Marina Christian Fellowship

Sunday 10 AM - February 2nd, 2020
Sunday Worship Service
Locations & Times
Marina Christian Fellowship
12606 Culver Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90066, USA
Sunday 10:00 AM
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The Mission of Marina Christian Fellowship
To return the broken to wholeness in an expanding community of grace and compassion.
To return the broken to wholeness in an expanding community of grace and compassion.
Series: Make A Change
Title: Cultivating Contentment
Text: Micah 6:8; 1 Corinthians 1:25-30a; Matthew 5:1-12
Tragedies often have the effect of causing us to think about what is really important. What does it mean to live a good life, and are we living such a life?
Everyday is a gift. Use it wisely.
It is not the big accomplishments, or the size of our bank accounts, or all the stuff that we own. Rather it is all the little things done with great love. It is when we show up fully present to each moment bringing the best of ourselves. When we are fully present to the moment, we bring God’s presence into any situation. And it is all of those “fully present” moments in which we bring a compassionate heart, and with gratitude for all we have been given, graciously give to others.
He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NRSV)
Grace keeps us humble. When we are aware that ALL that we have is a gift from God, how can we not be humble? What did we, or can we, achieve on our own? Nothing! All we can do is say, “Thank you!”
“The root of joy is gratefulness...It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” –David Steindle-Rast
When we are grateful for all the ways, big and small, God gives us grace, that leads us to the third “G” which is GIVING.
Grace leads to
Gratitude which leads to
He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NRSV)
Giving is not just tithing 10% to a church, or tossing out handouts. It is a grateful sharing of the joy we have because God has been so generous to us. Each heartbeat and breath we breathe is a gift from God. One day our hearts will beat their last beats and our lungs will breathe their last breaths. Those who are grounded in grace and gratitude know that each beat and breath is a gift from God and so they use this precious gift from God, we call life, wisely for the sake of others. In that way, they keep God’s grace in circulation.
“Live simply so that others may simply live.” – Mahatma Ghandi
“You pray for us and we will pray for you. We are dying physically, but you in America are dying spiritually. We would rather die physically.”
25 For God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God's weakness is stronger than human strength. 26 Consider your own call, brothers and sisters: not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; 28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, things that are not, to reduce to nothing things that are, 29 so that no one might boast in the presence of God. 30 He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus…. 1 Corinthians 1:25-30a (NRSV)
We do not need to change our physical location. We simply need to change the location of our attitude. We are always invited to simply tap back into the source of our contentment and joy. The way to do that is to focus on the grace God has given us in Christ Jesus. This leads to gratitude and gratitude leads to free and joyful giving. When all people are free to give joyfully, everyone will have enough to thrive both physically and spiritually.
The word, “Beatitude” comes from the Latin, “Beatus” which means, “Happy” or “Blessed.” Therefore when Jesus gave the beatitudes, he was describing the “good life.” He was talking about true happiness or blessing.
The American Beatitudes
Blessed are those who have the most stuff, for they shall find prestige and comfort in their things.
Blessed are the proud and boastful, for they shall be called true patriots.
Blessed are those who hold a grudge, for vengeance shall be theirs one day.
Blessed are the well armed, for they shall be feared and protected from harm.
Blessed are the rich, for they shall be envied and have their way in all things.
Blessed are those who exploit the poor and the weak, for unto them all things shall be cheap and made available on demand.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for security above all else, for they shall find peace just over the horizon.
Blessed are those who keep out the foreigner, for theirs shall be a land free of discomfort, challenge, and diversity.
Blessed are those who ignore the desperate cries of their neighbors, for theirs is the assurance of knowing God helps those who help themselves.
Focus on God’s GRACE
And you will find GRATITUDE
Gratitude will lead you to contentment and joyful GIVING
Eucharist = An act of thanksgiving
Communion brings us into the enoughness of God. We remember that it is not about me, but it is about “we.” What God so freely gives us, we are meant to freely give. The presence and grace of Christ is more than enough to cultivate contentment in our lives. It touches and satisfies that deepest place of longing in our hearts. When we become grateful people because we have been fed by Christ himself with all of the riches of God’s table, we have more than enough to share. We are free to simplify our lives. We are free to walk humbly with God, to love sharing with kindness, and to work for justice so that there will be enough for everyone and we can live in true communion with God and each other.
May you find contentment and simplicity in grace so that you experience the good life of walking humbly with your God. May you be free to do what is just and to love sharing kindness up to the last beat of your heart and the last breath of your lungs. May God bless you and God’s Holy Word. Amen.
Title: Cultivating Contentment
Text: Micah 6:8; 1 Corinthians 1:25-30a; Matthew 5:1-12
Tragedies often have the effect of causing us to think about what is really important. What does it mean to live a good life, and are we living such a life?
Everyday is a gift. Use it wisely.
It is not the big accomplishments, or the size of our bank accounts, or all the stuff that we own. Rather it is all the little things done with great love. It is when we show up fully present to each moment bringing the best of ourselves. When we are fully present to the moment, we bring God’s presence into any situation. And it is all of those “fully present” moments in which we bring a compassionate heart, and with gratitude for all we have been given, graciously give to others.
He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NRSV)
Grace keeps us humble. When we are aware that ALL that we have is a gift from God, how can we not be humble? What did we, or can we, achieve on our own? Nothing! All we can do is say, “Thank you!”
“The root of joy is gratefulness...It is not joy that makes us grateful; it is gratitude that makes us joyful.” –David Steindle-Rast
When we are grateful for all the ways, big and small, God gives us grace, that leads us to the third “G” which is GIVING.
Grace leads to
Gratitude which leads to
He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God? Micah 6:8 (NRSV)
Giving is not just tithing 10% to a church, or tossing out handouts. It is a grateful sharing of the joy we have because God has been so generous to us. Each heartbeat and breath we breathe is a gift from God. One day our hearts will beat their last beats and our lungs will breathe their last breaths. Those who are grounded in grace and gratitude know that each beat and breath is a gift from God and so they use this precious gift from God, we call life, wisely for the sake of others. In that way, they keep God’s grace in circulation.
“Live simply so that others may simply live.” – Mahatma Ghandi
“You pray for us and we will pray for you. We are dying physically, but you in America are dying spiritually. We would rather die physically.”
25 For God's foolishness is wiser than human wisdom, and God's weakness is stronger than human strength. 26 Consider your own call, brothers and sisters: not many of you were wise by human standards, not many were powerful, not many were of noble birth. 27 But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; 28 God chose what is low and despised in the world, things that are not, to reduce to nothing things that are, 29 so that no one might boast in the presence of God. 30 He is the source of your life in Christ Jesus…. 1 Corinthians 1:25-30a (NRSV)
We do not need to change our physical location. We simply need to change the location of our attitude. We are always invited to simply tap back into the source of our contentment and joy. The way to do that is to focus on the grace God has given us in Christ Jesus. This leads to gratitude and gratitude leads to free and joyful giving. When all people are free to give joyfully, everyone will have enough to thrive both physically and spiritually.
The word, “Beatitude” comes from the Latin, “Beatus” which means, “Happy” or “Blessed.” Therefore when Jesus gave the beatitudes, he was describing the “good life.” He was talking about true happiness or blessing.
The American Beatitudes
Blessed are those who have the most stuff, for they shall find prestige and comfort in their things.
Blessed are the proud and boastful, for they shall be called true patriots.
Blessed are those who hold a grudge, for vengeance shall be theirs one day.
Blessed are the well armed, for they shall be feared and protected from harm.
Blessed are the rich, for they shall be envied and have their way in all things.
Blessed are those who exploit the poor and the weak, for unto them all things shall be cheap and made available on demand.
Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for security above all else, for they shall find peace just over the horizon.
Blessed are those who keep out the foreigner, for theirs shall be a land free of discomfort, challenge, and diversity.
Blessed are those who ignore the desperate cries of their neighbors, for theirs is the assurance of knowing God helps those who help themselves.
Focus on God’s GRACE
And you will find GRATITUDE
Gratitude will lead you to contentment and joyful GIVING
Eucharist = An act of thanksgiving
Communion brings us into the enoughness of God. We remember that it is not about me, but it is about “we.” What God so freely gives us, we are meant to freely give. The presence and grace of Christ is more than enough to cultivate contentment in our lives. It touches and satisfies that deepest place of longing in our hearts. When we become grateful people because we have been fed by Christ himself with all of the riches of God’s table, we have more than enough to share. We are free to simplify our lives. We are free to walk humbly with God, to love sharing with kindness, and to work for justice so that there will be enough for everyone and we can live in true communion with God and each other.
May you find contentment and simplicity in grace so that you experience the good life of walking humbly with your God. May you be free to do what is just and to love sharing kindness up to the last beat of your heart and the last breath of your lungs. May God bless you and God’s Holy Word. Amen.
Spotify Playlist of Today's Songs
Click the link below to check out the playlist! from Today's Service:
So Good To Me by William Matthews
Pour Out My Heart by Vineyard
Lord I Need You by Matt Maher
Uncomplicated by J. Brooke Fenwick
Your Love Changes Everything by United Pursuit
Everything by Lauren Daigle
So Good To Me by William Matthews
Pour Out My Heart by Vineyard
Lord I Need You by Matt Maher
Uncomplicated by J. Brooke Fenwick
Your Love Changes Everything by United Pursuit
Everything by Lauren Daigle
Your Giving Makes a Difference!
MCF “happens” because of your giving! Your generous financial partnership is vital and greatly appreciated! You can give at the following link below or by texting MCF to 77977. Events
2/5/20 - MCF Midweek: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Group is full/closed)
2/9/20 - Youth Group in the Youth Room at 9 AM
2/9/20 - Worship Service: “Make a Change” Sermon Series - Defined by Generosity
2/12/20 - MCF Midweek: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Group is full/closed)
2/16/20 - Youth Group in the Youth Room at 9 AM
2/16/20 - Worship Service: “Make a Change” Sermon Series - Living the Good Life
2/19/20 - MCF Midweek: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Group is full/closed)
2/20/20 - SPY Dinner
2/26/20 - Ash Wednesday (Supper 6PM and Gathering at 7PM)
2/9/20 - Youth Group in the Youth Room at 9 AM
2/9/20 - Worship Service: “Make a Change” Sermon Series - Defined by Generosity
2/12/20 - MCF Midweek: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Group is full/closed)
2/16/20 - Youth Group in the Youth Room at 9 AM
2/16/20 - Worship Service: “Make a Change” Sermon Series - Living the Good Life
2/19/20 - MCF Midweek: Emotionally Healthy Spirituality (Group is full/closed)
2/20/20 - SPY Dinner
2/26/20 - Ash Wednesday (Supper 6PM and Gathering at 7PM)