Stone's Hill Community Church

King David
More is written about the life of David than any other human character in the Bible. He’s mentioned a thousand times in the Bible. What all can we say about him on the front end? Shepherd, fugitive, politician, king, poet, musician, prophet, warrior, friend, lover, father, sinner. He’s David, Jesse’s youngest son, the youngest of seven brothers, the family runt. Youthful shepherd of Bethlehem; and ironically a giant-slayer. Teenage king-elect. Composer of Psalms. King Saul’s personal musician. Jonathan’s closest friend. He rose from a hunted fugitive to king of Israel. And he fell from champion in battle to aged and troubled monarch. David – a man of glorious triumph, yet great tragedy. Uniquely gifted, but human to the core; strong in battle, but weak at home. Welcome to Stone's Hill and the King David series!
Locations & Times
Stone's Hill Community Church - Ligonier Main Campus
151 W Stones Hill Rd, Ligonier, IN 46767, USA
Saturday 1:00 PM
We welcome you to Stone's Hill today!
A typical Stone's Hill service has music (feel free to sing out); some announcements (things that are upcoming that you can be a part of); a message out of the Bible (God speaks to us through his Word); and an opportunity for you to respond to the message (either immediately in the case of a decision that needs to be made OR in the future as you live out the message in your life.)
So relax and enjoy your morning! We're so glad you are here!
Grace is a protection you rest in. 7 "Don't be afraid,"
Grace is a position you stand in.1 David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” 7 …for I will surely show you kindness for the sake of your father Jonathan.
Grace is a provision you land in. 7 …I will restore to you all the land that belonged to your grandfather Saul,
Grace is a portion you sit in.7 …and you will always eat at my table."
Don’t be afraid. Eat at my table. Be like a son
Ways to show God’s kindness…
What is kindness? Kindness is loving deeds, doing something for someone out of love. All kindness is, is just simply love in practical and personal ways. And it’s truly kind and good when it’s done with a good attitude. Kindness and goodness is a very practical concept which means to be pleasant, mild, and inviting, as opposed to harsh, abrupt, rude, and inconsiderate.
The world is not going to see the Lord Jesus Christ in us until they see our kindness. The world is not primarily interested in our theology. They want to know, has it changed your life?
In regard to the New Community, the church, Paul knew people would have questions. In numerous places in his letters, he offers exhortations for the people to be good, gentle, and kind.
-They speak about love... how do they treat each other?
-They speak of forgiveness... do they hold grudges?
-They speak of acceptance... will they take me in?
-They speak of God... does he make a real difference in their lives?
-They speak of caring - how do they treat the weak and the disadvantaged of society?
2 Samuel 9:1David asked, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?”
Grace is God saying “Is there anyone on earth to whom I can show kindness for Jesus, my servant’s sake?”
You never earn your acceptance with God through Jesus. It has been provided for you free of charge. It’s not just cheap; it’s free to you and me! Why? The cost has already been paid. We prodigals deserved stern lectures, but God gave us a party and a seat at the table in Jesus. Grace is really amazing.
You’ve never introduced yourself as "Mephibosheth from Lo Debar", but you could. The main points of his story - is your story:
* Born rightful heir to the throne
* Victimized by a fall
* Left with halting feet in a foreign land
* Living under the threat of death
And there's one more bullet point from this story (that's also your story):
* A palace messenger came into your life