Central Community Church

Pastor Bob Beckler
Locations & Times
Central Community Church
6100 W Maple St, Wichita, KS 67209, USA
Sunday 9:15 AM
Sunday 11:00 AM
Sunday 1:00 PM
A lack of church attendance leads to a lack of worship which leads to a lack of community which leads to a lack of prayer which leads to a lack of Bible reading which leads to a lack of faith and the result is that living for God fades and living for the world takes precedence.
Nothing done halfheartedly produces something exceptional.
Biblical teaching, vibrant Worship, and authentic Community.
Biblical teaching is based on what God says and not what man says.
It means Life-giving worship
Worship can be described as “worship”
What is Community?
You and I have a new identity…Christ
We have the same story
We have the same assignment
We have each other
Giving Options
Please use the link below to setup your new one-time and/or recurring gifts. You can also text give to 316-330-3535. We thank you for your generosity to the mission of Central Community Church.
https://centralcommunity.onlinegiving.org/donate/loginWatch/Listen Online
Central Community's teaching is available online. Click the link to go to our website. The weekly sermon can also be found on your favorite podcast app by searching for Central Community Church.