Belgrave Heights Convention
Certainty in an uncertain world BHSC Saturday 28 Dec 2019/20
Christian Convention: Welcome We live in a troubled and uncertain world - it's easy to become discouraged! At this Summer Convention we venture into this 'uncertain world' through the eyes of Job (OT) and remind ourselves again of the hope we have in Christ in the book of Hebrews (NT). We welcome you to join us in order to 'hear God's Word, become like God's Son, and serve God's mission.'
Locations & Times
  • Belgrave Heights Convention
    3 Convention Ave, Belgrave Heights VIC 3160, Australia
    Sábado 9:30 AM, Sábado 11:30 AM, Sábado 4:00 PM, Terça-feira 11:30 AM
David Williams - Preparing for Tomorrow
Introducing - Preparing for Persecution
1. Drifting: 2:1-4
2. Disconnecting 10:23-25 and 32-35
3. Disobeying 3:12-14
11.30am David Richardson - Introducing Job
The Question: What does Job teach us about God?
i) Who?
a) Wisdom
b) Wealth
c) Worship

ii) Questions
a) Why is there suffering?
b) Why do I suffer?
c) how do I suffer?

The Answer: The Lord is full of compassion and mercy.
7pm David Williams - The Exalted Christ
1. The Supreme Son 1:1-4
2. Greater than Angels 1:5-14
3. Lower than Angels 2:5-9
4. Helping Humanity 2:10-18

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