Central Assembly
1 Corinthians & 21st Century Living - Surviving Church
Pastor Jim Bradford | September 1, 2019
Locations & Times
Central Assembly
1301 N Boonville Ave, Springfield, MO 65802, USA
Sunday 10:30 AM
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http://www.centralassembly.org/connectEugene Peterson, The Jesus Way
"I love Jesus but I hate the church" is a theme that keeps reappearing with variations in many settings. So it is interesting to note that Jesus, who in abridged form is quite popular with the non-church crowd, was not anti-institutional. Jesus said, "Follow me," and then regularly led his followers into the two primary religious institutional structures of his day: the synagogue and the temple. Neither institution was without its inadequacies, faults, and failures. The temple especially was shot through with corruption, venality, injustice, discrimination . . . All the same, he didn't boycott the place. . . A spirituality that has no institutional structure or support very soon becomes self-indulgent and subjective and one-generational.
"I love Jesus but I hate the church" is a theme that keeps reappearing with variations in many settings. So it is interesting to note that Jesus, who in abridged form is quite popular with the non-church crowd, was not anti-institutional. Jesus said, "Follow me," and then regularly led his followers into the two primary religious institutional structures of his day: the synagogue and the temple. Neither institution was without its inadequacies, faults, and failures. The temple especially was shot through with corruption, venality, injustice, discrimination . . . All the same, he didn't boycott the place. . . A spirituality that has no institutional structure or support very soon becomes self-indulgent and subjective and one-generational.
Let's first remember our accountability to God
The Great White Throne Judgment
The Judgment Seat of Christ
In our preoccupation with . . .
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- Music
- Programs
- Relevance
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Let's not forget . . .
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- Love
- Surrender
- Encounter
- Evangelism
- Worship
- Love
- Surrender
- Encounter
- Evangelism
Let's stay hungry for God's presence