Harrisonburg First Church of The Nazarene

Jesus & (my enemies)
Often, the words of Jesus surprise us. Surely, He'll agree on my perspective when it comes to my enemies, right? Let's see... Thank you so much for joining us.
Locations & Times
Church of the Nazarene - Harrisonburg
1871 Boyers Rd, Harrisonburg, VA 22801, USA
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
This week at HFCN
1. We're offering Child Dedication one week from today. If you want to have your family be a part of that, please reach out at info@abeaconofhope.org or call 540.434.1092.
2. Discover Your Church is happening on September 29 at 10:30AM (until about 1pm). This is a great way to get to know your church! (Lunch included) If you want to be a part of this class (required for membership), register by September 25. Use the following link to sign up! https://abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/people/forms/14878
September 2019 Bulletin: https://indd.adobe.com/view/c3da4ced-bcb6-47ed-af1b-65a1b7c3e48f
Website: abeaconofhope.org
Giving: abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/giving
Event Registrations: abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/registrations
info@abeaconofhope.org. 540.434.1092
2. Discover Your Church is happening on September 29 at 10:30AM (until about 1pm). This is a great way to get to know your church! (Lunch included) If you want to be a part of this class (required for membership), register by September 25. Use the following link to sign up! https://abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/people/forms/14878
September 2019 Bulletin: https://indd.adobe.com/view/c3da4ced-bcb6-47ed-af1b-65a1b7c3e48f
Website: abeaconofhope.org
Giving: abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/giving
Event Registrations: abeaconofhope.churchcenter.com/registrations
info@abeaconofhope.org. 540.434.1092
True transformation begins not by ACTING differently but by THINKING differently.
Verses 43-44
Jesus speaks of AGAPE, meaning “unconquerable love”
AGAPE love is not a feeling of the heart, but a determination of the mind.
We need the mind of Christ to love in this way.
Jesus speaks of AGAPE, meaning “unconquerable love”
AGAPE love is not a feeling of the heart, but a determination of the mind.
We need the mind of Christ to love in this way.
Verses 44-45
We love our enemies, not so we will be blessed, but instead because this is what it means to be children of God.
We love our enemies, not so we will be blessed, but instead because this is what it means to be children of God.
Verses 45-47
Jesus does not call us to a love that is REACTIVE but rather a love that is PROACTIVE.
Jesus does not call us to a love that is REACTIVE but rather a love that is PROACTIVE.
Verse 48
Jesus call us to TELEIOS, meaning “growth” or “completeness”
If we want to live out this radical call to love, then we have to allow the Spirit of God to make us like Him.
Jesus call us to TELEIOS, meaning “growth” or “completeness”
If we want to live out this radical call to love, then we have to allow the Spirit of God to make us like Him.
Jesus is not interested in making us moral people.
Jesus wants to make us like Him.
Jesus wants to make us like Him.
How do we respond?
“This is beyond me”
“On my own I can’t do this”
“God, I need your Spirit”
“I need your power”
I engage the world around me with the power of His Spirit.
“This is beyond me”
“On my own I can’t do this”
“God, I need your Spirit”
“I need your power”
I engage the world around me with the power of His Spirit.
The powerful truth:
“As the Spirit transforms us, each person who encounters us encounters the living God."
“As the Spirit transforms us, each person who encounters us encounters the living God."
Christ’s Mind Versus the Human Mind as it Relates to Our Enemies
The Mind of Christ / The "Merely Human" Mind
Defaulting to love (Phil 2:4) / Defaulting to defense or fear
Building bridges (Luke 10:35) / Building barriers
Challenging feelings of animosity (Matt 5:43-44) / Feeling justified by hate
Making personal sacrifice (Luke 10:33-34) / Being inherently self-concerned
Looking for opportunities to approach / Looking for opportunities to avoid (Luke 10:32)
The Mind of Christ / The "Merely Human" Mind
Defaulting to love (Phil 2:4) / Defaulting to defense or fear
Building bridges (Luke 10:35) / Building barriers
Challenging feelings of animosity (Matt 5:43-44) / Feeling justified by hate
Making personal sacrifice (Luke 10:33-34) / Being inherently self-concerned
Looking for opportunities to approach / Looking for opportunities to avoid (Luke 10:32)
Giving at HFCN
Thank you so much for partnering with us in the Kingdom of Christ!