Creekside Community Church

Saved To Grow
2020 Vision: Getting Clear on Creekside’s Convictions January 26th, 2020 Jeff Bruce, Lead Pastor
Locations & Times
Creekside Community Church
951 MacArthur Blvd, San Leandro, CA 94577, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
1.How we grow
2.How this impacts what we do at Creekside
For further thought and discussion:
Getting Started
1. What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2. If you could ask God to change one aspect of your character, and you were certain that he’d do so immediately, what would you ask him to change? Why? Why do you think you haven’t experienced a deeper, most lasting change in this area?
Going Deeper
3. Read Galatians 2:19-21. How does Paul live the Christian life (see also Romans 1:16-17; Hebrews 11:6)? What implications does this have for how we grow as Christians (see Colossians 2:6-7)? Why is Christian growth about trusting before it’s about trying?
4. What’s the fundamental reason we don’t grow as Christians (See Romans 1:24-25; Ephesians 4:17-19; 2 Peter 1:9)? How does this change the way we look at repentance?
5. When we understand that lasting change comes through deepening our belief in the gospel, how does this change the way we read the Bible (see 2 Timothy 3:15)? How is this point personally relevant to you?
6. When we understand that lasting change comes through deepening our belief in the gospel, how does this change the way we relate to another (see Ephesians 4:15)? How does this impact the way we counsel each other/hold each other accountable? How is this point personally relevant to you?
7. Jeff gave several examples of how deepening our faith in the gospel produces change. Which of these stood out to you? In what area do you need to deepen your faith in the gospel? How could you go about doing this? How would your life change?
8. What’s one thing you can do this week to apply this passage?
Getting Started
1. What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2. If you could ask God to change one aspect of your character, and you were certain that he’d do so immediately, what would you ask him to change? Why? Why do you think you haven’t experienced a deeper, most lasting change in this area?
Going Deeper
3. Read Galatians 2:19-21. How does Paul live the Christian life (see also Romans 1:16-17; Hebrews 11:6)? What implications does this have for how we grow as Christians (see Colossians 2:6-7)? Why is Christian growth about trusting before it’s about trying?
4. What’s the fundamental reason we don’t grow as Christians (See Romans 1:24-25; Ephesians 4:17-19; 2 Peter 1:9)? How does this change the way we look at repentance?
5. When we understand that lasting change comes through deepening our belief in the gospel, how does this change the way we read the Bible (see 2 Timothy 3:15)? How is this point personally relevant to you?
6. When we understand that lasting change comes through deepening our belief in the gospel, how does this change the way we relate to another (see Ephesians 4:15)? How does this impact the way we counsel each other/hold each other accountable? How is this point personally relevant to you?
7. Jeff gave several examples of how deepening our faith in the gospel produces change. Which of these stood out to you? In what area do you need to deepen your faith in the gospel? How could you go about doing this? How would your life change?
8. What’s one thing you can do this week to apply this passage?
For Further Thought and Discussion
Getting Started
1. What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2. How would you complete this sentence? “I will be satisfied when….”
Going Deeper
3. Please read Luke 2:21-38. How would you describe Simeon? Anna? What does vs. 29-30 tell you about Simeon?
4. How do Simeon and Anna exemplify the truth that fulfillment is the result of wanting the right thing? Can you identify anything you’ve looked for fulfillment from which has disappointed you? Why?
5. Why are Mary and Joseph amazed (vs. 32) at what Simeon says about Jesus? How is Simeon’s message different from what the Jews expected of the Messiah? (vs. 30-35). How do Simeon and Anna exemplify the truth that fulfillment is the result of embracing temporary discomfort for an eternal reward? How does Mary? Can you think of an example of when temporary discomfort led to satisfaction?
6. How do Simeon and Anna exemplify the truth that fulfillment is the result of believing before seeing? Why does true fulfillment require faith? What are you currently waiting for God to do?
What is one thing you can do this week to apply this passage?
Getting Started
1. What was helpful to you in this week’s sermon? What didn’t you understand?
2. How would you complete this sentence? “I will be satisfied when….”
Going Deeper
3. Please read Luke 2:21-38. How would you describe Simeon? Anna? What does vs. 29-30 tell you about Simeon?
4. How do Simeon and Anna exemplify the truth that fulfillment is the result of wanting the right thing? Can you identify anything you’ve looked for fulfillment from which has disappointed you? Why?
5. Why are Mary and Joseph amazed (vs. 32) at what Simeon says about Jesus? How is Simeon’s message different from what the Jews expected of the Messiah? (vs. 30-35). How do Simeon and Anna exemplify the truth that fulfillment is the result of embracing temporary discomfort for an eternal reward? How does Mary? Can you think of an example of when temporary discomfort led to satisfaction?
6. How do Simeon and Anna exemplify the truth that fulfillment is the result of believing before seeing? Why does true fulfillment require faith? What are you currently waiting for God to do?
What is one thing you can do this week to apply this passage?