Puyallup Nazarene Church
The Yoke of Abundance
"Jesus’s invitation is to take up his yoke—to travel through life at his side, learning from him how to shoulder the weight of life with ease. To step out of the burnout society to a life of soul rest." Those hopeful words are intended to break us free from living under the scarcity of our own resources and fears. Jesus' way is better by far.
Locations & Times
  • Puyallup Nazarene Church
    1026 7th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98371, USA
    Sunday 8:15 AM
"Take my yoke upon you." Say what?
It's more and different than you think it is.
Questions for Group Life Communities

Our Vision: Encouraging, Equipping and Empowering a Community of Christ-followers who are Inviting People into a Relationship with Jesus.

Opening Question: On a scale of 1-10, how stressed are you? What tends to relieve your stress?

Read Matthew 11.25-30

1. Take each section in these words from Jesus and ask yourselves this question: What does Jesus reveal to us about the Father and about himself? (1) verses 25-26, then (2) verse 28, and finally (3) verses 28-30.

2. As you read again through these teachings of Jesus, what qualifies any of us for God's help and the Jesus offer of deep renewal?

3. There is a contrast presented by Jesus, a serious one: the 'wise and learned' and 'little children' or 'little people.' What's the difference that Jesus sees? Can you tell when you have been one or the other?

4. As completely as you can, discuss the invitation in verses 28-30? What is important, surprising, life-altering, etc. in Jesus' offer to us?

5. In offering us his yoke, Jesus doesn't offer us an escape from life, but equipment--a different way of carrying life.

This can be experienced by responding obediently to the commands of Jesus (for example, Matthew 5.38-48 and 6.25-34--loving your enemies, not being anxious). How is this a better yoke, a refreshing way to carry life? How are you doing with this? Where is the struggle or battle?

But also, by taking up his yoke Jesus is calling us to imitate his way of life, his life style, priorities and rhythms (for example, Mark 1.35-37--setting time to get away to pray; as well as sabbath, slowing down, simplicity). Do you think it's more difficult to change your behavior or your life-style?

6. Why is "taking his yoke and learning from him" important if we are to have enough time for the mission of Jesus--to bring the good news and good works of God's reconciling love for everyone.

7. What would it mean for you to be yoked to Jesus? What would need to change in the WAY you live your life, your rhythms and priorities, so you could give time to the mission of God and intimacy with God (just like Jesus)?

8. What does Jesus promise? How can you tell that you need what he promises?

Next Week's Study: 2 Corinthians 8.1-9 and 9.8-15


Prayer with Fasting, this Wednesday. Take a meal or a regular activity out of play and instead, pray. Ask God to shape your life more to be more aligned and empowered with HIS love.

Open Invitation to a Prayer Gathering, Thursday (Feb 13), 7pm-8.15pm. Youth Worship Room

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