Harrisonburg First Church of the Nazarene

Drifting, Part 2: The Two Sides of Technology
Technology, a neutral, often-helpful resource, can often be used as an escape. Our affection for God can slowly be replaced by affection for distraction. But God has equipped us in special ways to swim against this drift. Thank you for joining us this weekend, as we continue this series together!
Locations & Times
Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg
1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
This week at HFCN
1. Next Sunday, we will take up a special offering for the East Rockingham Campus launch!
2. Church annual elections are happening March 22 and March 29.
3. GO Trips. As followers of Jesus, we are called to Go! There are so many opportunities in 2020 to go into all the world with Christ's love! More info online or at the Connect Center.
For any of those events (and more) visit: https://abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/registrations
4. Interested in serving or receiving updates from our East Rockingham Campus (coming in 2021!). https://abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/people/forms/103821
March bulletin---> https://indd.adobe.com/view/425fcf31-ffd1-4991-91e5-88df37ddc34f
The writer of Hebrews is calling for us to "throw off" two things set up as distinct:
- “Everything that hinders” and
- “Sin that so easily entangles”
“hinders” is onkos in Greek (or literally something that weighs us down)- a burden that has the effect of dragging us down until it stops us.
- “Everything that hinders” and
- “Sin that so easily entangles”
“hinders” is onkos in Greek (or literally something that weighs us down)- a burden that has the effect of dragging us down until it stops us.
If we are called to throw off everything that hinders....What is it today that is hindering you?
This series addresses three specific things that can hinder us:
The truth is technology is a neutral.
-There is nothing about technology that is inherently destructive or evil
-Technology is like any other other medium – paper, music, images
-It is neutral in that it can be used in positive ways and be extremely helpful, but it can also be destructive
-There is nothing about technology that is inherently destructive or evil
-Technology is like any other other medium – paper, music, images
-It is neutral in that it can be used in positive ways and be extremely helpful, but it can also be destructive
We begin to drift when we don’t possess technology, but when it possesses us.
-The issue is not technology in and of itself, but rather how we use technology
-It is critical to examine the role we allow it to play in our lives
-The issue is not technology in and of itself, but rather how we use technology
-It is critical to examine the role we allow it to play in our lives
Two things that happen when technology causes us to drift:
1. It changes us...
-Much of the technology being created today is being designed for distraction and addiction
-Biologically, something happens in our brain as we are actively engaged in technology
-When it comes to technology, many of us are at least at the level of compulsion (“I have to look”), but many are at the level of addiction
-Technology also impacts our perception of ourselves and others through constant comparison (social media)
-We begin to drift when technology changes us from the inside out
2. It consumes us...
-Technology is not just changing us internally, but it is also consuming our time, energy, outward habits, and practices
-Our media has no clear “stopping cue” as we just keep scrolling, watching, and consuming
-Unlimited access means we often have no margin, and don’t know when enough is enough
-We begin to drift when technology consumes our time, energy and focus
1. It changes us...
-Much of the technology being created today is being designed for distraction and addiction
-Biologically, something happens in our brain as we are actively engaged in technology
-When it comes to technology, many of us are at least at the level of compulsion (“I have to look”), but many are at the level of addiction
-Technology also impacts our perception of ourselves and others through constant comparison (social media)
-We begin to drift when technology changes us from the inside out
2. It consumes us...
-Technology is not just changing us internally, but it is also consuming our time, energy, outward habits, and practices
-Our media has no clear “stopping cue” as we just keep scrolling, watching, and consuming
-Unlimited access means we often have no margin, and don’t know when enough is enough
-We begin to drift when technology consumes our time, energy and focus
Bottom Line:
We don’t have a technology problem; we have a worship problem.
We don’t have a technology problem; we have a worship problem.
In Luke 12:34 Jesus said our hearts will follow after our treasures...
-Treasures are not just possessions and money but also our attention
-There is a restlessness in our hearts that God alone can fill
-Our problem ultimately isn’t technology; it’s that technology becomes what we turn to in place of God
-Treasures are not just possessions and money but also our attention
-There is a restlessness in our hearts that God alone can fill
-Our problem ultimately isn’t technology; it’s that technology becomes what we turn to in place of God
“The root problem is not technology. It is the gaps we are trying to fill in our hearts with technology.”
John Mark Comer
John Mark Comer
We know our use of technology is healthy when...
...it doesn’t interfere with a lifestyle of worship
...it isn’t an obstacle to learning the practice of silence and solitude
...it prevents us from seeking God’s wisdom and guidance first
...it is not a constant distraction (something we possess, not something that possesses us)
...it doesn’t interfere with a lifestyle of worship
...it isn’t an obstacle to learning the practice of silence and solitude
...it prevents us from seeking God’s wisdom and guidance first
...it is not a constant distraction (something we possess, not something that possesses us)
We know our use of technology is unhealthy when...
...we create no boundaries
...we lack intentionality
...we mindlessly consume, not aware of its impact on us
...we allow technology to numb, instead of allowing God to fill us
...we create no boundaries
...we lack intentionality
...we mindlessly consume, not aware of its impact on us
...we allow technology to numb, instead of allowing God to fill us
What do we do?
-Pay attention to what’s happening in your heart and commit to reorienting your focus on worship
-Intentionally pray, intentionally set boundaries, not out of legalism but out of a renewed desire to worship fully
-Pay attention to what’s happening in your heart and commit to reorienting your focus on worship
-Intentionally pray, intentionally set boundaries, not out of legalism but out of a renewed desire to worship fully
Other Verses & Resources to Consider:
We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.
Hebrews 2:1
I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 7:35
Excellent resource by John Mark Comer called “How to Unhurry”
We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away.
Hebrews 2:1
I am saying this for your own good, not to restrict you, but that you may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the Lord.”
1 Corinthians 7:35
Excellent resource by John Mark Comer called “How to Unhurry”
Giving at HFCN
Thank you so much for your partnership in the Kingdom of Christ!