GateWay Church of Visalia
Wonderful Counselor
Guest Pastor Chris Kirish December 12 & 15, 2019
Locations & Times
GateWay Church
1100 S Sowell St, Visalia, CA 93277, USA
Thursday 5:45 PM
Sunday 8:30 AM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Do you believe God speaks to you?
You have no idea what God can set into motion through one single act of obedience.
Do you ask GOD what you should do as much as you ask PEOPLE what you should do?
Advocate = pä-rä'-klā-tos:
“one called alongside to help” And can mean a helper, comforter, exhorter, intercessor, encourager, advocate, or COUNSELOR.
Why doesn’t God speak to me?
#1: How often do you SEEK God?
#2: How often do you OBEY God?
If you feel like God isn’t speaking lately go back to the last thing He told you to do and ask yourself: DID I DO IT?
“If you love me you will obey Me.” ~ Jesus
“If you love me you will obey Me.” ~ Jesus
“Wonderful Counselor”
Prayer Requests:
Discussion Questions:
Read Isaiah 9:1-7
1. What positive associations do you have with light?
2. What are some of the injustices in our society that you have noticed and care about?
3. What attributes of God are apparent in this passage?
4. How is God’s promise of the coming child an answer to His anger over our sin?
5. How would you explain the Light that came into your darkness?
6. Why might it be dangerous to downplay the seriousness of our situation whenever we encounter hardship?
7. How much of the injustice Isaiah condemned in his time do you see in our own time?
8. What specific injustice in your area of influence can you challenge in the name of God? How?
9. What person do you know who is still "walking in darkness" for whom God would have you pray?
10. The reaction to such dramatic change is bound to be
strong. What evidence is there in the gospels of surprise, disbelief and contempt when he who was called "the Light of the World" began his work in Galilee?
11. How has the Lord brought light into your dark corner of the world?
Prayer Requests:
Discussion Questions:
Read Isaiah 9:1-7
1. What positive associations do you have with light?
2. What are some of the injustices in our society that you have noticed and care about?
3. What attributes of God are apparent in this passage?
4. How is God’s promise of the coming child an answer to His anger over our sin?
5. How would you explain the Light that came into your darkness?
6. Why might it be dangerous to downplay the seriousness of our situation whenever we encounter hardship?
7. How much of the injustice Isaiah condemned in his time do you see in our own time?
8. What specific injustice in your area of influence can you challenge in the name of God? How?
9. What person do you know who is still "walking in darkness" for whom God would have you pray?
10. The reaction to such dramatic change is bound to be
strong. What evidence is there in the gospels of surprise, disbelief and contempt when he who was called "the Light of the World" began his work in Galilee?
11. How has the Lord brought light into your dark corner of the world?