StoneBridge Community Church
Fresh Starts: How To Start Fresh, Part 2
Pastor Neal Nybo
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Online Connection Card
Introduction to Series: Fresh Starts
God is ready to be engaged and involved in our fresh starts. The Old Testament is full of examples of God leading his people in new ways through new opportunities - both exciting and challenging.
This three-week series will help us see our fresh starts in light of God's direction, resources, and desire for our best.
A little (actually a lot) about foul balls
1. Have confidence in the Lord.
A few words about the history of trapeze
Next Step
Reflection Questions
2. What does it mean to you to have confidence in the Lord?
3. Does it have any practical implications for daily life?
4. Or, might it mean for specific situations when we can't depend on ourselves or others?
2. Wait quietly for help.
Next Step
Reflection Questions
2. What ultimately happened in the situation?
3. The next time something requires depending on God, would you do anything differently?
3. Yield to new training.
More info about Situational Self-Leadership
Next Step
Reflection Questions
2. As you look at your example, can you identify the four stages of development from situational self-leadership?
3. Is there a skill, hobby, or sport you are interested in enough to go through the four stages to become self-reliant?
The Text In Context
Wait And See
The ALPHA Course New Session begins Thursday, September 12th @ 6:30pm The ALPHA Course is a 10-week opportunity to explore the validity and relevance of the Christian faith for our lives today. It’s a practical introduction to the basics of Christianity with opportunities for questions and discussion. The style of Alpha is informal, friendly, and non-pressured. Dinner and child care is provided. Call Paul or Katrina Dixon at 805-579-8066 to sign up.
It’s the new normal to live in a digitally connected world, and yet parents often find themselves asking questions like: “Why do my kids constantly check their phones?" and “How can I supervise what my kids are saying and sharing?”. If you find yourself wanting more information, ideas, and action steps for engaging with digital media as a parent, then these are the workshops for you. Parents with kids of ANY age are welcome, but we’ll be focusing on common questions and ideas for parenting school-aged children and teenagers. Sign up this weekend on your connection card, through YouVersion, or send Ms. Stephanie an email at
Growth Group lead/host form
StoneBridge Christian Recovery is designed to help you on the road to recovery of any hurts, habits, or hang-ups that are keeping you from a joyful and productive life. If you feel like you resonate with this, then please join us on Wednesday nights.