StoneBridge Community Church

Around Every Corner: Be a First Follower
Pastor Neal Nybo
Locations & Times
StoneBridge Community Church
4832 Cochran St, Simi Valley, CA 93063, USA
Saturday 5:30 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM
Online Connection Card
Introduction to Series: Around Every Corner
We can make a difference within blocks of our homes and offices. We can have a longer, more personal impact where we live.
1. Become a first follower.
How To Start A Movement And The Value Of First Followers
Reflection Questions
2. When have you become a first follower for someone else?
3. The narrator in the What It Takes To Start A Movement video said, "The First Follower transforms a lone nut into a leader." Why do you think first followers are so important?
The Text In Context
2. Grace transforms people.
Reflection Questions
2. Do you know people who have changed because they have been recognized or acknowledged?
3. Describe a time in your life when you experienced grace (unearned favor, approval, kindness).
3. Pushback is normal.
Reflection Questions
2. Can you imagine and describe Zacchaeus' feelings about people's resentment before Jesus acknowledged him?
3. How might his feelings have changed after Jesus became his first follower?
4. Transformation leads to salvation.
Reflection Questions
2. How might being recognized and appreciated help someone move away from being lost?
3. How might church attenders' behavior change if their first interest was to be a part of Jesus' work to find and restore the lost?
4. Which of the next steps will you work on this week?

We are looking for a reliable Handyman to undertake the upkeep and repair tasks at StoneBridge. We’ll rely on you to keep our facilities in perfect condition by doing various odd jobs. Deft hands and technical knowledge are important parts of a handyman’s arsenal. You must be well-organized with strong general repair skills. A keen eye for detail and physical stamina are valued greatly in this job.
Handyman Job Opportunity

StoneBridge Christian Recovery is designed to help you on the road to recovery of any hurts, habits, or hang-ups that are keeping you from a joyful and productive life. If you feel like you resonate with this, then please join us on Wednesday nights.