Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene

Free From Yesterday: Rejection
Your past has no more power over you than what you give it! We're so glad you're here. Thank you for joining us today.
Locations & Times
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
This week at HFCN
1. There is an East Rockingham connection event via Zoom happening April 25th, 1pm. All are welcome, but it is limited to the first 100 participants. Go to the East Rock webpage to sign up for the interest list (if you haven't already) and you'll get an invite through email!
Sign in here to let us know you've joined us! https://abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/people/forms/125566
Sign in here to let us know you've joined us! https://abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/people/forms/125566
Your past has no more power over you than what you give it.
•Last week we began by focusing on the powerful role of shame in our lives
•This week we focus on the role of rejection
•Last week we began by focusing on the powerful role of shame in our lives
•This week we focus on the role of rejection
Paul made the decision to “forget what is behind”
•What were the things Paul needed to forget?
•Saul (before he was Paul) was an enemy of the church
•“Saul began to destroy the church” Acts 8:3
•“Saul was breathing our murderous threats” Acts 9:1
•God transforms his life and now He is Paul, servant of Christ
•Paul experienced rejection from everyone
•the Jews wanted to kill him (Acts 9:23)
•the disciples and followers of Jesus were afraid of him (Acts 9:26)
•What were the things Paul needed to forget?
•Saul (before he was Paul) was an enemy of the church
•“Saul began to destroy the church” Acts 8:3
•“Saul was breathing our murderous threats” Acts 9:1
•God transforms his life and now He is Paul, servant of Christ
•Paul experienced rejection from everyone
•the Jews wanted to kill him (Acts 9:23)
•the disciples and followers of Jesus were afraid of him (Acts 9:26)
The Truth About Our Own Journey
1. We have all experienced rejection.
•often the memories of rejection stand out more than anything else from our past
2. Rejection hurts
•There are scars that we carry for the rest of our lives because of the rejection of others
•As far as your brain is concerned, physical pain and experiences of emotional rejection are just as harmful
3. We can’t erase rejection from our past & we can’t prevent future rejection
•In fact, Jesus told us to expect rejection – John 15:18, Luke 10:6
1. We have all experienced rejection.
•often the memories of rejection stand out more than anything else from our past
2. Rejection hurts
•There are scars that we carry for the rest of our lives because of the rejection of others
•As far as your brain is concerned, physical pain and experiences of emotional rejection are just as harmful
3. We can’t erase rejection from our past & we can’t prevent future rejection
•In fact, Jesus told us to expect rejection – John 15:18, Luke 10:6
The promise we can claim is that if we are followers of Christ, God will not reject us.
•At the end of his life, Moses wants the people of God to know that He will not reject them.
•Ultimately, God would send His Son to the cross to pay the price for sin.
•We deserved God’s rejection, but instead Jesus took our place.
•“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” 2 Corinthians 5:21
•We deserved God’s rejection, but instead Jesus took our place.
•“God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” 2 Corinthians 5:21
God’s approval overwhelms man’s rejection.
•No matter how many time you have been rejected in your life today
God will not reject you
•If God won’t reject you, you can overcome any storm
•If Jesus conquered the grave....He can conquer the weight of your rejection
•No matter how many time you have been rejected in your life today
God will not reject you
•If God won’t reject you, you can overcome any storm
•If Jesus conquered the grave....He can conquer the weight of your rejection
Giving at HFCN
If you have ever have questions or need help with online giving, please let us know. finance@abeaconofhope.orgThank you for your partnership in the Kingdom of Christ!