Deermeadows Church
Sunday Worship Gathering
Live, online gathering of the Deermeadows community in worship!
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  • Deermeadows Online Gathering
    Minggu 10:15 pagi

Deermeadows Live Online

Join Sunday's worship in progress.
Call To Worship (from Ezekial 37, John 11)
Responsive Reading w/Mark Groves & Susan Payne

Leader: While we are all coming from places that have seen better days, PEOPLE: God invites us to celebrate this day, a day full of new possibilities.
Leader: Coming with our breath taken away by grief,
PEOPLE: the Holy Spirit breathes new life within us, renewing our connection with God and with one another.
Leader: Coming to worship seeking a hope that will endure,
PEOPLE: Christ unbinds the chains that hold us in sickness and death, speaking in Word and Presence, and building community for worship-filled service.

Prayer Of Praise
Susan Payne & Congregation
God of life, present and promised, YOU are the One to whom we call: for you are the One who hears, and you are the One who acts, bringing us new life with your grace and love and power. Lead us in this time of worship, to be prepared to follow your lead in places where life is at risk— places where hope seems far away, places where dreams die during sleep. When we leave this time of worship, help us live like Jesus... THROUGH Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
Blessed Assurance Jesus Is Mine
Who You Say I Am

Life In Community
Chris Gillespie

Kids Min. Wednesday Nights Live

Student Min. Student Night Live

Live Stream Maundy Thursday Service

Prayer Of Dedication
Danny Edwards - Deacon

Offertory: Blessings (Laura Story)
Laura Pasquith
Title: Garden Prayer
Scripture: Mark 14:32-42
Larry Yarborough
We Behold His Glory
Original airing 3/31/2019