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LifePointe Christian Church

Stand Alone - Great Expectations

Stand Alone - Great Expectations

Speaker: Derek Gute, Adult Ministries Pastor

Locations & Times

LifePointe Christian Church

10291 E Stockton Blvd, Elk Grove, CA 95624, USA

Sunday 8:30 AM

Sunday 9:45 AM

Sunday 11:15 AM

Conscious & Subconscious
Spoken & Unspoken
Realistic & Unrealistic
“Maybe Jesus could heal our friend?”
The actions of the four men carrying the paralytic showed their tenacious faith.
Two Possibilities:
1. Jesus is speaking the truth and He is God
2. Jesus is a liar and blasphemer
“To speak against someone; to harm one’s reputation.”
It’s easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven” because that is difficult to refute.
3 Truths to Learn
3 Truths to Learn:
1. Jesus has the authority to heal, physically and spiritually
Have you experienced the healing that only Jesus can provide?
“We should also remember that physical well-being is not the essence of the Christian faith.”
3 Truths to Learn:
1. Jesus has the authority to heal, physically and spiritually
2. Jesus is able to do more than we expect, ask, or imagine
3 Truths to Learn:
1. Jesus has the authority to heal, physically and spiritually
2. Jesus is able to do more than we expect, ask, or imagine
3. Our faith should lead to action
Where do you need to demonstrate your faith in Jesus through action?

Is there someone in your life who needs to be brought to God so they can be healed?
Where do you need to demonstrate your faith in Jesus through action?


We want to pray for you! Send a prayer request to:


MEXICO MISSION TRIP / APRIL 4-9, 2020 EARLY BIRD PRICE: $625 - register online before Jan 19, 2020.
We partner with Kingdom Builders in Tecate, Mexico to build two houses and host a VBS for the local community.
Full trip details at:
HELP NEEDED NOW: behind-the-scenes assistance with admin tasks and promotion. Questions: Dawn Sousa at:

NEXT STEPS / JAN 12 / 9:45 -11:00 am (during 2nd service)
Join Pastor Derek at Basecamp (upstairs, through the balcony) to learn about ways you can connect! Light continental breakfast provided. Space is limited.
Register online or in the lobby by Jan 5 at:

LP STUDENTS: WINTER CAMP (7th-12 grade) / FEB 14-17 Save the Date!
Get ready for an amazing weekend at Mount Hermon.
Cost: $210 ($50 deposit due when registering).
Registration opens Dec 29.
Full details at: SAVE THE DATE:

WOMEN’S IF: Gathering Conference 2020 / FEB 29 / 9am -5pm
Women's IF:Gathering will be hosted at LifePointe. More details coming soon!

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