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First Baptist Church, South Haven

Worship Gathering: 4/26/20

Worship Gathering: 4/26/20

Thank you for joining us for worship this morning! While our place of worship has changed from the usual place and time, we are grateful to know that the Body of Christ can worship anytime, anywhere. As a reminder If you have a need for assistance during this time (grocery delivery, meals, etc.), please do not hesitate to call/text Kim Collins on her cell phone. We have church members ready and willing to help. We can get through this together. Our God is able.

Locations & Times

First Baptist Church

10781 76th St, South Haven, MI 49090, USA

Sunday 6:00 AM


Worship Video 4/26/2020

You can view the sermon video that correlates with today's notes on our YouTube page by clicking here.

Weekly Bulletin: 4/26/20

View this week's bulletin including general announcements and weekly prayer requests by clicking here.
Number Your Days
Psalm 90:12
Luke 12:21-23, 31,34
Pastor Jerry Koller
A handbreadth is a unit of measure that is approximately the width of a hand—typically from 2.5 inches to four inches.

It is not the intention of the Psalmist that we count how many days we have left to live.
· The Psalmist asked God to teach us to number our days because it is not something we naturally do.
· It is something that He supernaturally does in us.
Wisdom is an important biblical theme.
The book of James mentions that there are two kinds of wisdom.
· There is the wisdom of the world and there is heavenly wisdom.
Jesus used a parable to explain what happens when we don’t “number our days” in Luke 12:19–21.
Isn’t it amazing how we focus on the things we can’t have simply because we can’t have them?
A more literal translation of verse 22 would read: “And He said to His disciples, ‘For this reason I say to you…’”
Jesus said there is more to life that food and clothing, and whatever else we consider essential in our day and age.
I tell you, do not worry about your life…(Luke 12:22)
· From a New Testament grammatical perspective, anxiety and worry come from the same word and its derivative.
· Sometimes this word is translated as "worry" while at other times, the word "anxiety" is used.
· Anxiety tends to be fear-driven, whether it is seen or unseen—realistic or perceived.
· Worry tends to be a result of having no control over a person or situation.
· The world may be filled with worry and anxiety, but we are not of this world.
· May your prayer be the same as the Psalmist so that you may present to God a heart guided by wisdom.

We are here for you!

We realize that this can be a difficult and stressful time for many of our church members. As this stay-at-home order continues to be in effect and many of you are unable to work, financial hardships can be an issue. Concerns and worry about the virus, financial issues, being stuck at home, etc. can be creating emotional and psychological stress. Your spiritual wellness many be struggling as we are unable to worship together and connect with church family on a regular basis.

We are here for you!! If you need assistance in any way, please do not hesitate to reach out to us. Let us know how we can pray for you! You can submit a confidential request through our website ( or by emailing either Pastor Jerry or Kim directly. In addition, we have persons willing to shop for those who cannot go to the store themselves or help in other ways too.

While we do not have unlimited financial resources, we do have some funds available. If you are in a good spot and willing/able to help others in need, perhaps you would consider a donation to our Benevolent Fund to help those who are struggling during this time.

We are all in this together! If you have suggestions or ideas about how we can support one another, please let us know.

COVID-19/ Coronavirus Status

· Current Status: In addition to all FBC activities being cancelled until further notice, we are prohibiting access to the building to everyone unless specific permission has been granted by Pastor Jerry. If you need to come to the church, please contact Pastor Jerry in advance.
· Communication is Important! The key to getting through this is to communicate and continue to support each other however we can. Kim Collins will be working from home as much as possible. Please do not hesitate to contact her via church email, or by calling/texting her cell at 269-767-2226 if you have any questions or need assistance (grocery delivery, meals, etc.)during this time. We have church members ready and willing to help.
· Be Safe: Please be smart in safeguarding yourselves—not only for your sake, but for the sake of others. If you are sick, stay home.
· Be Faithful: Please be financially faithful. Even if you cannot gather with us, please remember that we still have expenses that need to be met.
· Be Prayerful: Please be in prayer for one another and for our nation at large.

Happy Birthday!

· Marialice Quinn (4/28)
· Allie Wilson (5/1)
· Steve Follman (5/2)
· Larry Dobberstein (5/3)
· Chelsea Hagger (5/3)

Online Giving is Now Available!

We are excited to share with you that you now have the option to support our ministries by giving an online donation via debit/credit card or by donating via your bank account.  If you're interested in sending a gift via this safe and secure option, you can do so by using this link:

We Care Food Pantry Collection

We will continue our Food Pantry collection for We Care which is needed now more than ever! Please bring your non-perishable items directly to the First Congregational Church on Phoenix Street. We suggest calling ahead (637-3804) to make sure someone is there to receive your items. Suggested items are:
· Cereal
· Dry Pasta
· Canned Vegetables
· Canned Fruit
· Tuna
· Spaghetti Sauce
· Crackers
· Rice-A-Roni
· Pork & Beans
· Canned Soup
· Peanut Butter
· Oatmeal
For questions, contact the church office. Thank you for helping those in our community who are in need.

Midweek Opportunities Via Zoom Video Conferences

· Children's Sunday School...Janette Hendrix is leading this class for children ages 5 years through 5th grade via Zoom on Sunday mornings from 9:30-10:15 AM. If you'd like your child to be included, please contact Janette.

· Youth Group...Allie Wilson is working on getting this group together via Zoom. If your middle or high school teen is interested in participating, please contact Allie.

· Women's Bible Study...Brandy Zantello is leading this group via Zoom on Tuesday evenings beginning at 6:40 PM. They are currently studying "The Armor of God" by Priscilla Shirer. If you're interested in joining, please contact Brandy.

· Bible Study...Vasha Ferguson is leading this group via Zoom on Wednesday mornings beginning at 9:30 AM. They are currently studying the book of James. If you're interested in joining, please contact Vasha.

Weekly Prayer List

· Ron Maxwell (Rocky Starland's cousin's son) who works at a store in Ann Arbor and is one of 12 employees who has tested positive for Covid-19.
· Tyler Hester (grandson of Doris Sutherland, son of Shawn & Amy Prince) is doing well as he continues to heal from Covid-19. He is feeling a lot better as his body aches and cough have subsided, his fever is gone, and he has had zero breathing issues. Thank you for your prayers, they are greatly appreciated!
· Esther Sullivan is recovering from successful surgery.
· Dan & Tracy Marshall and their family upon the death of Dan’s grandmother, Betty Nestrick, on 4/18.
· Paul & Vonnie Bodnar (uncle & aunt of Eric & Tom Brower) are recovering from Covid-19.
· Chan (former neighbor of John & Debbie Owens) is a 50-something year old woman with Down’s syndrome who is on a ventilator with Covid 19 in the Detroit area.
· The Family of Randy Hoffman (nephew of Alice Avery, Judi Beckwith & Doris Sutherland) who passed away on 4/14 following a very short battle with melanoma that spread to brain cancer.
· The Family of Phil Beckwith (uncle of Kim Collins) who passed away on 4/11 following a short battle with cancer.
· Jason Wilburn (son of Bill & Tina Wilburn) is suspected to have a bacterial or fungal infection in his lungs, along with possibly an underlying asthma issue. Doctors are trying to pinpoint the exact kind of infection so they can treat accordingly.
· Janie Kempski and her family (in-law to Curt & Patty Bales) upon the death of her husband, Mike, who passed away in his sleep on 4/6.
· Elijah Truer (nephew of Doug & Julie Zantello) continues to recover from surgery requiring 14 pins and 2 plates for a broken leg following a skateboarding accident.
· Alyssa Zantello (niece of Doug & Julie Zantello) who is a physician's assistant and has traveled to New York City to help with the corona virus outbreak there. Pray for safety and protection as well as energy and stamina as she serves in this way.
· Crystal Jennings (sister of Tracy Marshall’s brother-in-law, Louie) is diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer. She has begun chemo. Pray for treatments to be successful. Also pray that Louie isn’t a genetic carrier of the breast cancer gene and that it hasn’t passed to his daughters (Tracy’s nieces).
· Dave & Linda Ferrell and their family upon the death of Dave's brother, Don Ferrell, who passed away on 3/29.
· Lynn Rarick continues to deal with hip issues. Pray that a resolution can be figured out.
· Nancy Crowner (friend of Jean Robinson) is recovering from breast cancer surgery.
· Mike Underwood (Rocky & Sandi Starland’s son-in-law’s father) continues to have heart issues following surgery.
· Allen Quinn (34 year-old nephew of Jim & Marialice Quinn) is recovering from a massive brain stem stroke. He continues therapy in Chicago and is slowly improving.
· Anna, Gabe, Samantha and Caroline Bocock have all been diagnosed with Lyme disease.
· Check out our monthly prayer card on-line at under “Weekly Bulletins” for a list of those with on-going needs.
First Baptist Church
1635 76th Street
South Haven, MI 49090