God works for the good of those who love him." There are many bad things in the world, but all things work together. God can even take the negative and turn it into a positive if we let him. Use irritation as an opportunity to become more like Christ.
#3 - In the situation ____________. (1 Thess. 5:18)
"Give thanks in all circumstances." You don't have to be thankful FOR a bad situation, but you can be thankful IN a bad situation. Frustration may be a blessing in disguise. If you can only stop and see what God could be doing for you in that frustrating moment. Thanking God takes hot air out of sails.
#4 - Turn the frustration into a ____________. (Pr. 17:22)
"A cheerful heart is good medicine.” A sense of humor is God's antidote for anger and frustration. We’ve forgotten how to laugh at ourselves. We can take things way too seriously. It’s hard to be frustrated and laughing at the same time. Laughing at yourself takes you out of the central ego spot and lets you see you in human terms. Much easier life that way!
#5 - Ask God to ______________ . (1 Cor. 13:5)
"[Love] is not easily angered." Love is self-giving, not self-serving. We get irritated because we think everyone and everything has to revolve around us. Love concentrates on the other person. Can you stop your frustrations by experiencing love for someone else?
If we are living the way Jesus instructs us to live, then we will be amazed at how much God loves us. We’ll be amazed at His glory and His success and His purpose. We cannot remain frustrated with our present circumstances when we view them against the backdrop of God’s kingdom. Your choice is a simple one. Stay frustrated. Or stay amazed. You cannot do both.
Church Requel's Website
Here is your online link to everything Church Requel on the Internet. Here you will find all of our sermons, in video and audio. Each week our pastor writes in his online blog and publishes an audio podcast. You'll find all of our pictures, our Facebook page and our Twitter feed. You can even connect with other Church Requel folks in our online community!