Worship Center
Act Your Wage - Part 2: "In God We Trust"
Locations & Times
  • Worship Center
    2384 New Holland Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601, USA
    Sunday 9:00 AM, Sunday 11:00 AM, Monday 7:00 PM
God offers a path from financial pressure to financial peace through wise stewardship and generosity.
1. Don't consume more than you have.
Proverbs 22:7b ESV

7 ... and the borrower is the slave of the lender.
Deuteronomy 28:12b ESV

12 ... And you shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow.
2. Don’t consume today at the expense of tomorrow.
Proverbs 21:5 MSG

5 Careful planning puts you ahead in the long run; hurry and scurry puts you further behind.
3. Everything you have, should not be everything you consume.
“An object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion stays in motion with the same speed and in the same direction UNLESS acted upon by an unbalanced force.” – Newton's First Law of Motion
Small Group Outline & Discussion Questions
Celebrate and Care:

Have each person share a high and low from this past week.
Big Idea:

God gave Israel principles to keep them out of financial bondage. As we apply these things, they can help us on the path from financial pressure to financial peace.
Open Up:

What did you learn about handling money as a child? Where did you learn it?

Choose one or two questions for your group to discuss as time allows.

- Read Proverbs 21:5. What is a good financial decision you made in the past that is now producing fruit?

- Who is someone you know personally that deals with their money well? What about them makes you think that?

- How could intentionally having a margin give financial freedom? When or how would it be used?

- What are some small financial decisions people could make today that would have impact on tomorrow? What are some big decisions?


Spend 1-2 minutes in silence with these questions then share your thoughts.

Pastor Chris offered several options as action steps. What are 2-3 actionable goals God would have you do?
Pastor Chris offered several options as action steps. What are 2-3 actionable goals God would have you do?

- Sign up online for Financial Peace University (weekly class starting Sept. 23. Register at: worshipcenter.org/groupfinder)

- Pay more than the minimum balance on a credit card.

- Cancel a subscription you don’t use enough.

- Limit eating out.

- Brew your own coffee.

- __________________ (insert other step here)